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That One Dude

Everything posted by Thar

  1. https://www.cnet.com/news/google-stadia-gaming-at-gdc-2019-everything-just-announced/ So this is a thing. No price yet, but I'm certainly not surprised they're jumping on the "instant access" bandwagon. also pretty ballsy of them to say their new game development division will rival Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo right out of the gate
  2. "Dunno, forgot. But all I know is you must've hit him real hard." "Ah okay, that's fair. It's just that-" Lesnar began to respond before seeing that Valerie had already shifted her attention to another guy leaning against a wall. "Hey, what's a good-lookin' gaijin like yourself doin' here? My name's Itsuki, what's your's?" Lesnar took this opportunity to reapply his headphones to play something mellow and calming to put him at ease, but before he pressed play, he heard one of the teachers begin to speak. "Alright everyone, let's calm down now. The test has now concluded. No more fighting unless instructed, 'kay? Now that you're all here, you've passed the U.A. entrance exam, and as such will be enrolled into the first official hero course." Lesnar passed. He knew this, but hearing it announced confirmed it. A wave of excitement and satisfaction hit him, so much so that he could confuse it with his internal ringing. "However, if we sense that you will be even the slightest threat to the government, or people of Japan, we will kick you out no questions asked. This means that your first assignment will be to answer my one question here, when you come back for class. What does it mean to you, to be a hero?" To be a hero... what a loaded question. Lesnar asked it to himself under his breath, pondering on what response to give. He had a good idea for what it meant, especially after the acts he's made back in New York, but to have it asked directly... it was hard to put into words. "I would like to be the first to welcome you to our school, U.A! Allow me to introduce myself. I am the Edge Hero, Sharp Shogun! I'll be the head teacher for 1-A's class, so those of you all who end up there, I'll see you on Monday! To the others, dwell on that question, and give your teacher a fine response...or they'll kick you out for good." Oh fuck, seriously? Lesnar screamed in his thoughts. Kicked out for giving a wrong answer to the vaguest question he's ever been asked? Rewinding a bit in his memory, that teacher's name was Sharp Shogun. Good to know. Also, he teaches class 1-A. Is that the class Lesnar would be going to? He supposed he'd be notified of where he was placed, which he didn't much care about... except that perhaps Valerie would be in the same class as him? Lesnar could only hope, but all unlikely fantasies aside, the mass of people were dismissed, which Lesnar followed albeit slower than most. Slow enough to see that Misu girl was staying behind in his peripherals. Of course, he kept walking, not wanting anything to do with that steaming stack of scary. Nonetheless, he went back to his apartment, where his bed was. Still exhausted and now sore, he swayed to fall onto his bed and almost fall asleep immediately. The following morning was even more painful as the soreness from the day before began to swell. Lesnar groaned as he got up from bed minutes before his alarm went off, immediately turning it off. Like a zombie with feelings, he went about his morning routine; get out of bed - see what there's to eat - grab the first thing I see - you know what, this doesn't sound good - grab something else - decide on something for fuck's sake - eat it - regret my decision but it's too late now - brush teeth, throw on clothes... you get the idea. Finally ready for the day, he grabbed what he was sure was all he needed, including the acceptance letter he received from the school. Reading it for the first time was a surreal moment. Despite knowing that he got it, and hearing it being announced, reading it on paper was a whole different experience. On the letter was the usual pep talk from teachers congratulating the accepted students, but the most important bit was the class he was assigned to: Class 1-B. Finally, he knew where to go. Leaving his apartment, he knew that there was no one to say goodbye to before his first day of school. Those days were gone, and he was thankful for it. That morning gave him a feeling of deja vu as he walked down the same path he did the previous day, only this time paying more attention to his surroundings. His headphones were on, but only one ear was covered with calm music playing (Rush - Subdivisions). As he approached the school, he entered his own personal GPS mode, following the halls and hugging the walls to find the sign that said 1-B, which he did after a few missed turns. Either way, he was able to make it on time. He paused for a moment before sliding the door open to reveal the classroom full of students. He immediately began to scan for people he recognized. Misu, the steam engine. Yuudai, Valerie, the hot- ahem, fiery girl, Hibiki, the bat girl. Yuuka, the... uh... He only vaguely recalled Yuuka, let alone what her quirk was, but that was a question for later. Others were either in the room that he didn't recognize or had yet to arrive. What's important was Lesnar was on time and not awkwardly late. The situation would've killed him. He found himself a seat, somewhat comforted by the familiarity with most of his classmates. Before sitting down, he approached Valerie. "Same class, huh? What a coincidence." He chuckled shyly, veering his eyes to the side. He wasn't sure if the sudden rise in body temperature was her aura or his blood starting to accelerate. On the test field it was different, but now that things have calmed down, adrenaline was no longer a factor in getting words out well. He would just have to wait on how things turn out in terms of meeting new people.
  3. Making people make Yui do graphic design is my passion.

