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The Chayncemaniac


Status Updates posted by The Chayncemaniac

  1. I'm posting 2 of the first 10 episodes of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, will post the other 8 tomorrow. It's currently storming where I am at and I don't want to lose any progress.

  2. Who wants to join me on a journey of rewatching Mighty Morphin Power Rangers? I just recently picked up the entire series and I want to post a review of each episode... it's on discs with 10 episodes per disc, so I figure watch a disc and review each episode then a few days later continue on the series. I'm assuming it'd go under movies & TV right?

    1. LordCowCow


      I have the set too actually...though only watched a bit of it despite having it for a while

    2. radio414


      you should blag about it

    3. The Chayncemaniac

      The Chayncemaniac

      That's a good idea, I think I will

  3. Unstoppable with Denzel Washington and Chris Pine is an underrated movie

  4. I didn't forget Day and Night 4 of my hunger games, I just had a serious case of the don't want to's yesterday 

  5. In the whole time I've played Fall Guys, I've never understood those who wait at the end of a race and try to grab ppl to prevent them from winning... just had one cost himself a first round win because of it

    1. Thar


      They don't care about winning. They just wanna screw people over.

  6. I'm creating a few cards and I have pictures for 2 but I can't think of names or effects for them. This one and this one... any help would be kindly appreciated

    1. Yemachu


      For the first image I'm thinking of either: Scowlar (Scolar + Owl (+ Scowl?)) or Bibliophowl/Bibliofowl (Bibliophile + Owl + Fowl). Some parts of those words might not be entirely applicable, but… ehh.

    2. The Chayncemaniac

      The Chayncemaniac

      I like that, and I created an effect to make it a support monster for the Spellbook archetype... but the other one has me stumped

  7. How are there 12 Disney Princesses but only 11 Disney Princes? I'm only talking about the official ones, that's not including the animals (Simba, Bambi, Kovu, etc) and Vanellope from Wreck-It Ralph isn't an official princess according to everything I've read

    1. The Chayncemaniac

      The Chayncemaniac

      No I'm not saying that at all, I was legitimately curious... I completely forgot that Merida is the solo one 

    2. radio414


      now that i think about it merida is probably more aro because of the pun though she could be ace also

    3. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      Half the time people say ace they mean aro anyway

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  8. I just had a thought... now stay with me on this... during the Cell Saga in DBZ, Goku was Super Saiyan for a whole week before he faced Cell and Goten was conceived that week right? That means Chi-Chi literally had a being stronger than a planet killer, Frieza, and he had become exceptionally stronger since then... and she lived to give birth. So she's stronger than a planet right?

    1. Comrade Duck

      Comrade Duck

      Yes. Also, Cell lost to Gohan because he didn't have enough Mitochondria.

  9. So I'm in the process of creating another Hunger Games doing heroes and villains again, same franchises but the heroes instead of villains and vice verse... however... there's really not a hero in Baldi's Basics... so I need a hero from a franchise not in the first one 

    1. yui


      The Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin')

    2. The Chayncemaniac

      The Chayncemaniac

      What's funny is I did random on the heroes wiki fandom and that was the first one to pop up 

    3. yui


      it was meant to be

  10. I'm opening packs on Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution and one of the cards I pulled was Dystopia the Despondent, 5K ATK and DEF seems really OP with it's effect too... but the fact you have to have 4 Level 1 monsters on the field to summon it seems like a drawback, I mean I guess it balances out it's OP by having that summoning condition

    1. Blake


      it sucks tho

    2. UltimateIRS


      it's a 5k vanilla except it stops your other monsters from attacking

      the protection effect isn't relevant because it only works in the battle phase

      just run utopia the lightning if you really need to swing for 5k

    3. The Chayncemaniac

      The Chayncemaniac

      I wasn't going to use it, just voicing my opinion... I love the card art, the name is interesting but the summoning condition makes it not worth it alone

  11. A guy that graduated high school the year after I did, not exactly sure how, but he passed on the 25th of this month, he was only 28. Goes to show how short life really is.

  12. Kathy Bates & Adam Sandler's on screen chemistry in the Waterboy is unmatched

    1. Blake


      this is 50 first dates erasure

  13. I just had a random thought... is Jaden the only protagonist in Yugioh to integrate cards from most of his friends into his deck? Whether it's for just a short period or for a while

    1. The Chayncemaniac

      The Chayncemaniac

      I remember when he gave Chumley the Master of Oz, probably one of my favorite episodes because Chumley's deck is one of the most underrated decks in the franchise IMO

    2. Mr Spaz

      Mr Spaz

      Does the duel with ZONE where Yusei used all the other Signer Dragons count?

    3. Yemachu


      In Duelist Kingdom you had the shadow duel between Yugi and Bakura where Yugi incorporated the favorite cards of his friends in his deck, with Joey as Flame swordsman, Tristan as Cyber commander and Téa as Magician of Faith.

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  14. I haven't forgotten about my hunger games, yesterday was just a super busy day. Gonna get a shower and then will work on day and night 2

  15. I'm not too familiar with The Eternals, but that teaser left me curious about them

  16. Mark Ruffalo deserves his own solo Hulk movie!

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      Marvel Studios cannot produce solo Hulk films, per the arrangement with the character rights.

    2. The Chayncemaniac

      The Chayncemaniac

      I understand that but still, it'd be nice

  17. Life just isn't fair sometimes... one of my little sister's friends, who is age 13, is currently fighting for her life at a hospital. She had a seizure and now she is unresponsive...

  18. I'm considering making another Hunger Games... but I'm not sure what I should make it on... video game protagonists, video game antagonists, or supporting characters? No matter what, I'm only going to pick one character from a franchise. What do y'all think??

    1. MetalSonic


      Why not pair each protagonist with their antagonist?

    2. The Chayncemaniac

      The Chayncemaniac

      That was a thought that crossed my mind too, but I also could pair them but not be from the same franchise since I'm only wanting to use one from each franchise.

  19. What in the world? YouTube has gone off the rails


    1. Thar


      When has it been ON rails?

    2. The Chayncemaniac

      The Chayncemaniac

      Years ago when they weren't as strict on the community guidelines 

  20. Cyberpunk 2077 isn't as bad as people say, the cutscenes and dialogue run a little long though

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      How many patches do you think there have been between the December release and now?

      Paying customers shouldn't be bug testers.

    2. Thar


      Haven't experienced that many issues on my end either, and I enjoyed what I played so far, but I agree - the way it was handled was pretty bad and I understand any frustrations people feel with it.

    3. The Chayncemaniac

      The Chayncemaniac

      I just experienced it crashing once last night, thankfully I manually saved right before

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  21. Brian Hull, the youtuber that first got famous for his Disney & Pixar characters sing Let It Go just landed his first major movie role! He plays Dracula in the latest Hotel Transylvania movie!


  22. I've seen Avengers Endgame countless times and I JUST NOW realized Bucky knew what Cap was going to do... dang I'm slow

  23. RIP to the Original Gangsta New Jack... 


  24. After over a year, I was finally able to watch the live action Mulan movie. I really enjoyed it, I think Mulan's dad was my favorite casting choice for the whole movie

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      too bad it's tencent.

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