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12 hours ago, LordCowCow said:


Fun song and video, but only a 6/10 for me

OP suggestion: Hawkwind is definitely in that "dad rock" sort of sphere, but that's not exactly a bad thing. Sometimes you just gotta do a psych-rock out for ten minutes or so. 7/10


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was gonna meme again at first, but i'll save that for next time.


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On 11/13/2020 at 4:06 PM, LordCowCow said:


4/10, a bit too busy for me, if that makes sense? Felt exhausted after a few listens (and it wasn't just me being exhausted this time :P) Congrats on being first on page three though.

On 11/14/2020 at 1:14 AM, yui said:



I feel like it's just sort of there? Which is fine for a video game soundtrack, but without that context I admit it would probably leave my memory quickly 5/10

OP Suggestion: Let's Eat Grandma came up on an algorithmically-generated playlist, and I guess if I was going to give one adjective to describe their sound I would say "witchy"? But besides that they sound little like their name -- they're more of a low-energy pop -- and that's kind of endearing in its own right. 7.5/10 


Edited by radio414

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11 hours ago, yui said:


Pretty slick mashup 7/10

8 hours ago, LordCowCow said:


Sad and mellow but it also felt like it just bounced off me tbh 6.5/10

OP Suggestion: Speaking of mellow but in a happier direction here's Chris Thiele wailing on a mandolin for seven minutes. Not quite for me but might be for you 6.5/10 


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the year is 2020 and nobody's posted this in the music thread yet


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17 hours ago, LordCowCow said:


i mean, was this video supposed to tell me what it is? It's a soothing 6.5/10 song but i still don't know.

2 hours ago, yui said:



No one told me life was gonna be this way oh-wa-a-a-a

I don't think I remembered the bridge part of this song at all -- probably because nobody uses it in mashups -- and it kind of soured me on the song even after a few listens. It's still like a 6.5 or a 7/10, though

OP Suggestion: Love You to Death by Type O Negative. Goths and they rock. Goth rock. 7.5/10 


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On 11/16/2020 at 12:43 AM, LordCowCow said:



7/10 I guess? I admit I ended up being more interested in the drama referenced in the comments than the song itself but it's still a cute song.

3 hours ago, yui said:


Is the decision to give each song its own ear an intentional one? Like, I'll judge the mashup as a whole and it's a 7/10, but also that threw me off my first few listens, especially since the intro to "I Will Survive" feels spread more evenly.

OP Suggestion: Keleketla! collaborated with, like, seven different artists and groups to provide a jazzy Freedom Groove 8/10 


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19 hours ago, LordCowCow said:


7/10 fun showtune

56 minutes ago, yui said:


I listened to this, like, five times and came away with a different rating each time 4.5-7/10

56 minutes ago, Mr Spaz said:


I'm familiar enough with Bach to intuit that this is secretly very impressive while also too unfamiliar to hear this as anything but Smash Mouth with an organ and some autotune 6/10

OP suggestion: I need to listen to more Kelly Lee Owens, but until then this is a pretty meditative 7/10 


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On 11/18/2020 at 3:01 AM, LordCowCow said:



"I'm what Cain was to Abel, mister catch me if you can" I thought Cain's thing was that he got caught, like, right away but that's just a little niggle 8.5/10

16 hours ago, Mr Spaz said:


whatever, it's sorta pitchy

More seriously, I always enjoy my first listen in a while to songs like this but things kind of depreciate from there 7/10

OP Suggestion: Have some seventies prog rock jams 7.5/10 


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We meet again! This song is one of my mom's favorites. I like it a lot, too:


Edited by GwenSynth

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6 hours ago, LordCowCow said:



I admit it kind of fades from my memory as soon as it ends but I'll still give it a 7.5/10

23 minutes ago, GwenSynth said:



It's gotta be real tough releasing a song called "Stairway to Heaven" five years after the Led Zeppelin song. Respect for that. 7/10

OP Suggestion: SPAZA returns to score the film "UPRIZE" about the 1976 Soweto Uprising. As expected for a documentary soundtrack, it's a subdued sort of improvisational, a haunting eight minutes 7/10.


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6 hours ago, LordCowCow said:



People say Russell Crowe was the worse part of Les Mis. He wasn't, that misfortune would go to Tom Hooper's obsession with hyperrealism and desire to film as close to the actors as possible (remember also that Tom Hooper directed Cats). That being said, though, the difference between Crowe in a style he's familiar with (this) and a style he is not (showtune belters) is vast. 7.5/10

OP suggestion: Godspeed You! Black Emperor apparently just... recorded a guy they were talking with? So layered into this Post-Rock track is this rant by the titular Blaise Bailey Finnegan III, and the background shifts the tone of the conversation from this sort of idle curiosity, a conversation with a crazy person, to downright ominous. I find it enthralling, to be honest 10/10


Edited by radio414

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