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That One Dude

Status Replies posted by Thar


  2. Some days... I really miss Armadilloz. I wonder if he would have liked NCM.

  3. i can't stick to drawing because it just doesn't come to me but it doesn't come to me because i can't do it well but i can't do it well because i don't practice but i don't practice because i can't stick to drawing but i can't stick to drawing because...

  4. Anyone else use to pronounce croissant as "crescent"?

    No? Just me?

  5. So Cate Blanchett is Lillith and Kevin Hart is Roland in the Eli Roth directed Borderlands movie... I like the choice of Blanchett, but Kevin Hart is a head scratcher... Chris Pratt should be Axton and Vin Diesel should be Salvador... idk about the rest of the cast though 

  6. So Cate Blanchett is Lillith and Kevin Hart is Roland in the Eli Roth directed Borderlands movie... I like the choice of Blanchett, but Kevin Hart is a head scratcher... Chris Pratt should be Axton and Vin Diesel should be Salvador... idk about the rest of the cast though 

  7. Kevin Hart has been officially announced to be in the Borderlands movie... as Roland??? Why?!?

  8. listen i like girl scout cookies as much as the next but samoa and tagalong boxes have more air in them than cookie seems like kind of a bunk deal

  9. What do y'all think? Think that we saw a glimpse of MechaGodzilla at the very beginning of the Godzilla vs Kong trailer or is everybody who thinks it's him just imagining/hoping it's him?

  10. Who told the production team for one punch man season 2 that audio peaking bass is good sound design?

  11. What do y'all think? Think that we saw a glimpse of MechaGodzilla at the very beginning of the Godzilla vs Kong trailer or is everybody who thinks it's him just imagining/hoping it's him?

  12. I had a really weird dream where Nintendo released a trailer for a Mario Party 2 Remake, but with a larger cast. I just remember seeing Shy Guy in a cowboy hat, and then I woke up. I have been watching people play Mario Party way too much lately.

  13. Microsoft Edge feels great now it runs off the chromium back end, was using firefox for a couple of years but just made the jump to edge and it feels great rn. Would recommend.

  14. Tomorrow at 8:30 AM - 5 PM (CST) I'll be doing a required Security Training class for my new job. Once that is done and the 75 question test that I have to pass with a 70% or higher is done...I should 100% be employed as a security guard.

  15. I don't even know how to comprehend something that happened to me 2 days ago... why would someone have their EX who assaulted them and caused them to develop PTSD, send someone who sent innocent flirty messages to you a private video that should never be shared with someone that isn't involved in said video?

  16. I don't usually get political but I can't stop thinking about this. Isn't it a bit weird that conservatives are all about OUR LORD JAYZUS CHRIST when he was like super liberal, especially for his time? But then when someone is liberal in 2021 they're a commie?

  17. The hardest part about dealing with depression (both with and without medication) is not knowing when it's coming. It leaves me anxious most of the time because I dread that feeling. Knowing that soon, regardless of where I am or who I'm with, something is going to eat at me.

  18. I don't usually get political but I can't stop thinking about this. Isn't it a bit weird that conservatives are all about OUR LORD JAYZUS CHRIST when he was like super liberal, especially for his time? But then when someone is liberal in 2021 they're a commie?

  19. last year i forgot when blue monday was well this year i remembered

    how does it feel

  20. How do you pronounce the word "Pokémon"?

  21. is the pixar movie up an isekai

  22. is the pixar movie up an isekai

  23. 2020.gif

    i'm back, nerds

  24. Who the fuck cares about seismitoad get that "we have swampert at home" shit outta here

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