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  1. 1 like
    IC They came to you in a dream. “Go!” they ordered. “Board the Swallow Tail And fly west.” Decided to host something of my own. I’ve been on this site long enough that it was bound to happen eventually. This is a fantasy journey RP with a hint of mystery to it. Part of a watchdog's duty, after all, is getting to the root of an area’s problem and flushing it out, and that requires some investigation. Or you could just call upon your patron to smite the place. After all, there can’t be a problem with the town if there’s no town to begin with. I was thinkinking three to five players, though I suppose that depends on the level of interest. Feel free to ask me any other questions you might have, and I hope you enjoy! Rules The Story So Far FAQ Application: Accepted Apps:
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    Phone call with parents, done. Not even anything interesting to comment on this time, just a bunch of blather (that was Peter’s new word of the week: blather), with a lot of teasing and a lot of Peter really wishing he wasn’t having the conversation and yet he also felt like he had to have it. Whatever. There were good bits about the day too, though. He’d been called to answer a pretty tricky geometry question at the board and he’d managed to get it right! Peter hadn’t been sure of his answer, but having to talk about it at the board had awoken his inner presenter, that inner voice he’d used during duels, and while it wasn’t exactly charismatic, one didn’t need to be charismatic to answer a math question. Another good thing: He’d remembered both his decks today: Duel Monsters and the other one. It was a little weird calling it “the other one,” of course, like, he wanted to call it the “normal” one, but Duel Monsters still felt like the more normal card game despite having its own dedicated cards that were much smaller than the more versatile fifty-two. So Peter didn’t really have a spring in his step or anything, but he felt pretty good. It was a feeling immediately shattered, though, when he saw the new coach. Who was this person? Was he supposed to know her from somewhere? When she spoke, it sounded familiar enough, and she seemed more encouraging than Coach Clara, but it was still a change Peter wasn’t quite comfortable with. “Film lady!” Hana said. Well, at least someone recognized her. But Peter also wondered what the itinerary was supposed to be with a substitute. All the other substitutes he’d had so far at Horizon Academy had either shown film or just had the class work on whatever, and he wasn’t really interested in watching old duel film again, nor was he interested in actually dueling. But! The substitute coach also offered a third option. It seemed related to the reason she was missing, but that was just a weird guess on Peter’s part. The point was, it was an excuse to escape, and given the alternative, Peter practically jumped at the call. Hana got there first, though. “I’m very good at spending money!” she said, which, okay, that was something Peter didn’t actually know about her, and he was actually a little surprised to hear it (if it were true, anyway). He was undeterred, and made -- what he felt was -- a decent second effort to volunteer, “Okay, feels like there should be a couple people trusted with the money though,” he said. “And if there’s multiple things we need to buy, we could split up to get it instead of running back and forth across the store? I don’t know. Um. “Yes, I’m volunteering to go with Hana is what I’m saying.”
  3. 1 like
    "How curious... Should we enter?" Shannon mused to mostly herself "Ladies first, I suppose?" "If you're that scared of the dark, you just gotta ask," Zirco commented before taking a deep breath and walking into the dark void. Only a few steps in, and Shannon had vanished from his sight, along with anything else. He couldn't even see the ground beneath him or his hand in front of his face. He sighed and cracked his knuckles, walking further in. He was already here, he might as well keep going. Within the void Besides the darkness, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, although he was sure he should have ran into something... anything at all. Was this warehouse much bigger on the outside then it was on the inside? Come to think of it, he couldn't even hear his footsteps on the floor either. He bent down, reaching to the floor, trying to find the cold hard pavement of the floor, only to find... nothing. Nothing at all. His hand was pressing against something, it was solid, but... it wasn't hot, nor cold... wasn't hard or soft... it was as if it wasn't there at all. Frowning, he stood back up, walking further and further. "Help us!!!" The first voice that rang out nearly made him jump out of his skin. He looked around, seeing nothing in the darkness, but more voices began to ring out in the darkness. "It burns!" "Why does no one care about us?!" "Why won't someone make it stop?!" The voices of agony rang louder and louder, causing Zirco to grit his teeth. What was going on?! What was this place? He covered his ears and lowered his head, trying to drown out the noise. "Why you?" A calm voice called out, causing Zirco to pause, uncovering his ears. He looked up, seeing a teen his age, staring at him intently. "Why were you chosen? What do you have that I didn't?!" "The... hell...?" Zirco muttered. "A burning fury? A blazing will? I had all of that in spades!" The boy yelled as the scenery began to change. Flames began to sprout from the ground, encircling the to into a ring of fire. "So tell me, what did you have that I didn't?!" Zirco clenched his fist, readying himself for a fight but... something caught his eye. Behind the raging boy, beyond the flames... was a girl. She didn't seem angry, or happy, or sad... she