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Everything posted by Blake

  1. One friend returns, while another leaves.

  2. "Yo, glad to see you and Gojira's gettin' along. Makes me feel better that there are people around here that appreciate a good Salamander," He would have spun "Well, yeah, they're cute as a button, and helpful to boot!" Ada had replied instinctively, before turning around to find Raynor with the book tucked under his arm. Immediately, the awkwardness returned, but he would quickly break the silence. "So, what's first?" "Well, uh, first thing to do would be... You know I'm actually not sure," Ada muttered, fidgeting with the charm on her ear, "I kinda just got super excited and took to these tomes when I was a kid..." "Well, I guess that's a good of a start as any," Raynor commented as he flipped open the book. "I did the same, except I'm a grown man," he added with a laugh, causing Gojira to shake its head. "The texts aren't exactly decipherable, though... It's written in a lost language, unlike anima tomes, which draw from a slightly older dialect. I guess I start by teaching you how to read the tomes, then. But I'm warning you, my dad never learned how to read them." "I see... How did you learn to read them then?" Raynor asked as he opened the book. "Or are you just kinda guessing and it works?" “It just kinda... clicked. Anima tomes confound me, but the elder magics just seemed natural.” "Don't take this the wrong way, but that's kinda weird," he commented. He then paused as he stroked Gojira's head. "Well... Maybe not as weird as I'm making it out to be," he admitted. "I guess it's kinda like me and Gojira. It's not like his roars and shrieks translate into my language, and it's not like I'm just guessing off body language, but we just kinda... Click, and I know what he means." "I guess some people are just more suited to magic, and others to..." Ada glanced back as Raynor was affectionate with the lizard, awkwardness creeping back in, "S-so I guess teach you how to read comes first, y-yeah."
  3. "...Everything ready? You wanna tell us what you're planning? Or are you gonna keep it a secret?" Devin had already begun making a cake when Casper spoke to them, so they took the whisk in their hand, and placed it between two fingers. Devin pursed their lips and tapped the handle of the whisk against them, spinning their free hand about to the side, thinking of how to explain. "Well, I can't exactly tell you everything I'm doing... surprises are, like, part of the fun at parties, right? But you're welcome to watch! You know, because someone totally might take that bear seriously, if that's what you're worried about!" “Oh! Uh, am I in the way? Sorry, I can- I’ll just be outside then, I guess.” "Nono, you're fine! I just need to get in here and make a totally awesome spread!" With a happy hum, the host(ess) turned away from Casper, going back to their preparations. At least, that was the plan, up until... "A party? Did I hear that right? ...I should introduce myself, I'm Talia Sky, the Ultimate Archer. Now... Why are we having a party, exactly? It really doesn't seem like an appropriate time to have a party, you know?" "Yep yep, we met earlier, silly~" Devin giggled, not even looking up from her work, "But to answer your question, um... Like, why not? We just met each other, and parties are great at getting to know people! And maybe I can show those bigwigs how to make a good show, instead of that bear's sorry joke! I mean, I'm no Ultimate Cook, but mama made sure she taught mini-her how to fill a belly!" "We might've met briefly, but there were others in here too." She raised an eyebrow as she glanced over at Devin, a small mumble escaping her as she shook her head lightly. She twirled her hair around her finger briefly, before letting out a small sigh, "...And you don't think trying to give people a day or two to wait would've been a better idea? It's already too late, considering the other girl ran off, but you're awfully eager..." "You mean you don't remember everyone you met from the getgo? Huh, guess that's just me..." Devin muttered, managing to slide the cake in the oven in record time, "And of course I'm eager! Throwing parties for all the friends I've made and will make is, like, what I do... And if it's tension, then don't you think a nice party would totally take the edge off a bit?"
