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norI worK


Everything posted by norI worK

  1. This is slander

    1. LordCowCow


      who could have done such a thing

    2. Thar


      No, this is Patrick.

  2. Cowcow changed my avatar twice I haven't posted in here. Request for him to be removed immediately and replaced by me. Thanks in advance.
  3. bump day get some activity in this bitch
  4. Posted on YCM but that place is dead. Ignore the side deck. It's just smoke screen shenanigans for locals. Nothing I would bring to a higher tiered event I would side something serious. This deck is fine going first or second. I personally like going second a lot because honestly that extra card can be nutty in here. Monsters: 6 2 Sky Striker Ace - Raye 2 Ignis Heat 1 Dinomight Knight 1 Spellbook Magician of Prophecy Spells: 27 3 Engage 3 Dragonic Diagram 3 True Draco Heritage 2 Disciples of the True Draco 2 Shark Cannon 2 Mystic Mine 2 Area Zero (Will be bumping to 3. Only have 2 on me at the moment) 2 Stormforth 1 Widow Anchor 1 Terraforming 1 Hercules Base (Filler for Area Zero, would play Upstart but I like the small grind it gives me with Disciples) 1 Spellbook of Knowledge 1 Spellbook of Power 1 Set Rotation 1 Multirole Traps: 7 3 There Can Be Only One 3 True Draco Apocalypse 1 True King's Return Raye: Only playing two because I don't want to be normal summoning it that often. Area Zero popping a True Draco spell is the main way Ignis: Two is fine. Anymore than 3 Dracos and the deck starts to get conflicting hands Magician of Prophecy: The best normal summon in the deck. It's fine if they Ash it, but who ashes this damn thing anyways. Stormforth: Playing two because it's actually pretty crazy in this deck. Normally would use a True Draco trap and Widow Anchor to steal a pivotal monster from our opponent and tribute it for a True Draco monster during their Main Phase, but now that Widow Anchor is hit this card takes it spot. Prefer to use this over the single Widow Anchor as well to save Widow Anchor for Borrelsword. This is maybe my favourite card in the deck. Mystic Mine: Trying to find room for a third copy but I think two for now is fine. Helps break boards going second and keeps me in the grind. This + There Can Be Only One and a Hayate a lot of the times can be a win condition vs a lot of decks. Shark Cannon: Normally I would play one and side in the second, but this card is pivotal for Borrelsword plays now. Very disruptive as well There Can Be Only One: I could play Nibiru for Salamangreats or Thunder Dragons, but TCBOO is good against all the same decks that Nibiru is good against. If I was to play hand traps Nibiru would be the only one I would play. Ash, Ogre etc don't really hit any decks hard enough to warrant taking out engine cards for them. Nibiru is a blowout verse certain decks. Will be siding. There Can Be Only One can stall if I brick or is a straight up win verse certain decks.
  5. Warden or whoever that stupid TCG mod on YCM kept giving me the most ridiculous warning points. Critizing cards etc. They aren't on my profile for some reason but fuck he had some dumb ass rules.
  6. Just ordered a Switch Lite. Recommend me some games yo. No side scroll shit tho

    1. UltimateIRS
    2. Nyx


      A Hat in Time

      Any cool ports like Resident Evil or Okami

      Rune Factory 4

      The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

    3. Kay Faraday

      Kay Faraday

      seconding Okami and A Hat in Time, (IF you like 3D Platformers for this one)

      Stardew Valley if you want a chill, farming based game

      Phoenix Wright for puzzle/logic stuff

      Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is cool if you liked grindy shit

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  7. they better give me lu bu and he better be the most god damn broken card
  8. norI worK

    YuGiOh / TCG Acronyms

    tcboo there can only be one
  9. neopeta or neocm also a krowpinion
  10. Can I get a refund on this thread
  11. I wanted Lu Bu's so I'm leaving upset.
  12. Honestly I'm not able to answer this one. Far too many songs could take that spot no it makes me sick
  13. Crows aren't actually my favorite. Just fit my naming theme from 14 years ago where everything started with a "K". Kiwi birds are hella cool. Also those start with a K I have to rethink my ycm alias now smh
  14. Anyone interested in a Dueulingbook tournament on here?

  15. This is a tough one for sure. There's been a few. I want to say when I was 12 playing Combat Arms I entered a large tournament. I always thought I was better than the average player but never knew how much better I was. I won that tournament pretty decidedly. Since then I've always gave it my all when it came to games with competitive scenes. A close one was when I topped my first Yugioh regionals. I've been playing in tournaments since I was 9, but never went to anything but a locals. I went to my first regionals at 14 and got top 4 with a rogue ass deck. That pushed me from just being a smal town yugioh player into travelling Canada whenever I can to play at locals and higher tier events. I love the yugioh community in Canada. Neither are really monumental life events due to them being rooted in games, but my life is rooted by my competitve nature so they mean a lot to me I guess.
  16. Eat something dry that's supposed to be wet for sure
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