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Status Updates posted by radio414

  1. it's april fools so here you go

    this one's free

  2. swiggedy swaccinated i'm halfway vaccinated

  3. tumblr_m3ksovmXqU1qmubgso2_500.png

    It's the blag's birthday! Well, not quite because of how years work, but it's close enough that I'm going to celebrate anyway. How am I celebrating, you ask?

    ... by posting the same thing I would have anyway, Miki's visual novel ending. Still, I hope you enjoy it! 


  4. yo it's yemachu's birthday everybody say happy birthday yemachu!

  5. EtWq38kUcAIT9Y_.png

    Apparently this is true, but it was the nineties and the movie hadn't confirmed just how gay they were yet. I dunno, I wasn't there.

    Anyway, speaking of gay, time to get the Juri ending in this week's blog post.


    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      I mean it's not 1 for 1, but I really don't think it's a stretch to say that kill la kill is intended, at least on some levels, to be a high-octane utena for a new age. Also I don't really feel like going into it too deeply, but ryuko and mako both inside of junketsu is pretty clearly an allegory for being gay in a family/society that pressures you to conform to societal norms i.e. marry a man who will run you life (with the life fibers taking on that role).

    2. radio414



      yeah that take was cold when i made it back in november

    3. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      I mean, a LOT of people write off KLK as just tits and ass.

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  6. fandoms exist and fansubs exist but what i really want is a fanswitch

    give me a switch, lemme play mario

    1. Thar


      that's video game communism, and that will not be tolerated in this society of based scalpers

    2. UltimateIRS


      if your computer is good enough you can download a switch

  7. d1a168f6-f722-4111-ab17-46b948014e5d.png

    We're at the final day of the story, so let's blaze through these final save points and see what ending I got. New blog post is up now.


  8. i have some spare diesel fuel do i make an nft of this status or do i skip the middleman and set fire to, like, a hundred trees

    decisions decisions

  9. 154477312_5765320660152120_3334399987891We're rounding out Day Three of our (almost) titular four days in Ohtori with this new blog post.


  10. new godspeed you! black emperor won't be coming out on my birthday but it'll be close enough that i'm going to say it was so thanks i hope i love it

    1. Hina's Simp

      Hina's Simp

      Seriously? I am excited, this is exciting.

  11. it's officially been march for twelve months now

    1. yui


      happy marchiversary

  12. EtlucLHVgAAf0ET.jpg

    Not to upstage Tormented's brand new blag which you should check out but we're also doing a let's play of an old game and just hit page three! Very exciting.


  13. santa hat really do be the new christmas lights huh

    1. radio414


      why stop at two?

    2. LordCowCow


      because much like the FE polls I can add one each year

    3. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      What the fuck radio why would you take this away from me

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  14. nonbinary icon mx. potato head

    1. Thar
    2. Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Nb Potato Head is cool and all, but what would be even cooler would be if Hasbro didn't abuse their workers.

  15. Etqe8xMXMAAZfSE.jpg:largeEtqe88-XcAEVnY9.jpg:largeEtqe9ILWYAAE69b.jpg:large

    We continue our adventures in Ohtori Academy by doing all the things anyone would want to do when at a fantastic school like this: looking at clubs and shopping.


  16. same_picture.PNG

    We're learning more about Chigusa Sanjouin this blog post, a girl who's totally not the villain why would you even ask?


  17. We have acronyms associated with wtf, ftw, and tfw, but what about wft, fwt, and twf?

    1. Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Ah yes, "We'll Face This," "Fuck Wit' This," and "Two-Weapon Fighter."

  18. I'm starting a Let's Play for my blag, but I'm putting the intro video here because I want as many people to see exactly what I'm getting myself into. After you watch that, click the link below:


  19. About twenty-one (21) hours left to vote on the next topic of my blag. I'll leave a link again to the most-recent post where I go over the options, and hey, did you know there's a little arrow button in the corner that will zip you right to the top of NCM? So you read the post, click the arrow, and bang, you're looking right at the poll.

    Go vote, you cowards? Is that what I'm supposed to say here?


  20. giphy.gif

    And we're back! I've made a poll to decide where my blog goes next, and a mini-post about the four options, so come vote!


  21. I wouldn't normally plug this thread, especially since I bet there are people tired of seeing it bumped to the top of misc. every day or so but there's a story in this post that I want people to see.


  22. listen i like girl scout cookies as much as the next but samoa and tagalong boxes have more air in them than cookie seems like kind of a bunk deal

    1. Thar


      They call them Samoas cause you always want S'moa

    2. yui


      it's fine though because everyone knows thin mints reign supreme

  23. last year i forgot when blue monday was well this year i remembered

    how does it feel

    1. Thar


      I'm quite sure that you'll tell me

  24. is the pixar movie up an isekai

    1. radio414


      is the pixar movie coco an isekai

    2. Thar


      the internet really needs to do a better job agreeing on a definition for these things cause several different sources define it slightly differently

    3. Blake


      it's okay the internet is bad at defining most everything

      like furries

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