  4. "Oh, you got a tray for Ms. Grace to? Thanks for that, Mackenzie. That saves me a trip," Mackenize simply nodded as she was thanked, turning to leave. However, she stayed in place at the doors, just long enough to listen to what the teacher had to say. Befriend... one of these creatures? Seemed strange. Mackenzie couldn't befriend a person, much less a creature. If only they were animals or something... She'd probably have a much easier time then. With the teacher walking away, so did the redhead, walking out into the hall, and quickly returning to the library. While she intended to sit down and get back to her book, she was interrupted by another student. "I'm not crazy, right? You hear that too?" Listening closely, Mackenize did hear something... but what of it? Weren't there a lot of weird noises as of late? However, before she could even consider answering, the boy had already continued, muttering to himself. "Probably just some rat... Probably just some...really buff rat..." With a shake of her head, Mackenize headed back to her desk. She had planned to return to her book, but what she found instead was a caterpillar or something on the desk, looking at her book. Except, this caterpillar was much, much larger than any real caterpillar was, at about the length of the novel on the desk. Did that mean it was one of those creatures? Mackenzie looked back over her shoulder to see if the boy was near, but he wasn't. Besides, this couldn't be a 'really buff rat' that he was hearing. Mackenize considered walking away, before she heard the creature speak. "Uuu... I can't make heads or tails of this... this is completely different from our letters and numbers..." The creatures sighed sadly, "And there has to be a clue here..." "A clue about what?" The bug jumped in fear, letting out a shrill scream... And Mackenzie had jumped at her own voice, as well. Why had she just let that slip? She shouldn't have even engaged this creature in conversation. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to invade your space, oh, um..." The creature muttered, looking about as if it wanted to escape, "D-don't hurt me, I'm just a tiny Wormmon! I can't even hurt a human! I-I just wanted to know why you guys were here!" "Eh?" Mackenzie cocked her head, surprised by how cute this 'Wormmon' was acting, "You don't know? I figured you creatures did it." "We're not creatures! W-we're Digimon! And we were just as surprised to see you!" "Is that so..." Mackenzie muttered, officially having spoken more this day than the entirety of the time since the world had shifted, "But... what's a Digimon?" "A digital monster, of course!" The small worm puffed out its chest, almost prompting a small laugh from Mackenzie. "I see... Well, if you want to learn how to read the book, I guess I can help. You don't seem too dangerous, Wormmon. Maybe we can figured something out together." "I-I'm not, I promise! Thank you very much, uh..." "Mackenzie." "Mackenzie!" the bug cried out, looking a bit less on edge than before, though not entirely better. The girl smiled as she sat, with Wormmon moving to the side as she began to explain the symbols. A smile slowly crept onto her face as they talked, somehow at ease with this innocent-seeming creature. Maybe Mr. Henderson wasn't wrong, after all.
  5. As Shannon watched the duel, it seemed that the mood had improved. Leiko managed to stand up for herself, and Zirco seemed like he was enjoying it... And then her arm throbbed. Casting a glance at where her mark was under her sleeve, she knew what was coming. The last of the dragons they had yet to see... What could it be? Excitement filled Shannon even more as she watched with bated breath. “Hot Red Dragon Archfiend!” "Really?!" Shannon almost squealed with joy as she watched, a legend before her. It seemed that, much like Jet being chosen by one of the previous dragons... So, too was Zirco. How amazing. How blessed she was to see this...! The duel continued to fire up. The stakes got higher as Zirco managed to turn the game back in his favor, inducting the demonic dragon into the order of knights! That is, until Leiko seemed to just shut down. It was over in just a few moments, as Leiko refused to continue the duel. Or, maybe, couldn't...? "Did the nerves get to her?" Natsumi asked. "More importantly, Zirco won't take this win lying down, will he?" "Sadly, I doubt it..." Muttered Shannon, "If anything, I imagine this only makes things worse. A shame..."
