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That One Dude

Status Updates posted by Thar

  1. Any guesses on how Lando's gonna be killed off in Episode 9?

    1. Chaos Sonic

      Chaos Sonic

      Hmmm...crashing his newly acquired Millennium Falcon into the enemy? Going down with his ship.

  2. Anyone else hype for Baldur's Gate 3? Cause I certainly am.

    1. LordCowCow


      Well now I am

  3. Anyone ever seen Twisted by Starkid Productions? It's a lot like Wicked, but instead it's about Ja'far from Aladdin. A lot smaller budget, written more for mature audiences (by college kids for college kids), and much more contemporary with a bunch of forth-wall breaking and topical references... but goddamn, was it enjoyable! I gotta check out more stuff from these guys.

    1. LordCowCow


      consider this

      Twissssted, origin story where turns out he was actually literally a snake before

  4. Anyone remember the first voice actor/actress that you discovered was the voice of one of your childhood cartoon characters?

    1. LordCowCow


      I tried to figure one out but I just cannot, maybe cause I don't remember what voices really I feel were "from my childhood"

    2. The Chayncemaniac

      The Chayncemaniac

      EG Daily voicing Tommy Pickles is the first one that comes to mind, mainly because I was mind blown that a woman voiced a boy (this was before I realized how many male characters Tara Strong has voiced)

  5. As of today, I am officially free of all credit card debt!

  6. As someone with general anxiety, nothing is ever safe.

  7. at age six I was born without a face

  8. Back in middle school, my townhome neighbors got be a bunch of Yugioh packs for my birthday. A few years later, my dad ordered a bulk order of cards from Ebay. I played the game with a few high school friends in the lunchroom against the questioning looks from others without a care in the world, and I won one match at a tournament that one friend brought me to, which was more than I could've asked for. At that time, I joined a forum for a site that marketed itself with its own card maker, where I met a bunch of cool people that I still speak with today.

    RIP Kazuki Takahashi

  9. Between the desktop view and the mobile view, determining the appropriate size for profile banners is frustrating.

  10. Can't say I'd be thrilled to move back in with my parents if I get this job in Leland, but the financial help will certainly be nice.

  11. Companies should not be able to authorize payment on a monthly service after a free trial without clarifying with the customer first, regardless of the T&A.

  12. Contribute or be tribute


  13. Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is amazing.

  14. Dang, Returnal looks super fun. Too bad I won't be able to play it anytime soon.

  15. Decided to start watching Avatar (the series) and Iroh is already my favorite.

    1. LordCowCow


      I'm surprised you haven't yet

      I predict you're gonna love Azula.

    2. Thar


      idk I just couldn't get into it back then, but now that I've actually put some real attention into watching it, I'm starting to appreciate it more

    3. The Chayncemaniac

      The Chayncemaniac

      Every major character in my opinion in the whole series is amazing in their own right

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  16. Don't think of yourself as a tiny blot in a big painting. Think of yourself as a big painting on an endless canvas.

  17. Earworm of the day


  18. Everyone: PS5 looks like a toilet seat.
    Me: V for ventilation, also the roman numeral for 5... PS5.

  19. Fear of the duck. Fear of the duck. I have a constant fear that something's always near.

    1. UltimateIRS
    2. Nyx


      When I'm walking a duck road

      I am a man who walks alone

  20. Fellowship of the Ring is the best Lord of the Rings movie. Change my mind.

  21. Finally learning Warhammer 40K after nearly a decade of curiosity. There's a lot to learn, but man is it fun!

  22. Finding the Enchanted Sword in Terraria is the real final boss.

  23. First round of polls for Round 2 of the Hot Wheels tournament are up, for those who are interested.

  24. First time in over a decade I've watched Jesus Christ Superstar, even though I only remember a few scenes. Gotta say, I remember the vibes I felt from Hamilton, and this felt the same, which is pretty cool considering it was from 1973.

  25. fok

    1. JellisOP


      Forks are in fact just multiple small knives attached to each other.

    2. Thar


      and spoons are basically just knives with a curve

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