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norI worK


Status Updates posted by norI worK

  1. 0.06 post ratio im shit

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      I don't even understand what post ratio is

    2. Arbalest's Big Crossbow
  2. yearly fuck snow status

  3. Merry Christmas from your friendly neighborhood ass

    1. mido9


      merry christmAss

    2. Thar


      That's sweet of you, as expected from a candy ass

  4. 2020 and my non anime watching ass decided to start bleach 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. norI worK

      norI worK

      im uneducated in the way of the weeb dont come at me like this

    3. Thar


      my man

      join me

    4. Hina's Simp

      Hina's Simp

      We could watch it together~

  5. 25 years old and suck so much at graphic design i cant even make a smiley face on gimp ama

    1. Chuck Tingle

      Chuck Tingle

      this is normal way just remember that whatever you do create it is still ART and that I AM PROUD OF YOU

    2. norI worK
    3. Thar


      hmu on discord, slut

  6. 3 days till new Delibird drops let's go

    1. The Chayncemaniac

      The Chayncemaniac

      I'm really curious how all the new forms will fit into the story, and I wonder if they'll address why there's 2 different professors 

  7. Anyone interested in a Dueulingbook tournament on here?

  8. cow gave me an ugly avatar

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LordCowCow


      maybe if i knew what capisce was

    3. Chiri Bedhead

      Chiri Bedhead

      That's a translation for "Kashikoma, (a short form of kashikomarimashita)" which is something Laala says when she does this:


    4. Chiri Bedhead

      Chiri Bedhead

      Btw, the cow did prostrate itself, if you were wondering (which you probably weren't):


  9. First time logging in forever and my name is still ass

  10. fuck corona bring back yugioh

  11. give me ycm classic skin

    1. LordCowCow


      Unfortunately ycm classic skin comes with an inactive admin but we need an admin to give the skin so it creates a paradox.

  12. how do i change the theme to not ugly

    1. VCR_CAT


      Bottom right. Dimension's not bad.

    2. VCR_CAT


      Or bottom left? It just changed on me. Either way it's down there.

    3. yui


      pick Ortem, change the color scheme to emerald, badaboom

  13. i have more likes than posts certified king

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. UltimateIRS


      get on my level bitch

    3. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      Enguin's ratio is scary

    4. Thar


      damn, IRS has us all beat

  14. I haven't lost a single game in OU Randoms. I am king.

    1. LordCowCow
    2. norI worK

      norI worK

      king cowcow, king

    3. LordCowCow


      I have done nothing on Showdown in months but might have to take you on sometime ?

  15. I miss you guys. I promise to be active for a couple minutes every 3 months

    1. norI worK

      norI worK

      my name really still be ass tho

    2. LordCowCow
  16. I'll never forgive Smogon for what they did to my funny bird

    1. LordCowCow


      Just like a Mawile from PU to Ubers

  17. id like to report a bug, when i click on the homepage logo it takes me to the forums instead of the cardmaker??? this should be fixed

    1. Thar


      anyone who makes requests for changes to the forum will be banned

  18. is dova dead

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mr Spaz

      Mr Spaz

      Spaz is dead on the inside. Does that count?

    3. Hallohallo


      he's still alive but not on forums

    4. norI worK

      norI worK

      its a shame he passed away

  19. Is there an NCM discord 🤔

    1. LordCowCow



      Honestly I had no idea this was even here so

    2. norI worK

      norI worK

      thanks handsum

    3. Ash


      It exists in the loosest possible definition of the term.

      It's not particularly moderated and more is a merge discord from YCM, it's also pretty dead but yeah - it exists.

  20. It's that time of the year again where I ask NCM for anime suggestions and only end up watching 3 episodes of a single suggestion. Send some fire non ecchi ass anime ty

    1. radio414


      golly gee do i have the blog for you

    2. Hina's Simp

      Hina's Simp

      Eden of the East

  21. Just ordered a Switch Lite. Recommend me some games yo. No side scroll shit tho

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. UltimateIRS
    3. Nyx


      A Hat in Time

      Any cool ports like Resident Evil or Okami

      Rune Factory 4

      The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

    4. Kay Faraday

      Kay Faraday

      seconding Okami and A Hat in Time, (IF you like 3D Platformers for this one)

      Stardew Valley if you want a chill, farming based game

      Phoenix Wright for puzzle/logic stuff

      Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is cool if you liked grindy shit

  22. krow is dead ass is eternal

    1. Thar


      read that as "krow is deadass eternal"

    2. LordCowCow


      Quoted from the ancient scriptures

  23. krow was simply a mask, i was always ass underneath

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LordCowCow


      the real ass is a friend i made along the way

    3. Thar


      nobody cared who you were before you put on your pants

    4. Hina's Simp

      Hina's Simp

      I am definitely an ass man, was never into Krow.

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