  6. As said, if people want change, they have to speak up. I never said no, I simply explained the situation at hand.
  7. Diana watched in confusion and a non-zero amount of disgust as Kess mouthed off. What was she even talking about? Why was she here if she detested heroes so much? Diana clenched her fists, ready to open her mouth and tell her off... when the teacher kicked her out. Gone, failed on the spot. The only student to be kicked out. Diana couldn't help but feel sick over the entire event, to the point that it almost overcame her excitement for the day. Almost. ----- By the end of the day, Diana's head was in a better place. While the first of her school days was boring, it would suffice. Waving goodbye to Yuuka and the others, she headed home, producing a phone from her pocket. After all, she just had to talk to her parents after the day, right? And the need for their signature was just a nice pretense to call them ASAP! Although, as Diana dialed, she realized there was no fax machine on the farm... Maybe she could get it to work via email? A quick call later, Diana was stretching as she returned to her temporary home, spinning her right arm around and holding her right shoulder. "Mmm... still a bit off from yesterday... I really need to do more work."
  8. Mackenzie gave off a small yawn as she woke up, stretching gently. And, as had greeted her every day since the event, she saw rows and rows of books on either side. Not that she really minded seeing them first thing. The girl gently pushed herself up off of the floor, neatly folding her blanket up and setting it on a nearby desk. With a quick adjustment of her clothes, she headed over to the main desk, giving the fiery-haired librarian a quick wave. Same as every day, the woman nodded back silently, understanding what Mackenzie meant. As the red-haired girl walked into the hallway, she gently played with her hair. If anything had thrown her off about the event, it was probably that... But even so, much like waking up to books, she didn't mind it. Approaching the cafeteria, one of those new creatures bolted past her, still blowing raspberry. With a small shrug, Mackenzie moved inside, and she was pleasantly surprised to see Mr. Henderson was chatting up Conner. She quickly moved over to the tables, scooping up two plates of food, and heading back out as swiftly as she had entered, though she let the doors close a little harder than she had intended. Oh well. With food in hand, she headed back to her place in the library, only taking a moment to set the second plate of food on the main desk for the librarian. Setting her own plate down on the desk with the blanket, she headed over to the many shelves, scanning the titles. What had she not yet read? What would be the most useful to read? Did that matter in a world that seemed to supply her with infinite time? Pushing those thoughts aside, she eventually settled on a novel, taking it back to her seat and softly thumbing through it as she ate her breakfast. Once she was a good way into the book, a small smile and quiet laugh escaped her, though no one was around to hear it. "Reading fantasy in a setting like this... That's a bit much, isn't it?" With her meal finished, and her book half-completed, she cleaned her area and began the return trip, with the librarian's plate in tow. Once she walked in, she neatly placed the plates down, disposed of the trash, and prepared to head back to the library.
  9. "Whenever you're free," Raynor responded, continuing on... But Ada was so out of sorts, she hardly understood. "A-alright, I guess we can, uh... meet by the stables later for it, yeah." The shaman quickly wandered off, still a bit red and confused by what had just happened. It was really strange, ----- "Do I really have to do this...?" Ada had gone to the stables almost immediately after, giving the mounts love and affection... mostly for Gojira, who demanded it. She had her hair up in a ponytail, the old feather charm hanging from her ear, not that there was a clear difference between the two. If he really wanted to learn magic, she guessed, but... was that really the case? "You know, that rider of yours sure is an oddball," Ada muttered as she fed the giant lizard a scrap of jerky.
