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    I tried looking this up like a dummy before realizing what you meant
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    Ryia had picked herself up, catching her breath as the others had moved in to attack Lucas next, gripping her sword tight. Looking over to Cym as the girl asked what she was made of, definitively Ryia answered. "Stone." Looking over to see that Pan was now nearest Lucas, the Earth Chosen didn't bother to chat any more and instead ran towards the werewolf, making her presence known to grab the Lycan's attention. However, Lucas seemed much more interested in what was perhaps the much easier prey that was right before him, instead lunging towards Pan. Quickly, Ryia stomped on the ground during her charge to create her wall to block Lucas's path, the werewolf outstretching a hand to stop himself short from crashing full into the wall. With his charge stomped and his attention now fully shifted to Ryia, he brought out his other hand as if to beat away her oncoming attack. Ryia knew that fully charging into him would spell her end, and that simply stopping short wouldn't be enough to feint him. As such, as she dug her feet into the ground to slow her charge the spirit of Earth appeared behind her, firing off a volley of rocks to distract the wolf man. The rocks themselves did to confer actual damage to him, but during the volley Ryia swung her blade into his hand, catching him off guard and making a large gash in it. Snarling, Lucas clenched his hand into a fist before going for a punch against Ryia. The Earth Chosen knew that there was no way to dodge in time and similarly that taking a direct hit from him would be out of the question. Even if she had to put more pressure and burden on her shield arm, it didn't much matter to her anymore. This was a fight where she was to give everything she had to win. No matter what pain she had to endure or how broken her body might've become, so long as she could take one more hit for everyone else that was all that mattered. Stepping to the side Ryia brought up her shield to defend against the punch, gritting her teeth and grunting in pain as every part of her arm screamed out once more. As Ryia stumbled back, the force of the punch knocking her off balance, she heard Cym call out for Pan. Looking over she saw the elven girl jump, being assisted by a gust of wind, before driving her blade between the Lycan's shoulder blades as part of her descent. Snarling as the attack went through the man thrashed about before Cym finally let go of her sword and was knocked off of him, the blade still sticking out of his back.
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