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That One Dude

Thar last won the day on January 13 2023

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About Thar

  • User Group: That One Dude

  • Member ID: 16

  • Title: she blows

  • Post Count: 451

  • Post Ratio: 0.23

  • Total Rep: 502

  • Member Of The Days Won: 80

  • Joined: 01/07/2019

  • Been With Us For: 1938 Days

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  • Age: 31


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  1. Already posted this in the discord, but I might as well put it here as well.

    Question for RPers: You ever feel like you're losing interest in an RP but don't want to just leave? If so, how do you maintain that interest and keep yourselves motivated? It's been something I've struggled with and want to improve on, cause I feel like I lose interest too quickly and too often.

    1. Chaos Sonic

      Chaos Sonic

      I have this on numerous accounts, but somehow along the way as the RP goes, something springs my interest and enjoyment back to life for it. It's usually a hit or miss thing, but like you, Radio and the bovine said in Duck's thread, it's normally about just activity to get people into an RP. There are other factors, but those tend to be the high ones.

    2. LordCowCow


      Personally speaking I think it's unhealthy to stick around if you're not interested unless the cause of the lack of interest can be changed by talking with someone.

      If you for instance are losing interest due to low activity, or feeling you can't do anything, then it's best to tell the host that. Things like that a host should be able to help with if you're open about it.

      If you just don't feel interested anymore and can't single out a cause it's bad to try and force yourself to continue and overall can hurt the RP because then the issue of someone not posting but people waiting for them because they think the person just needs a little more time.

    3. LordCowCow


      That said if you're open about lack of interest and need to be "written out" for a bit to see if your interest comes back that could work too. Basically don't force yourself, talk about it openly, and make sure you're not just staying with the flawed logic of "Well I don't want to cause trouble"

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