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Arbalest's Big Crossbow


Status Updates posted by Arbalest's Big Crossbow

  1. Rescue Rabbit coming to Duel Links is incredibly hilarious to me.

    Ofc it's worse there than in the reg since your decks are smaller but it's still really fucking funny.

    1. Mr Spaz

      Mr Spaz

      I'm still waiting for Pot of Desires

  2. So for this character, I was showing Raeg some of the generic duelists in the game and he was like "you should duel this girl." And then I did and had forgotten what deck she runs and my starter deck got completely destroyed. Raeg this is your fault. Anyways, new entry!





  4. So, today's weird dream. There were giant, uh, hummingbug things flying around in circles making weird noises in the sky. For some reason I decided to climb into a tree and throw acorns at one, and then it flew towards me (and suddenly we were in a room which doesn't look like mine but apparently was mine). Then it started going Marie Kondo on a bunch of spoiled food lying around. It wasn't hostile or anything, and it was implied that it was going to eat the food.

    I woke up starving.

  5. Who tf punished this man's eagle??? Just incredibly rude


  6. Who wants to see a simp


  7. You: Stop being toxic

    Me: Ok wtf I am not toxic! Being toxic is bad, and I refuse to be bad!

    1. UltimateIRS
    2. Thar


      I'm addicted to you, but I know that you're a gamer

  8.  I like big butts and I can not lie
    You other brothers can't deny
    That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
    And a round thing in your face
    You get sprung, want to pull up tough
    'Cause you notice that butt was stuffed
    Deep in the jeans she's wearing
    I'm hooked and I can't stop staring

    1. DragonSage


      I can mostly certainly deny at least the girl part.

  9. *Chef's kiss* Now THIS is-a Halloween!

  10. *Stuffs YCMaker into a locker.*

    1. Spinny


      :goodjob son:

  11. @(‽) shouldn't be a mod because I think he's scary and secretly evil, but it's fine if you make him a mod anyways to prove me wrong

    1. LordCowCow


      jokes on you he's the only actual mod on the site

    2. Arbalest's Big Crossbow
    3. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      It would be really funny if I was promoted.

  12. Mother nature sure loves proving me wrong. Earlier this year I said it would never snow on Christmas over here. I go outside to get lunch and what do I see? Precisely two snowflakes

  13. After disappearing into the void for 2 months, I finally have done another one of these blog things.


    1. LordCowCow


      How was the void?

    2. Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      A bit shit. Wouldn't recommend it as a place to visit.

  14. Am I powerful enough to make a status in these trying times?

  15. An alternative universe in which everything is the same except Johnny Cash covered Closer instead of Hurt.

  16. And she's calling a cab

    And I'm calling a cab

    And we're both calling a cab

    And the cab is calling a cab

    1. Thar



  17. As an American, I'm pretty sure that all of Europe is just Belgium.

  18. Been replaying Tagforce 1, and I am reminded just how much I love Book of Moon. Such a simple but versatile card.

  19. Been sick all of yesterday. Personally do not recommend this. Avoid getting sick, if you can.

    1. Thar


      1/5 stars on Yelp

    2. LordCowCow


      simple, just don't get sick

  20. Celcius is fuckin scary, where did all the degrees go, halpEnBSGV6XUAE422V?format=png&name=small

  21. Co, ic everyone looking forward for the cummer ceason and the cweltering heat?

    1. yui


      of source

    2. Thar


      cusk my disk

  22. Daily reminder that chickens are VILLAINS and MUST BE STOPPED. Also I have a new update for my blog thingy.


  23. Dear lord I have heard Yuma's voice on Duel Links. Why does he sound like an old woman?

    1. Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Fucking STOP IT with this "feeling the flow" shit

    2. Void


      New VA. Seems Eli James wasn't available to reprise the role.

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