  10. “I am truly blessed to have you in my class as well Tenkara-san!” he said with a smile before turning back to Diana, “This is Tenkara Taro. I would not have passed the practical exam if it were not for his help.” "Nice to meet you," Diana nodded as the boy spoke, smiling softly, still blushing a bit. She still couldn't believe she started so embarrassingly... But it wouldn't last long. Ms. Hitotsume came in soon after, asking for their homework and saying they were all out of uniform. With a confused look, Diana gave herself a once-over, unsure of what she was doing wrong. It looked right, and she had made sure to dress like schoolgirls did in Japan with the uniform... Maybe she was just missing something? However, the thoughts were soon pushed aside by the homework, and Diana eagerly listened to the responses of her fellow hero hopefuls. Instinct and judgment. Responsibility. Selfless initiative. Bettering the world. Protecting the innocent and vanquishing evil. Guts. Being an inspiration... As her time came, she knew exactly what she was going to say. Standing up as Yuudai sat back down, Diana proudly walked to the front, giving a big grin, a V with her left hand, right hand on her hip. "<I'm Diana Seigi!> Half-Japanese, half-American! For my fellow foreigners, just say your names normally, okay? Anyways, I believe that a hero is all of the things said so far. I agree with some more than others, but if I had to be more specific... A hero is someone who stands for justice. Defending those who can't defend themselves. Protecting the world from danger..." Diana lowered her arms and squeezed her fists tight, shaking softly as she continued, "Finding and acting on the truth, above all, no matter if someone is blessed with a quirk or born powerless. That is what being a hero is. <That's true justice!">
  11. As the bear wandered off of the stage, Devin felt the urge to both frown and laugh. On one hand, they had ruined his attempt at a very bad joke... On the other, his angry waddling was adorable. Well, weird starts aside, it looked like the rest of the class had begun to wander off... except for the clown girl from earlier. "Cherie, right?" Devin smiled, extending a hand to the clown, "I'm sure you remember, but just to be safe... Name's Devin Kismet, and I'm the Ultimate Host slash Hostess! It seems like you agree about throwing a welcoming party, and I figure you have some great ideas... So, wanna follow me to the kitchen, and we'll see what we can whip up?" Turning to walk away, the party king/queen headed off without waiting, sure the girl would follow. Having someone reliable like her around would make it easier to focus on the food aspect, since a clown would surely know about entertaining people... at least somewhat. ----- Walking into the dining hall without a care in the world, Devin hummed as they headed through it to get to the kitchen. Devin waved to the others that had gathered there as she slipped into the door at the back, calling out. "Hey, let the others know to gather here in, mm... 2 hours? Yeah, I should have everything ready by then~" With a spring in their step, the party planner got to work. The coffee pot being used was a bit of a nuisance, because they would have to clean it before moving it out, but it could have been worse. Pulling out a cutting board, Devin resumed their humming as they began to gather and chop vegetables, oblivious to the danger they were all in.
  12. "Can the rest of you not do that?" Natsumi asked off-handedly. Raijin nodded his head. "Right? Have none of you seen a Synchro Summon before?" "It's not the Synchro Summon that's amazing. I can do more than just Synchro, but to achieve Clear Mind... Ah, how wonderful!" Shannon smiled as she leaned back again, crossing her legs. She was jittery with excitement as the initial shock wore off, lacing her fingers together before she continued speaking. "Why, only a tiny amount of people can pull off that technique. The leader of our predecessors was one of them... And I believe one more. I suppose we could call that second one Leiko's predecessor..?" Her explanation trailed off into a mumble as she considered the implications of what she was seeing. And what the others were asking. Was she... the only one who had received lessons? Did no one else question what they were a part of? Maybe she could instruct them herself... Or have Mr. E do it. He would probably put a fun spin on it for them.
  13. @Skaia vs @LordCowCow The final round ends at 12 AM EST, March 27th.
  14. Before Yuuka could respond, a boy from class walked up to her. She didn't really remember him, but here he was offering a handkerchief for some reason? “Excuse me, but you might have a little something on your face. I am not sure if you have one of these, but please take it.” "Eh? I have..." Diana absentmindedly touched her face with her left hand, turning beet red as she felt the butter, "<Oh my God, I can't believe I've done this.> Um, th-thank you, uh..." Diana looked down as she cleaned her face, realizing that she didn't even know this boy's name. As she handed the handkerchief back, she took care to get her hairstyle back to its proper order, before giving him a weak smile. "What was your name, again?"
  15. @(youknowwhoiam) @LordCowCow This match will end at 12 AM EST, on March 24th.