  4. Julian couldn't sleep. Ever since he left home, nothing felt right. His home was in a quiet, peaceful place away from the hustle of modern civilization. Next thing he knew, he was on a giant moving ship in space, sharing stiff military bunks with others as if privacy was a luxury that they couldn't afford. Either way, his dreams haunted him and the food that they served did not sit well with him. He loved the freshly cooked game that he would bring home that was served with vegetables picked right from the garden. Now he was left with his slop. It was almost insulting. During the second night, he merely laid there without any desire to drift off and accept the fact that his insides were twisting like balloon animals. "Am I in hell?" he muttered under his gas mask as he pressed a button on the front to release another hit of painkillers in a gaseous form, which was stored in a pack that he had tucked alongside the bed. There was a slight, sharp hissing sound followed by a flinch. It was bitter, but the feeling of relief that followed was the compromise, much like black coffee in the morning. It wasn't until then when he was able to relax and catch up on the sleep that he missed. It wasn't long after when a sudden shake of the ship nearly knocked him out of bed the following afternoon. He instinctively reached to grab his medpack, not realizing until later that he wasn't actually falling. With a sigh of relief and frustration, he composed himself enough to sit up and stretch, eventually getting up to walk amongst the ship. Clipping his pack into his back, he made his way to the library, passing the entertainment room on the way. He could hear another shipmate mashing what he assumed was one of the arcade machines, but Julian was too tired to care much. He just wanted to unwind with a book, let alone a good one given the limited supply that they had. He found the farthest possible place in the room from a TV as he grabbed the first thing that caught his eye. Flipping to the first page, he hit another puff of PK and lost himself in the mediocre plot, only barely noticing another person entering the room in his peripherals.
  5. "Love, Death, & Robots" is so good, holy shit.

  6. Slowly but surely working my way towards upgrading my battle station. Got a dual monitor mount on its way followed by a nicer desk that'll arrive later next week. Should things work out as intended, I'll get a second monitor and an HDMI splitter. One screen will be solely meant for computer use while the other will lead to an HDMI switch, one port leading to the other screen while the other ports will potentially be used for consoles. That's my goal.

    1. mido9


      You reminded me, me and nour are (likely) going to be buying desktop computers after this semester; Nour hasnt been able to play almost anything since skullgirls and I haven't since like, Phantom pain which ran badly even with though the game is famously very highly optimized.

