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(o ×)


Status Replies posted by (o ×)

  1. Vote now people!

  2. Vote now people!

  3. Vote now people!

  4. Didn't notice before but don't let @Yui fool you he's mid-tier rper at best ?

  5. Vote now people!

  6. http://cardmaker.net

    I linked to here on ycm so I figured I'd do the reverse so that everything is fair and even.

  7. http://cardmaker.net

    I linked to here on ycm so I figured I'd do the reverse so that everything is fair and even.

  8. http://cardmaker.net

    I linked to here on ycm so I figured I'd do the reverse so that everything is fair and even.

  9. http://cardmaker.net

    I linked to here on ycm so I figured I'd do the reverse so that everything is fair and even.

  10. ncm currently has seven themes if we get one more theme we can do an eight-theme poll bracket

  11. ncm currently has seven themes if we get one more theme we can do an eight-theme poll bracket



    tormey just sold NCM to YCMaker and we're gonna become CMF2.

  13. Special Announcement: In no way was the Blackjack system intended for you to lose all your points*


    *The staff team under no reasoning specified if this was or wasn't the case and thus cannot be legally held accountable for any actions you take in regard to your point upkeep, happy gambling.

  14. Right, so, less than 24 left of the Pokemon Poll final matches!

  15. Happy birthday boss! I didn't realize you were that young ?

  16. Happy birthday boss! I didn't realize you were that young ?

  17. y'all ever look at the english language and wonder how the fuck our written language managed to be the clusterfuck it is?

  18. Had a weird dream last night where I for some reason was back at my high school, despite kinda dropping out when I was 15/16 and it still being 2020. Could've been a class reunion or something. Anyway, I was in the cafeteria, and for some reason a panini cost £13.50 and had to be order alongside potatoes. I'm not sure why a school would ever think a child could afford a £13 sandwich, or that anyone would think that a good side to a sandwich would be boiled potatoes.

  19. Trivia: Thor, Santa Claus, and the Ninja Turtles including Venus exist in the Power Rangers universe.

  20. Man, I just found the old binder I had full of my AP US history classwork from high school. It's weird to look at it, cause that particular class had a huge part in getting me to examine things, it was one of the few classes that I felt really engaged in and cared about back then. It's weird, I can see at the start where I kinda half-assed things, and as I flipped through it, I saw my work getting more filled out and detailed. 

  21. Uh oh, YCM is giving me this error and it ain't fixing itself. Anyone else got this? https://prnt.sc/ts57g8

  22. IT'S JULY 15TH


  23. Spartans, Halo 3 is now available for the PC. Suit up, and lets finish the fight. Uh, again.

  24. God, I have so much useless information about YCM in my head.

  25. I wanna fight a bitch.

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