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    • “Do not allow a sorceress to live.” -Exodus 22:18 (NIV) “Powers beyond mortal comprehension” felt blasphemous somehow. Melissa couldn’t put a finger on exactly what it was. She supposed part of it was how her current companions took forms she might have thought beyond the ken of most mortal minds, yet, here everyone was, herself included, comprehending them just fine. Melissa had rationalized these away as facsimiles. She had no presumptions that whatever was inside of her was in any way divine, at least any more so than a human form, and humans could perceive each other just fine, despite her occasional wishes otherwise. It felt weird being the skeptic for once, but then again, Melissa supposed even Moses had to deal with court magicians. If she were particularly fervent, she could imagine Zadkiel and Sandalphon in much the same way as Moses’ staff-serpent, overwhelming and consuming anything “Morgan Reaperson” could throw at her, but no, she was here on Mauvache’s behalf, not God’s. She had Sandalphon follow up Fen’s pummeling with another beam, but she dismissed the ophan when one of Morgan’s skulls exploded into it. Morgan seemed like the sort of person who would mock her for the perceived instability of a summon, and it seemed reasonable to let her hold on to that assumption for as long as possible. Melissa realized it was a similar strategy to when she had been training with Rei. A good portion of that spar had been both of them just trying to suss out what the other was capable of, and Melissa had most succeeded when she’d had the element of surprise on her side -- when she’d found some new tactic that Rei hadn’t been expecting. “Of course it’s nice to meet someone as great as I,” Morgan said, finally recovering from her laughing fit. “If only you lot were half as exciting for me.” Melissa wondered if Morgan could possibly be negotiated with, if even to move the fight to somewhere that was less likely to desecrate a grave or twelve, but given what little she had seen of Morgan’s ability, they probably wouldn’t be so lucky. She also recalled that woman she and Devin and Morgan (zombie Morgan (two Morgans with undead connections had to be a coincidence)) had fought, how that woman had refused to listen to any sort of reason despite her best interest. There was a temptation to assume a pattern. This Morgan certainly didn’t make it easy to think otherwise. But no, Melissa thought. She wasn’t going to think like that. If there was an opportunity to resolve this amicably, she would take it. At the same time, they weren’t exactly working from a position of strength here. They had a numbers advantage in theory, but if Morgan was responsible for one skeleton, surely she could make another. They had to find something, though. For now, Melissa just tried to get their footing a little more equal. Morgan could fly? Well, so could Zadkiel. She brought out the cherub and fell into its arms as it took to the air.
    • Was kinda cool but eh not that into it, 6.5/10
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