  7. Lesnar's body was still under a heavy load of exhaustion and pain, but he didn't realize where he was until he noticed his entire backside was up against the ground as he came back to consciousness. The ringing had settled as well as he heard voice of what seemed like other students making it past the gate and completing the test. Lesnar groaned and stood up, rubbing his head. Even though the ringing had stopped, his had developed a splitting headache. Rubbing his eyes, he slowly worked his way back on to his feet, brushing off whatever stuck to his back that was on the ground. He looked around, noticing a familiar demon-like kid walking away from him. Did he wanna say something? "Looking forward to it!" As soon as he heard Valerie's voice, everything became clear. He looked in her direction to see that she was talking to the one walking away from him. He did indeed know who that kid was, and he certainly looked frustrated. However, to have gotten back successfully, that meant that he was able to make up for that loss in the city, which was a relief to Lesnar. He was obviously trying his hardest to make it in along with the rest of the entrants, though having been responsible for taking a badge from him, he felt a little guilty. He went over, still a little dizzy after just waking up, in his direction but hesitated to speak as he let him go to his comrade who had also made it back. With them gone, it was only him and Valerie. The rest were blurred. "Ugh... must've passed out." he groaned, rubbing his head again, "I guess more people are making it back. That kid, though... the one that looks like a... demon? Do you know his name? I feel like I played dirty with him..." He looked over at him, but he seemed to meld with the crowd that mingled with the other ones that passed.
  8. I'm not single. My girlfriend just lives in the future.

  9. Shonen school environments are always fun. Even though there's already one running, I'd be down for another. Noting interest, btw
  10. Matt Mercer streaming Game Master mode in Divinity: Original Sin 2 could not be any more perfect.

  11. What Cowcow said, you can manually copy/paste content from posts/threads, but you can't export/import user data over. I personally don't mind because starting on a clean slate is exciting for me, though I agree that having that high reputation looks appealing. Either way, I don't think it's a big deal. If you absolutely need it, you can just go to YCM for reference, though if it crashes again I guess it doesn't hurt to have that back-up just in case. Up to you.
  12. Was nearly blocked off from my neighborhood by firetrucks. Apparently there was a police chase which led to a crash into one of the buildings (not mine, thankfully.) Also, there was a toddler in that car that wasn't wearing their seatbelt, so now they're hospitalized. Absolutely ridiculous.

    1. Comrade Duck

      Comrade Duck

      This terrifies me. ?

  13. gg Dova, someone who actually makes consistantly good contributions to a relevant section while I'm just sorta here.
  14. Hard to say. The whole idea of hosting one sounds very intimidating. But if I had no choice, I'd probably go with a contemporary fantasy world, something like D&D but less complicated and restricted to rulesets. Seems like fun. Would be interesting to have a One Piece setting focused exclusively on members of the Marines, not pirates. Curious how that would go.
  15. If you could drop one active RP right now, which would it be?
  16. That's how we're gonna win. Not fighting what we hate. Saving what we bort.

  17. Yesterday morning I had two cups of coffee and was completely drowsy and sluggish all day. This morning I had no caffeine whatsoever and I am noticeably more awake and alert than I've been in a while. Okay.

    1. mido9


      When coffee wears off, you'll get much sleepier than you would have been if you hadn't taken any at all because of the buildup of the chemicals that make you sleepy all releasing at once.

      It can also make you dehydrated, which also make you sleepy.

      It's not "lol, free energy", it's basically stealing the energy you have later in the day for some in the morning.

    2. Thar


      Yeah I get that, I was just expecting more of a withdrawal from skipping my daily fix.

  18. Any open-world game with plenty of missions, collectibles, and rewards for discovery. Skyrim and Witcher 3 come to mind. I can see myself spending so much more time on those two games considering how my playtime pales in comparison to others. Hell, I have nearly 100 hours on Skyrim and my strongest character isn't even level 30 yet. Same with Witcher 3. I had to start a NG+ playthrough just to try and do more stuff in the world and even then I managed to skimp out on it. Not too sure about a third game, though. Having thousands of hours of playtime on games is not really my thing, so perhaps if there's nothing else to do in the games I mentioned, I would just give up gaming entirely and find something else to do with my life. lol
  19. Is it just me or has this match-up happened before?
  20. That final Codec message from MGS2 was... terrifyingly accurate. How was that written nearly two decades ago?

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