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Summer Damian


Everything posted by Summer Damian

  1. furries are confirmed canon in My Hero Academia

    1. Summer Damian

      Summer Damian

      >google search own status update to see if anyone else realized the truth
      >get a load of stuff about shipping

  2. Yeah, but now you need an account to upload and I don't have that.
  3. As the title says, this is a thread for sharing some of the identity-defining experiences that altered your personality, taught you a lot about life, and were a major stepping-stone in you getting to where you are today. You can think of them as the "core memories" from Inside Out that define each of Riley's islands of personality. What major teaching moments have you encountered in your life? What experiences left you a changed person, for better or worse? What did you learn from it, and why did it have that effect on you? Or something along those lines.
  4. I didn't know that. Then again, they don't feel the same way. Maybe it's just the brain identifying the context of the feeling and treating it differently in different situations?
  5. Yes, but I don't really want to go through the trouble of finding an appropriate subreddit to upload an image to every time I want to post one of my own images to the site. Although now that I think about it, that is a good way to get karma...
  6. Anything and everything I haven't personally seen yet is a spoiler, even references that allow me to figure out future events. Also, shut up about the show entirely if you're talking about it in front of me (provided that it's a circumstance where I can reasonably say that).
  7. Passing the Torch Quick-Play Spell You can activate this card from your hand on your opponent's turn. When a monster you control with visible or implied hair in its card art is destroyed by battle or your opponent's card effect: Target 1 Level/Rank 4 or lower or Link-2 or lower monster you control; That monster gains the ATK and DEF of the destroyed monster, and you may make it gain its card effects. =============================== IDK how you would use this but here you go
  8. Oh... uh, gee, coming up with an actual question is hard... What's your favorite color?
  9. Well, I could still do something with their "This card can be treated as a [Tuner/non-Tuner] {whatever the card isn't} for the Synchro Summon of a "Rebelle" monster" gimmick...
  10. Why are you counting certain questions, but not others?
  11. We Are 3000 Strong Normal Spell If you control 3 or more monsters with 1000 or less ATK: Target 3 of them; Each targeted monster gains ATK equal to the combined ATK of the other two. At the End Phase, each monster loses half the ATK gained from this effect. So, this was inspired by this piece of art I saw while sorting through the Card Art Vault. I wanted to make a card for it, so here we are. If you want to give feedback, please do: I am certain there is a way to shorten this card effect's description.
  12. Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Capitalist Pigs?
  13. I won't say much on this, but I've been watching a lot of commentary channels lately. On that note, I highly recommend The Right Opinion's show (he's reasonable, don't worry) and EmpLemon. I also dabbled into Internet Historian, and while I like his style, I... don't really want to hear about 4chan's extremely indecent manner of handling itself when it comes to pranks. Unfortunately, a lot of his content probably covers that, because 4chan is so infamous.
  14. My ambition is to 100% EA Playground at some point – I've been working on my save file for a few years now – but considering I haven't even become the King of Games yet, it's gonna be a long way going. However... I can say that I have 100% completed Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: World of Light. Generally I only try to 100% games when I think I can do it easily. For example, in World of Light, all I have to do is do what I downloaded Smash to do and look up a couple things on the Internet for help. I also tried to 100% the Lego Movie videogame (yes, that is a thing) because I finished the main story and got bored, and tried to 100% Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham before it became clear that I wouldn't be able to because I kept losing my save data. However, since I can't even keep my attention on a Minecraft world long enough to build a good house, I can't say 100% completion is a priority for me.
  15. I'm sorry you went through so much, but it's good to have you back, Comrade Duck! Anyway, what is this "Alive" book, and where can I read it?
  16. Mostly My Hero Academia at the moment, although that may be because I've been binging it today. I might think of something else later. As for what the plot may be, I did have an idea for an AU where (minor spoilers) I've also been thinking of an AU where and maybe a fic focusing on some OCs in the past, before All Might brought back the peace. (I'll have to get caught up with the show before I write that, though.) Other than that, I've been a bit short on ideas lately.
  17. I toadally support this. Can't wait to see what you come up with for everyone. Just, ah, if I get involved, be sure to get my monotheistic religious beliefs and respect for others' religions in there, alright? And no sexual/explicit/implicit/romantic stuff. I really am not that type.
  18. I like your imagery in the first few paragraphs. Very vivid. Reminds me of Bradbury. I also like how you only added enough detail about this presumably self-absorbed, work-obsessed world to get the message across: after all, it's not the destination that matters, it's the company, and the experience of being alone. Good work – you've got a spot in the short story anthologies with your name on it.
  19. Is General dead or something? Because this image became a meme and died a long time ago. Anyway, yeah, I would have loved to see Hawking's reaction to it, but it just didn't happen.
  20. Oh. Thanks. Anyway, pretty much every trivial idea that comes to my mind interests me. For example, I talk to myself a lot as if I'm recording a YouTube commentary video, and often I reuse the same "video" ideas for weeks.
  21. Hello, Internet, and welcome to WatchMojo, where I'll be counting down the top three selling points of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure! But first, be sure to like and subscribe! 3. The fights... from Part 3 onwards. Stands are a very unique power system that allow for some serious mind games and creative solutions to specific situations. When combined with the next point, the fights are guaranteed to draw you in! Hamon's a bit more iffy, though, since it's pretty much an anti-vampire reskin of Chakra/Ki/the Heart of the Cards, and in Part 2 especially there are some pretty contrived coincidences. 2. The characters. The characters in JoJo are very deep and give themselves to lots of analysis. Analysis about their relationships, about their Stand abilities, about what exactly is going on inside their heads... You also grow pretty attached to them over time. Another thing about the characters is that, while they might not change much over the course of one Part, they do appear in subsequent parts, and it's always nice to see how they grow. 1. The uniqueness. Araki just does whatever he wants. He doesn't care about your "rules" or "genre conventions." Heck, he doesn't even respect basic plot armor! He goes all-out on the hamminess, brings on the camp, and turns the creativity dial to "unprecedented." Thisf is why the series has so many memes- You fell for it, fool! Thunder Cross Split Attack! I would hesitate to say that JoJo invented all of the things that make it stand out (besides Stands), but it's very different from everything else out there. If nothing else, you should watch it because you can't get anything quite like it anywhere else.
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