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(o ×)


Status Updates posted by (o ×)

  1. Working on an idea, what typically digivolves into Etemon?

    1. Blake
    2. Blake


      Don’t hate me, I’m right

  2.  Please reply

    1. Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      I will never get over the bug that makes it look like you posted other peoples' links. I can't believe (was bribed into shilling for CowCow's video game tournament)unknown.png

    2. (o ×)
  3. It sucks when you want to ask for advice, but you already know what people will say, and you already know they are right, but you don't want to listen.

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      Also, people please join the Halloween event. Yui and Blake have put a ton of thought and work into it, but the more participants we have, the better. This community's halloween events have been a huge part of bringing everyone together, so it is honestly kinda heartbreaking to see them either away like this.

    2. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      (especially considering the decline came the year I hosted, so I feel personal responsibility for the point it has reached now)

  4. Would be cool if someone could link me the discord. Kinda wanna see how it is now

    1. LordCowCow


      I'm not in it but


      I assume it's the thing at the top bar

  5. Oh, I should probably mention that there is an NCM mtg discord group, if you want in just hit me up.

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      Even if you aren't very active, or only just picking up the game, you're welcome. Hell, faytl is in it and it's not like he's ever going to be posting on this site again, right?

  6. @cr47t what on earth is "the ghettoization of cartoons"

    1. cr47t


      didnt get to see this in a timely manner, so i put it in the thread as a reply to the reply. sry. what i meant by "ghettoization" was a specific type of stigma that puts the whole thing in a box. maybe pigeonhole would be better word?

  7. My dilemma is that my enjoyment from video games largely comes from successful execution of skill checks, while also sucking a video games.

    1. DragonSage


      How dare you call me out like this

  8. Pinning posts in threads is such a cool functionality. Thanks, staff!

    1. LordCowCow


      you're welcome tho i think it was a feature that was just sorta there

      something about it bugs me but idk what it is exactly

  9. Hi cowcow

    1. LordCowCow


      You're also not Crouton

  10. I AM THE 0.1%

    1. Thar



  11. Doomcaliber Knight

    1. Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Skull Descovery Knight

      Wait, I am being told that this isn't the card's name.

  12. staff are cowards for not hosting an archetype tourney. People would join, you cowards.

  13. @Thar got picked up by the YouTube algorithm and dropped into my recommended feed, what the fuck

  14. https://neocardmaker.com/index.php?/forum/33-miscellaneous/

     I have been really enjoying this thread, would love to see more people in it

  15. For anyone interested, (M'Izzet)#7571

    1. Hina's Simp

      Hina's Simp

      this isn't a jojo reference

  16. Gearing up to start playing tabletop with my IRL friends again and I am so god damn excited.

    1. Kazooie


      oh, that's sick, i hope it goes well!

  17. Kinda want to do a pokeblog of ultra sun, but posted in the format of a third-person (or first-person?) narrative. Would anybody be interested in that? I've barely gotten to the second island in my previous playthrough, so most of the game would be a blind run for me.

    1. yui


      I'd read that.

  18. RP section doesn't need to be saved but I'm doing it anyway.

    1. LordCowCow


      What....does that mean?

  19. Who told the production team for one punch man season 2 that audio peaking bass is good sound design?

    1. Thar


      Dubstep artists dropping the bass like Saitama's fist.

  20. I'm not sick but I'm not well, and I'm so hot 'cause I'm in hell.

    1. Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Lucky you, Harvey. I'm over here FREEZING.

  21. Barely a week to do 90% of my cosplay, and 95% of my girlfriend's. Okay, sure. Wish me luck.

  22. I know I've been really unreliable since I showed back up about a year ago, but I promise I have a really good reason.

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      I am sorry, though.

  23. I'm really sorry to the people I keep letting down in the RP section. I'm really trying, I promise.

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      I wouldn't be exaggerating to say that I am currently going through the hardest time in my entire life, but I feel really awful for letting it affect things I've committed myself to.

  24. If anyone in the RP community wants a prepackaged RP idea, basically ready to host, PM me. I've spent the last year or so working on something but don't have the interest/time to do it myself.

    1. Thar


      That's 100% something that I would do.

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