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    • The hole in the standing undead's chest was wide enough that they could easily see through it to the other side. In fact as the mummy righted itself from having bent over to smash the summoned dog they could clearly see Lana hurrying off towards the farthest side of the room away from them and the similar undead creature that followed her that way without hesitation. Though they'd have to look around it to see the skeleton that was also heading for Lana. Which would also let them see the second skeleton that was now making its way around the nearest coffin and heading to the area behind them. Though perhaps they didn't see them at all. It wouldn't be a surprise if they were too focused on the two undead right in front of them. While one was missing a leg and was now on the ground it still crawled forward. It wasn't fast yet it didn't seem to have any trouble dragging itself forward with its great strength and swinging a wrapped up hand at Chris's ankle. The other one, despite the hole, bent down again to finish off the summoned creature whose teeth were still embedded in its leg. This seemed to cause some strain in the monster's body as, when it righted itself a second time and began to move towards Ziun, the wound had widened even farther.  
    • Lana grimaced as the bandage zombie had gotten out of its coffin, getting ready to move towards her. She raised her eyebrow as the skeleton showed more consideration than she thought possible, stopping to let the zombie go first, much to her chagrin as she would've enjoyed just watching the two tumble into each other. Lana had half a mind to stand her ground and try to fight the duo head on, but from her first exchange with the zombies here she knew that in a contest of pure strength she would lose right out. That was just when dealing with them one at a time as well, here there was still a skeleton she had to be wary of and, taking a glance to the side, saw yet another skeleton that she had to deal with. She didn't pay attention to which coffins had and hadn't opened yet too, but she was sure there was a chance that another zombie could leap out and try to kill her in the middle of her fighting this one. So, for now, there was just one thing she could hope to do.  "Tsk," annoyed at the option, Lana took a step back, before breaking into a full retreat to the north side of the room. 
    • “Hey!” Quinn called out. This was not how things were done! While it was true that Pokémon could leap out from anywhere and that was why it was necessary to have one of your own when venturing into the wilds -- Quinn was living proof of that, even without the whole “ghost” thing --  a sensible wild Pokémon would have at least focused on the two to three Pokémon who were currently engaged with it in combat. This was just unsporting. Neither Nathaniel nor his Pokémon had done anything to the Malamar yet. Cassiopeia hardly needed to be told what to do, but her Astonish, attempting to distract the Malamar, was too late to stop the attack. It was only unsuccessful because of that speed, though, the Malamar still had to recover from the surprise of a Ghost balloon crashing past its face screaming with all her might, and its focus was now on Cassiopeia once again. It wheeled around and tried to use the same attack it had just done on Nathaniel, but Cassiopeia was still wheeling around the battlefield, and the Malamar’s Hypnosis aim was not too great. Quinn made its way through the bog to join Bridget and Arthur. “Apologies for its thicker skin,” Quinn said on Normandie’s behalf. It had not been Normandie’s fault, of course -- how could she have known? -- but Quinn still felt responsible. “I am glad Arthur can still Bite through it even if it is more difficult.” The Malamar was confusing. Would moves that affected their own Pokémon be similarly affected? Xe did not know and was not particularly keen on finding out. Cassiopeia returned to Quinn’s side just as the Malamar came charging in at the both of them. She looked like she was about to return the favor, but Quinn held out a hand. “Wait a moment,” fae said. “Wait…” It felt like an eternity, certainly far too long to be holding back an attack, but Quinn waited until the Malamar was right on top of them before releasing Cassiopeia. “Gust! Now!” It was a massive wind, even creating little ripples in the more liquid parts of the bog and buffetting the nearby plant life and clothing. “Apologies for that too,” Quinn said, even though his were much more worse for wear. There was little time to continue, however, as the Malamar came charging back in, its eyes now glowing and making a deep, oscillating sound that grew more intense the closer it got.
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