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    The site does cost money each month to upkeep. I don't sell any data, nor do I run any ads - any support you can give to help with the upkeep of things would be greatly appreciated.

    There is no max goal for this donation, nor and end point. The rough costs for the site are around 40/50 GBP each month give or take 10 either side depending on the month, there are periods at the start of the year where this does increase significantly due to renewals for the domain and SSL certificates that this site runs off.

    The site will remain active and online for as long as I can maintain it. I'm not struggling financially (at least as much as some!) and can maintain this regardless.

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    • What the heck was THAT? Sabrina was still reeling from Gene having asked her for advice. And not only did he ask her for it he accepted her answer so readily. She didn't even remember what she told him just seconds ago! She supposed as long as it worked it didn't matter but what would she do if he came to her asking for even more? "...t-trusting you to have my back..." "Huh? Oh. Yeah! Expert back haver that's me ahaha....ha!" Sabrina was thrust back into reality as Gene moved through the door with an evidentially inspired by her newfound confidence. She couldn't be thinking about a potential future conversation right now there was something more important to take care of first. The first thing she noticed...well the first thing was actually Gene running off to one side to take on an entire group. Which probably would be fine right? The second thing was the group of three enemies to the right that would surely notice soon enough. She had to act fast and so she tossed away any semblance of thinking and just went by instinct. The three of them were spread apart in a triangle formation. Which made Sabrina instinctively want to try to hit them all at once. She remembered a skill that she had used before and without pausing to consider it farther flung her scythe at the left-most Drengr with the intent for it to continue going in an arc to hit all three before returning. It didn't go...exactly to plan. When she saw it slice into the neck of the one on the left she thought that it was going to work perfectly. But then its course got a bit more wobbly and its strength less...strong as it struck the middle in the arm and then merely grazed the armor of the third. Still at least the scythe came back. Which was good as she didn't have much time before they would be able to ready themselves. She charged forward towards the one on the right. She wasn't sure why but it just felt like it was ever so slightly different. When she got near enough she swung her scythe around in an arc aiming to cut through the beastman's neck. Unfortunately she wasn't fast enough and it managed to draw its sword and block in time. Sabrina jumped back to get some distance and decided to fire off a ball of flame towards them instead. This, too, the enemy tried to block but the magic still manged to strike it in the chest for evidentially a large amount of pain if the howl was any indication. "That's right, there's more where that came from! Don't think you'll get off easy when you challenge the chosen hero Dracona!" She said, despite clearly have been the one to instigate this fight.
    • That sure is a jungle jape, 7/10
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