  16. Shannon had slowly munched on popcorn as she continued to watch. The duel was only aggravating her, with Leiko clearly not playing quite to her abilities, likely due to confidence... and Zirco's seeming toying. Meanwhile, Luster had stayed alert the entire time. The spirit watched the duel and spoke suddenly, snapping Shannon out of her fixated and annoyed state. "Here it comes." "Here what comes?" “Clear Mind!” Shannon's grip on the popcorn loosened, letting it fall to the floor. She couldn't believe her eyes and ears. This meek, downtrodden girl was hiding this? Was Zirco right? It didn't make sense to her why Leiko would pretend to be weak only to show this off, so where on earth did it come from? When the power went out, Shannon just stared at the screen with a blank expression, trying to process what had occurred. She was getting to experience something spectacular. Amazing. And, true to form for her predecessor... Leiko had pulled far ahead when the screen came back. The arena had lines of smoke that she could see from the feed. And a new monster loomed over the field, clutching its weapon. "She really did it..." Shannon muttered, with the biggest grin on her face. "And I get to be a part of this. How wonderful!" The girl's doubts faded as the sheer excitement overtook her, quickly raising to her feet and thrusting a fist in the air. "Go get him, Leiko!"
  17. "Hey Ada. Nothin' too important, but there's two things I wanna talk to ya about," Raynor reached into his pocket and pulled out the charm he bought, lightly tossing it at Ada. "Just a token of my gratitude for helping Gojira back when the bandits took him," He said, waiting for her reaction. "It's supposed to help out in some way, something like... 'bestows a nimble grace unto its bearer,' or something like that," Ada caught the charm that was tossed, opening her hand to look at the... second feather charm. The shaman stared at it blankly as he waited, gently turning the feather over in her hand, while her other hand gently felt at the charm hanging from her ear. Was he sweet on her? If so, was he so dense to not notice the one she already had? Maybe he thought they came in a pair...? Ada blushed softly as the Jouran continued talking, fidgeting softly, confused. "And now for that second thing... So, um... as everyone knows, I bought a tome... and well... I was wondering if you could help me learn how to cast magic." "I-is that all? I guess so..." Ada muttered, tucking the charm into her pocket. For the time being, it was probably best to not tell him his money was wasted... At least, until she could figure out his intent. It seemed strange to her that he happened to develop an interest in magic just in time for this, too... Construing the events in the opposite order that Raynor had intended. "Were you wanting to start now, or some time later...?"
  18. "Gaaah, what a day to be running late!" Diana lamented as she ran down the road, headed towards her first day at UA. In truth, she was anything but late. She had left with time to spare, likely arriving 10 minutes early. Yet, here she was, running down the road with toast in her right hand. As she raised it to her mouth to take a bite of the over-buttered mess, she grimaced at her soaked hand, groaning loudly. "Oh come on, I didn't think I buttered it that much! Dammit, now I gotta clean my hand before I can go in...!" ----- By the time Diana arrived, she still had a few minutes left before class began. She would have loved to be the first one in, but the day before had left her a little burned out. Mostly from her own hype. She washed her hands near the entrance, then walked into class 1-B, a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through her. She took a deep breath as she opened the door, speaking loudly, albeit less than a yell. "<O-hai-yo, mee-nah!>" Diana called in an interesting accent, almost as if she was trying to pronounce the words in English. Walking through the doorframe, she scanned for Yuuka or Shoshiki... And she was pleasantly surprised to find Yuuka immediately. Taking a seat next to the smaller girl, she extended a fist with a big smile. "Hey, looking forward to our first day?" " After all, what type of example would I, Suda Hiroharu, be setting for everyone if I didn't?" "<I dunno, maybe one of humility?>" Diana called, in English, from where she sat with Yuuka, a little mischievousness to her tone. Guys like that were always trouble.
  19. Accidentally introspecting is always loads of fun.

  20. @Yui @LordCowCow The round ends at Midnight EST, March 21st.
  21. @Skaia @(youknowwhoiam) The round ends at Midnight EST, March 21st.
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