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  1. Today
  2. Debating seperating the part of the Poll Tournament directory where I link finished tournaments into spoilers based on year the tournament started since its starting to get kinda lengthy.

    Unsure if it should be the date of the first thread or the nomination thread.

    ....Also Pokemon Poll tournament nominations is up

    • Windows 7
    • Windows 8.x (Windows 8.1)
    • Windows 10
    • Ubuntu

    I've done these 4 OSes already, check it out I'm currently logged into Windows 7 Ultimate edition! Windows 7 Rules and Fucking Windows 10 Drolls and Windows 11 is shit! Windows 8.1 is pretty solid I like it more than Windows 10! Like I already said you can look at more image on the Post your Desktop Thread I may do more OSes in the future I cannot do Mac OS since I don't own a Mac.


  3. Look guys I'm on Windows 8.1, with Firefox 115 ESR with the Austrails theme from Firefox versions 29-56, ah the good ol' days this is all thanks to the Firefox Echelon Project. You can see more Screenshots on the post your Desktop Thread. This is so much better than Fucking Windows 10 and Winshit 11 just slap Open Shell on here and boom you have a Start menu Windows 10 and 11 are garbage!

    So yeah I logged into this site on Windows 8.1 with my account don't worry I'll change the password later, I still have Windows 7 Ultimate I want to try to log into and post something onto my account from Windows 7 and 8.1 that will make 4 OSes that I used on this account Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 and for non-Windowses OSes Ubuntu that I logged my account into.


  4. Last week
  5. Why hello I see you have finally came over to the Dark Side lol? Where the Grass is greener than YCM's.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Its Source code is not available to our eyes, only to YCMaker's meaning its not Open Source making it Proprietary Software.

    3. warlic
    4. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Exactly! If it where Open Source if YCMaker didn't have the time to fix it up other software Devs that are interested would have fixed that Card Maker's bug within 2 Weeks that is the sad reality of YCMaker and why I despise him.

  6. Hey guess what I did all day yesterday? I installed Windows 7 this OS is not only way better than Windows 10 but way cooler too, Windows 10 is just a shittier version of Windows 7 plus it looks ugly too! If you wanna see more images I will post them in the thread https://neocardmaker.com/index.php?/topic/11347-post-your-desktop/J72hOSo.jpeg

    Also today is my Birthday!

  7. lqyxtk6wja2b1.jpg

    new berserk check it out


  8. the venn diagram of times i want to draw and times i am able to draw to a level i'd reasonably expect of myself is very close to a perfect figure 8

    1. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      How did you get so good at drawing? I too want to learn from you as a master?

    2. yui


      practice practice practice

    3. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan
  9. YCM is now overran by BOTS hoary I'm being super sarcastic about the hoary btw winkie face god I really fucking hate both YCM and YCMaker!

    1. yui


      That is YCM's problem, not NCM's.

    2. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      @yui Yes Ik that but again, now this is why people don't go on YCM anymore... it's over filled with P*rn Bots, Ritual & Dark Magic Bots, Scam Bots, etc...

  10. Earlier
  11. Guess what guys, I just logged into Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and guess what it is alot smoother than Winblows (Windows 10 and 11)! You can look here if you have any intersting Screenshot of your Desktop please share them on the Post your Desktop Thread.

    Isn't this great? Its amazing just how fast it really is compared to Windows, such bloat in the modern day Windows OSes I don't even know how people could torelate using Windows on a daily basis just look at the crowdstrike indecent https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/19/business/microsoft-outage-cause-azure-crowdstrike.html this is why Linux is so much better than Windows, plus Valve made the Steam Deck in 2022 it runs Linux Websites run Linux Windows sucks even Mac OS is better than Windows because Windows is just shit!  


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. yui


      blink twice if you're being forced into sponsorship against your will

    3. LordCowCow


      There is literally no reason to need a quoting feature in statuses

      You already have too long statuses and replies as it is

    4. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      @yui This is not a sponsorship I've been interested into using this OS for a long time now, plus its not a bloated piece of crap unlike Windows 10 & 11. I plan to make the jump from Windows to Linux soon.

      With that being said I find that Linux has truly came a long way since the 2000's everybody would just prefer to use Windows XP over Linux and all other OSes back in 2006 cause why not even I preferred it over all other OSes at the time back when it still had support. Now a days Windows is shit like what do we have left like Wincrap 10 and Winshit 11! Yeah I don't think so Windows is becoming worse because they want to squeeze money and data out of their users and exploit them! I will switch to Linux and I may pick up an M1 Macbook Air as something extra.

      @LordCowCow Your right maybe we don't need that feature. Sorry if I have such long status I need to get stuff of my chest.

  12. Because of the new Kinnikuman anime, I decided to go back and watch Ultimate Muscle. It has its hangups, and I don't think a lot of comedy would be appreciated these days, but I have been enjoying it for the most part. I also have to say that the dMp are pretty sick.tumblr_inline_ozkf3bL4cD1qzb5gk_500.png?

    1. Sleepy


      Question: Is the new Kinikkuman Anime a reboot of the original or a continuation?
      I've been curious about Kinikkuman for a while since I watched Ultimate Muscle back in the day and liked it well enough, but at some point I found out Japan apparently hated Ultimate Muscle and were all for the OG. Hmmmmm.....

    2. Supreme Slayer

      Supreme Slayer

      @Sleepy It is an adaptation of the part of the manga which is technically a continuation of the original Kinnikuman. You follow Kinnikuman a few years after the events of the original series ended, from what I recall. So, it's not a reboot. Ultimate Muscle (Kinnikuman Nisei) was set something like 30 years into the future of the series and follows Kinnikuman's son, Kid Muscle. Technically speaking, the newer series means that Ultimate Muscle is "not canon" because they contradict each other. However, Ultimate Muscle has always been one to flush canon down the drain in favor of story, constantly changing events that already happened to make them better fit the current narrative. So, it is just as canon as anything else.

