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Jack of All Trades

Status Replies posted by yui

  1. Special Announcement: In no way was the Blackjack system intended for you to lose all your points*


    *The staff team under no reasoning specified if this was or wasn't the case and thus cannot be legally held accountable for any actions you take in regard to your point upkeep, happy gambling.

  2. remember when zai was made a mod and we had multiple multiple-page threads of fallout that was fucking class really fun i miss that kind of thing

  3. Had a weird dream last night where I for some reason was back at my high school, despite kinda dropping out when I was 15/16 and it still being 2020. Could've been a class reunion or something. Anyway, I was in the cafeteria, and for some reason a panini cost £13.50 and had to be order alongside potatoes. I'm not sure why a school would ever think a child could afford a £13 sandwich, or that anyone would think that a good side to a sandwich would be boiled potatoes.

  4. So YCM is still down. Meanwhile, I've reserved myself to making money so I can work on my own card game.

  5. Uh oh, YCM is giving me this error and it ain't fixing itself. Anyone else got this? https://prnt.sc/ts57g8

  6. Something you can show, but can't see.

  7. I want to hang out with Uzaki-chan ?

  8. 2020 and my non anime watching ass decided to start bleach 

  9. When you're happy, you enjoy the music. When you are sad, you understand it

  10. When you're happy, you enjoy the music. When you are sad, you understand it

  11. Name a bad Yugioh card that has art you like.

  12. It only took them a decade but they finally made the Nether interesting.

  13. Racists outing themselves is my kink.

  14. the mods are up to some shady shenanigans again

  15. Co, ic everyone looking forward for the cummer ceason and the cweltering heat?

  16. it summer time bust out the summer avatars folks

  17. it summer time bust out the summer avatars folks

  18. On one hand, summer is coming up on Saturday. On the other, it's still June, so fuck that noise.

  19. On one hand, summer is coming up on Saturday. On the other, it's still June, so fuck that noise.

  20. it summer time bust out the summer avatars folks

  21. "There's no way to top me, Oppy. You just don't have the stones."

  22. It's weird just how draining it can be to work on a project you really care about.

  23. Go to record a bit to see audio levels for when I move my blog over to video and either my mic quality has gotten worse since I used it, or I am quieter than I thought I was. Have to increase my speakers to about 60 in order to somewhat make out what I am saying as opposed to my usual 6. Have only actually used the mic once so I have no clue whether or not it is actually fine.

  24. So whats your favorite animal?

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