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  • Joined: 01/03/2019

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  1. To the FE Heroes players here, what's better. A 4 star unit that has been +10'ed or a base 5 star? I appreciate that it's a rather broad question.

    1. Blake



      4*+5 is equivalent to a 5* with no merges, but you also have to account for skill access and the like for any personal skills, in which case you can merge a 5* copy into the 4* copy to give it the maxed out skill, iirc.

    2. Azure


      In general yes, as they are roughly equal to a 5*+5. So for PvE content they work fine, the main difference being Arena scoring where if the builds are the same, then from 5*+5 onwards will score more.

    3. Yemachu


      A question about which one is "better" is somewhat hard to answer objectively, if no criteria have been specified. If only looking at the raw stats of a unit, you will find that a +10 merged 4 star unit will have higher stats than an unmerged 5 star version of that same unit. Especially when you factor in that a flaw gets fixed by first merge (accounting for about stat 3 points). They however don't benefit from the added score of "Red/Blue/Green/Colorless Duel Infantry/Flier", as those specifically require the unit to be 5 star. Those skills are quite rare, and not that great.

      Something to consider though: most units seem to get a personal weapon down the line, which they can only learn as a 5 star unit. If you have a 4 star +10 unit that recently got a new personal weapon (say Gwendolyn), you'd have to waste a copy by promoting one and merging the 5 star version in the 4 star one. If you later decide to promote such a unit to 5 star and start merging them to +10, you have wasted yet another 10 copies. This shouldn't matter for certain units, as they seem to show up often, but still.

      With combat manuals being a thing, space shouldn't be an issue while working towards a 5 star +10 unit. If on the other hand you are creating some spare units for Arena Assault where you don't really care for the unit (and they don't have that great fodder either), it can be worthwhile to merge your Bartres/Raighs/Whatevers, and give them some cheap skills like "Triangle Adept 3" and "… Breaker 3"; it should lets them be rather cost effective counters to certain units; the extra stats could help out in some other match-ups.

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