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That One Dude

Everything posted by Thar

  1. what's your favorite urban legend and why? what would you want to know more of about it?
  2. Just Bethany.

  3. Apparently pre-orders are only for Playstation and Xbox consoles. I'm hoping it's not limited release, cause that would be a huge bummer for PC users that want it. I like the idea of selling an upgrade with a physical car, though. That would definitely draw the attention of childhood Hot Wheels enthusiasts, including myself. Though I'll probably just be getting the Ultimate Stunt Edition once it comes out for PC (hopefully.) For real though, this seriously makes me miss my collection.
  4. Thar

    Blaming Myself

    I'm willing to bet that's just a coincidence. Sure, the fact that it happened a few times might signal a pattern, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's your fault. There's definitely more reasons for an RP to burn out, and that applies to anyone involved, including the hosts. Plenty of people might just not feel like making a post. The host might just not know where to go with the story. Or both. It really depends, and it doesn't have to be singled out each time. I know the feeling, though. There were a couple times where I would join an RP and it would either slow down significantly or stop. Hell, sometimes that'll happen in Discord chats I comment on, and sometimes it's just too much of a coincidence. But I don't really take it personally. People have lives, so they have their reasons for not keeping things active, even if it's a collective effort. But if it's bothering you, I agree, talking about it definitely is a good thing to do, if not just to let it out. Like I said, though, you shouldn't blame yourself.
  5. I'll just treat this as a funny video dump and share stuff that I laughed at. Hopefully we can agree on something!
  6. Dang, I don't laugh at much and that had me rolling for like 10 minutes. rip
  7. No one's gonna talk about how Comrade Duck is actually a Russian spy using a VPN to post from Louisiana?

    1. LordCowCow


      well he is a COMMIE!

  8. Gimme gimme gimme some questions on this thread

    Won't somebody help me chase the boredom awayyyy


  9. Seems that I have gallbladder sludge. Wonderful.

    1. Comrade Duck

      Comrade Duck

      What's the fix? Lots of water to flush it out?

    2. Thar


      There's a method to flush it out by drinking a bunch of apple juice, herbs, and olive oil. Either that, or I just need to avoid greasy or fatty foods to avoid a potential attack.

  10. no thoughts, head fuzzy
  11. imo, in the live-action Transformers movie, Starscream using Megatron as a gun like in the cartoon would've been way cooler

  12. Very true, that scene is agoraphobia in a can, though I've never really been that bothered by spiders, so it never really affected me that much. Though I will admit, the shot of that first big spider dangling from a web always gets me. though there's another scene that I'd like to mention: the dead marshes from Lord of the Rings going off on Nyx's post, another example of build-up with closed eyes with the eye-opening jumpscare. then to boot, you get what I think is always a stressful shot when the character is underwater and struggling to make it to the surface, and these creepy-ass phantoms are approaching you trying to pull you under. never failed to make me uncomfortable
  13. The scene where Syd was gonna go outside to blow up Buzz, but was rained out: the thunder used to scare me as a kid. Yes, I was THAT scared of thunder back then. Syd's room, though, yeah... that was also pretty unsettling.
  14. Totally, but the thing about that scene is that it used to scare me as a kid, but after knowing how it was animated, watching it is just baffling now.
  15. A lot of scenes come to mind, but I remember this one in particular gave me an actual phobia of whales: and while we're on this movie, I completely forgot about this one. It never really traumatized me as a kid, but watching it again is legitimately disturbing:
  16. sea sickness in the ocean of wickedness
    set sail to the sunset, no second guessing
    far east style with the spirit of wild west

  17. if they're not in the game, I'm sure the community will be on that in an instant
  18. Yeah I was gonna say, it definitely gives off a modern Turbo Racing vibe. but yeah, this looks super cool. Hoping Red Baron is included with the base game, or at least is unlockable through secret shortcuts.
  19. Super Mario World Advance Advance Wars 2 Final Fantasy 6 Advance Mother 3 Wario Land 4
  20. Georg should switch his diet to mosquitos and do the world a favor.
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