  13. How is Internet Explorer, EVEN STILL ABLE TO BE RAN ON THIS SITE!? Internet Explorer doesn't even work on YCM, so is it even able to be used on this site than?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      lol besides YCM is a virgin, while NCM is based like a chad its a cooler YCM!

    3. Sleepy


      Well, YCM's current number of bots tells you how well maintained it is (ie, not at all).
      Wouldn't be surprised if there are more technical issues than just that.

    4. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      I wouldn't be surprised that is why people have been less active on that site, YCM is bloated with adware and Facebook and Google Spyware.

      The site just feels so broken unlike this one @Ash does such a better job even, he even still supports Internet Explorer like a chad although a bit broken it still works its still functional unlike YCM.

  14. This truly is the VTuber of all time. Saying this on 2 separate occasions, simping for a crab and quoting 50 Shades of Grey, absolutely deserving of the title of The Fister.


    1. LordCowCow


      Gigi is a lot of fun, before Justice I only had one vtuber I was still watching regularly but now its up to 3

  15. why the FUCK is "CBS 8 San Diego" making a whole 8 minute segment on the FBI releasing the trump shooters identity

    you don't want copycats, you don't publicize that shit

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      Because a considerable portion of the public is confused on identity and motive, and this confusion interferes with a pretty damn important decision to be made in November.

      If people aren't given the truth, all they will have is lies. And right now, lies are *far* more destructive.

  16. zwpk64yjlzbd1.jpeg

    what i would sacrifice for a kinder egg...

    new berserk blag check it out there are some thoughts on lost children too for those of you who know what that is


    1. radio414


      fuck i should have done the rose of versailles post closer to bastille day i'm very good at this

  17. anyone's thoughts on the new Eminem album?

    1. radio414


      rip to slim shady but im different

  18. DUDE Fuck this shit I tried to do Echelon Firefox Theme https://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=3119281 but it didn't work for me I followed all the damn fucking steps from downgrading to Firefox ESR 115 downloading the XUL.dll file and replacing the default one I copied over all the fucking required files why the fuck didn't it work!

  19. Just finished an article for the sumo-styled Goat Format Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament I hosted, where I donated ~$200 to charities of the player's choices. https://www.goatformat.com/home/yugizuna-2024-tournament-results

  20. Kitdy. 


    P.S. Nekomata slaps. and I'd slap dat ass

  21. tumblr_p5vexxKljw1um4fkyo1_1280.png

    hey what's a rose of versailles meme doing advertising a berserk blag i guess you'll have to read the post to find out


  22. Well I've never been athletic but ZZZ's style is just so... damn... good. Making a hook rack out of a skateboard? Making a BENCH out of them? I adore that. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. yui


      i think it's a great game, but element stat hell and substat hell both still existing is kind of a big turnoff imo

    3. Nico


      @Zamazenta the OS-Tan FanPlease flame you? It might have something to do with this site always breaking emojis for me once posted, no matter what device I use, though, but I don't think that's more than the single fire emoji there.


      Well, I don't spend money on mobile games, or mostly the first month on a monthly pass thing to get going faster (which I def can't do currently, though), but I do get that take. Because even doing that is part of the problem. That said, it's a cross-platform game, and definitely one more geared towards PC/Console gaming judging by the way the UI looks, with certain quick dialogue/tutorial segments too small for my damn phone in any inconvenient corner. 

    4. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      @Nico True also I made some typos sorry about that also the emojis are broken on certain themes, yes the games from MiHoyo looks good but they are not on the Switch.

      It's not that I hate Mobile Gaming/Games in general its that they are all there to try to suck money out of people which is what I don't like prior to this back in the late 2000's/early 2010's mobile games where very different; I was too young to understand this kind of stuff back in the day I was still in elementary back than I remember playing with the school's iPads in 2012 things like Angry Birds nobody at the school bought stuff though there was also things like Jet Pack Joyride I remember when apps used to be for fun and not just for scamming and sucking people out of their money or collecting their data and selling it or shoving a bunch of shitty ads in your face there are desciving ads on Youtube where you have Mobile Games that look like $ 1 Billion Dollar projects with nice graphics than decisive you when you download its something else entirely or there are ads that are NSFW Mobile Apps ads this is why I use an adblocker in my browser.

      Its not that I hate MiHoyo or anything there games looks nice I just don't want to be apart of the money pit, though the game can be played for free and I understand that again the business is all about money.

  23. Well, here's to hoping our weather doesn't result in a missing roof or something--

  24. Fixed width variants of each theme have been added, you can change it at the usual place. This is previous design with the width remaining as it was.

    1. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Cool now all that has to be done is to fix Villian's theme with its padding though I think I already talked your ear off about that again sorry.

    2. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      So is there any fixes to Spectrum (non-fixed wdith yet?)

  25. I was told that this forum was devoid of AI, but the discord linked at the top has a bot for creating AI images.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      @Ash look at this wikipedia artcile https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mastodon_(social_network)

      Also I thought this site had a Discord or YCM no?

    3. Ash


      See my previous comment RE discord, it exists but essentially has no bearing on this site anymore and is pretty dead.

      I'm really not sure what purpose that would serve given the current size of the community.

    4. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Also I forgot to copy the link of the Discord I don't have a Discord but Discord still let's you preview servers could you still pass me the link?

  26. USA!! USA!! USA!!

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