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    The site does cost money each month to upkeep. I don't sell any data, nor do I run any ads - any support you can give to help with the upkeep of things would be greatly appreciated.

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    • She wasn't sure if it was actually the intended plan from the start, but Bridget approved of it. Use Bubble to slow down the enemy. She was, herself, pretty fond of strategies like that, whenever her classwork had presented her with hypothetical battle situations. Her enthusiasm for the plan soon faded, however, as rather than slowing down, the Malamar that had assailed the team began speeding up instead. She'd read about this one. "Pokémon wiv Contrary for an ability are able to reverse gains & losses incurred in battle," Bridget recalled under her breath. It was unlikely Nathan or Quinn heard her, but the utterance wasn't necessarily meant to be heard, either. What followed, however, was. "Alright, you two, try not to hinder this guy any furver; 'e'll make us regret it!" Her finger then pointed out, to the brave little Trapinch still attached to the enemy. Even as the enemy Malamar tackled Peat, the mighty jaws of a Trapinch would surely never let go. "An' you! You're doin' great, Arfur! Keep on Bitin' 'til 'e gives in!" It wasn't easy to stay attached when Peat tackled his quarry, causing the Malamar to rock about, but Arthur did manage to stay attached and biting. With the same energetic vigor as before, Arthur continued chewing and chomping on his prey, prompting something of a change in strategy from Malamar. The wild pokemon once again moved to tackle Peat, only this time, it angled itself to use Arthur as a sort of improvised battering ram. "Ease off 'im for a bit, Arfur!" At her command, the Trapinch released its deathgrip on the Malamar. While it hadn't done so soon enough to avoid colliding with Peat entirely, it was at least enough to soften the blow a bit. Malamar, for its own part, seemed to be having none of Arthur's shenanigans any longer. When met with a threatening chitter from the Trapinch, its response was to merely attack with a Psywave, against which Arthur was powerless to avoid. Which, in turn, only prompted a second, angrier chitter from Arthur once it recovered from being hit with a psychic blast.
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