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    The site does cost money each month to upkeep. I don't sell any data, nor do I run any ads - any support you can give to help with the upkeep of things would be greatly appreciated.

    There is no max goal for this donation, nor and end point. The rough costs for the site are around 40/50 GBP each month give or take 10 either side depending on the month, there are periods at the start of the year where this does increase significantly due to renewals for the domain and SSL certificates that this site runs off.

    The site will remain active and online for as long as I can maintain it. I'm not struggling financially (at least as much as some!) and can maintain this regardless.

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    • Countless years ago a great meteor fell from the sky, striking the world with enough force to create a monstrous crater and boundless destruction in its wake. Then, over a thousand years ago, humans gathered around this great scar on their world, and the mysterious meteor that lay dormant in its crib. Over time these humans settled as tribes around the meteor, now referred to as "The Millennium Star". Throughout history the Millennium Star has been with us, offerring strange and mysterious elements and boundless power that, now into the distant future, humanity has thrived beyond measure. What had been a history of mystery, evolution, war, despair, and finally, unity has given birth to the futuristic mega city Sol Corona, the shining crown that rests upon the brow of the Millennium Star. Sol Corona is so vast it is the size of a small country, with a population in the millions all living together. And thanks to the seemingly endless minerals and power harvested from the Millennium Star, many past times came to the forefront as Matter Synthesis has pushed Sol Corona into a post-scarcity society. With that, many past times have practically become their own mainstream sports, with Duel Monsters especially taking the forefront as the game makes use of both hard light technology and Matter Synthesis to truly bring the game to life. But despite this post-scarcity system, the world turns and the city ever grows, and thus now it turns to the newer generations to keep the wheels turning. And that is where the Four Academies come on. Each one angled in a cardinal direction from the Millennium Star, they are colourfully called North Academy, East Academy, South Academy, and West Academy. There was really no need for any real naming scheme to be honest. These four prestiges academies (well, really three as East Academy is basically the equivalent of public school for the normal kids) are duty-bound to ensure the next generation is prepared to lift Sol Corona further into the heavens. This is where the story begins as students from the other three Academies are making their way to East Academy, who is the host of this year's Millennium Star Tournament. A tournament dedicated to unity and entertainment as students duel to see which Academy will stand victorious. And with this year being the 1000th annual Millennium Star Tournament, it aims to be a doozy. So duelist, prepare to Get Your Game On!   Breakdown   Academy Information  
    • (5/20/2024): Added a new Legendary Pokemon based on a Ram Stick that is takes the form of a dog https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/CircuitHound_(Pokémon)
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