just stared into the flames, right at him. Something screamed in Zirco's head. She was someone. She was someone important. Why did he know this? Who was she? His head began to feel fuzzy, and he grabbed his head, crying out in pain. "Who are you?!" He called out to the girl. "Who the hell are you?!" Instead of answer, she turned away from him, walking into the darkness. "No! Come back!" He rushed ahead, shoving the ranting boy to the side and crashing through the flames, feeling nothing from them as he ran after the girl. No matter how much he ran though, no matter how much he tried to pick up his pace, she stayed ahead of him, out of his reach. Soon, he noticed she wasn't walking at random, she was headed to somewhere... a door of light. He knew... he knew if she crossed into that light he'd never get his answer. He ran faster, his legs screaming in pain as he pushed himself harder than ever to catch up, and for once, distance was closing between them. "Wait! Come back!" He called out, reaching towards her. Surprisingly, she stopped, turning around and facing him. She stood, waiting right in front of that door of light, a small smile on her face. He ran further, finally getting close, but as his hand was about to touch her, her form was set ablazed, engulfing her form and causing her to vanish in less than a second. Zirco couldn't stop running, and he barreled right into the door of light... He crashed into the the floor, right by the door they had entered into this accursed warehouse from. He scrambled back to his feet, a wild look in his eye as he stared back into the darkness. "Who... who was that...?" He asked out loud, not knowing or caring if Shannon was there. "You'll never win if you don't take a risk!" Kyouji taunted as he popped a wheelie, pulling ahead ever so slightly. The road ahead took a sharp right, one that Kyouji began to drift around, leaning to the right and letting his body get dangerously close to the ground beneath him as he sped around the corner. It seemed now there was only a straight road from that turn to the finish line, about 3 miles of road left. Jet would need to win in this final stretch. "...nothing here," Natsumi reluctantly reported, shutting the oven. Dick sniffed the air, smelling the burrito. "I wouldn't say that...," Dick commented as he walked over, opening the oven once more. He reached out, feeling the burrito. "It's still warm... someone's been here very recently. We should be on guard," "I have found something of interest." Dick looked up as he saw Kiyoko approach them with some paper. He took a look at it, thinking to himself. "Well, that's very useful to know... We'd need some sort of combination though...," He muttered, before looking at the shelves. "I found a number painted behind the snacks on the third shelf, the number 1. Perhaps the other shelves have other numbers on them?" "But... What Blues and Mr. E have is funds waiting for me. I don't want to burn that bridge over nothing. Even then, I wouldn't sacrifice innocent people to get it. I won't ditch Blues and E just because they're a little sketchy right now, but if the truth comes out and it's something bad? ...Well, Hearthome takes priority over them." "So you wish to use them? Not the worst idea, but keep your eyes open, and make sure they don't use you," Lock commented. "Oh those motherfuckers!" Raijin turned to Octavia, rage in his eyes. "Those bastards aren't gonna pay us a dime, are they!? Shit... So, how exactly are we finding this truth?" "You're taking the first steps towards it," Lock stated. "Always questioning what is being told to you, looking for the subtext, never taking what's given to you at face value," He sighed. "If you all were unquestionably loyal to Kaiba Corp, I would have failed you all, but because you are willing to question what they are giving you, I consider that a pass," He smiled and clapped. "Congratulations!" He then grabbed the board and flipped it, the other side having a map of Hearthome, with some pins and red lines draw all over it. "Now that we have that down, it'll be wise for you to know your enemies, would it not?" He commented, as he pointed to a picture of a man, in fact, the very man that had driven people out of the convenience store when they first got here. "This nameless man appeared about a month ago in Hearthome, with a young girl. With very minimal help from some partners that appeared a little later, he has systematically gotten every gang under his thumb. He now runs the city from the shadows. As for his partner... well---," He then paused, looking at the door. The area around the door began to... grow darker, fading from sight. "We seem to have company...," Lock muttered as he stood up. "Be on your guard," OOC
  4. 1 like
    Susano’o turned to face Yue so slowly that, for a moment, it seemed as if he hadn’t heard her. He stared at her intently once he did. “Who the fuck are you?” he said after what seemed like an eternity. He didn’t have the slightest clue who the wisp of a girl shouting at him was; the absolute mountain of empty mugs beside him probably had something to do with it. “Whatever. Y’said… Y’said y’know ‘bout m’boat?” The captain lurched to his feet. Even drunk and unable to stand up straight he absolutely towered over the room. “At the harbor?” He laughed. “Those sneaky… sneaky bastards. Never woulda checked the harbor.” It took him almost a full minute to stumble through what he was trying to say. “I’mma show ‘em bad men.” He adjusted his belt. Several axes clanked around noisily; the weapons were way too sharp for such an inebriated man to be handling, but the captain paid his sobriety no heed. “Go! L-lead the way girlie!”
  5. 1 like
    I NEED this in my life. Interest noted.
  6. 1 like
    I’m looking for about 4-6 players before starting.
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