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Mitcher Green


Mitcher Green last won the day on April 2 2019

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About Mitcher Green

  • User Group: Members

  • Member ID: 141

  • Title: i rabu tetsugaku

  • Post Count: 14

  • Post Ratio: 0.01

  • Total Rep: 17

  • Member Of The Days Won: 2

  • Joined: 01/13/2019

  • Been With Us For: 1939 Days

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  • Age: 27


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  1. chaos child is really good bros i just finished it

  2. lately i've come to think a lot less about studios and more about the individual staff involved, since talent in the industry are usually freelance and do not stick strictly to one studio. that said, i think p.a. works is generally my favorite. they have a strong and consistent visual style that appeals to me, yet they are able to express the individual quirks of the different creative leads behind their shows. for example, charlotte and kamisama ni natta hi are written by maeda jun (the clannad guy) and they feel entirely different from nagi no asukara written by mari okada (has a lot of works, not sure what to list as an example) which is then still entirely different from shirobako whose main creative lead is probably the director mizushima tsutomu (girls und panzer). all 4 shows i just listed are by PA works, they're all pretty good-looking and smoothly animated, but they're vastly different from each other as creative works. not all of them are good (the 2 jun maeda shows i listed are kinda bad imo) but i'm able to identify the bad parts as coming from the writer and not the rest of the studio's creative staff. thats why i generally like the studio itself even if not all of their shows have been a hit for me.
  3. i have just moved to a new place myself like a week ago, so i know that feel ? gl with the moving
  4. well, at least i dont have to check 2 forums anymore

    1. Kazooie


      did you get banned

    2. Hallohallo


      did you do YCM ban speedrun?

    3. Mitcher Green

      Mitcher Green

      no point going that far

  5. so back when everyone was telling each other to bys it wasnt even possible in the firs tplace???
  6. @Enguin what the fuck happened, why do people like you now and want to nominate you for mod

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. my name is a secret now :)

      my name is a secret now :)

      ycm has entered its sicko mode

    3. my name is a secret now :)

      my name is a secret now :)

      it is unfortunately very unlikely i will actually get it though 

    4. Mitcher Green
  7. fly me to the moon has always been the subtitle of the manga though, way back since the very first chapter came out. you can see it in the chapter title page if you look it up. ok i apparently never noticed the subtitle is different. i guess thats more fair. i dont really think that kind of change is a bad thing though, and maybe there's copyright issues with using the phrase 'fly me to the moon'
  8. iirc there was a pretty active ace attorney fanbase here. just came to say, i finished dai gyakuten saiban 2 two nights ago. LITERALLY the best that ace attorney has to offer

    1. Blake


      Absolutely. Edgeworth 1 was fine, but 2 is a masterpiece.

    2. Mitcher Green

      Mitcher Green

      edgeworth's games are pretty good too but i'm talking about the other spinoff with phoenix's ancestor.

      theres so much in it thats just amazing. the backdrop of the british empire and japanese empire's relationship and the racism that's portrayed because you play a japanese exchange student, the way you see poverty in london society and how the mysteries are tied to that, how charming and attractive the characters are especially SHERLOCK HOLMES, and how well-written and plausible all the mysteries are. i also really like this duology's answer to the age-old ace attorney question of 'why search for the truth' that feels in-line with the spirit of the franchise, but also has more nuance. imo its the culmination of everything the series has achieved up to this point.

    3. Blake


      Ahh, I misread, oops.

      havent had a chance to play the prequel series, which is sad. Glad to hear it’s that good.

  9. idk if talking about old ycm is allowed but what the fuck that loyalty thread is the most bizarre thing i've read in months

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Mitcher Green

      Mitcher Green

      nice snowfall animation for the site btw bby

    3. Sophia


      Yeah, it's just so unaware. Like, I was deterred by that post, from using the site anymore.

    4. UltimateIRS


      pretty much the only thing of value left on that site is the necro thread

  10. plz add my signature to this petition
  11. I honestly don't understand the restrictions here. Is this not the point of the question? You only have 3 games you can ever play, so which 3 can you get the most sustained enjoyment out of? Games that are heavily packed with content is supposed to be how you answer it, isn't it? And I'm assuming the first half of the restriction just means don't pick a multiplayer game. I don't even know if my 3 picks would be cheating in this thread or not but here I guess: 1. Terraria - Assuming I have access to mods, and even without, this game would last me forever. Helps me fulfill what little need I have to build stuff. Would be nice if I could multiplayer though but no big loss. 2. Sengoku Rance - For a porn RTS game this one is honestly just so fun. And there's so many routes and things to do and there's even a free-for-all mode. 3. i guess Yakuza 0 is pretty cool
  12. with everyday that passes i wanna play dai gyakuten saiban more, it seems rlly rlly good

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