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That One Dude

Status Updates posted by Thar

  1. Think I should start playing golf more often.

    1. Comrade Duck

      Comrade Duck

      Fun to play, boring to watch.

    2. Thar


      True, I've seen you play. ?

  2. Fear of the duck. Fear of the duck. I have a constant fear that something's always near.

    1. UltimateIRS
    2. Nyx


      When I'm walking a duck road

      I am a man who walks alone

  3. It's not about where you are and what you're doing. It's about who you are when you're there and doing it.

    1. Thar
    2. LordCowCow


      It's about who you're doing where....wait

  4. Welp, got rejected from the job. Wasn't meant to be.

    1. Phantom Roxas

      Phantom Roxas

      Alas. If you have any other opportunities coming up, I hope they'll turn out in your favor.

  5. lol, they're making a movie for Cats the musical and even furries are skeptical


    1. The Chayncemaniac

      The Chayncemaniac

      The only thing that could save this movie is the cast

  6. Anyone ever seen Twisted by Starkid Productions? It's a lot like Wicked, but instead it's about Ja'far from Aladdin. A lot smaller budget, written more for mature audiences (by college kids for college kids), and much more contemporary with a bunch of forth-wall breaking and topical references... but goddamn, was it enjoyable! I gotta check out more stuff from these guys.

    1. LordCowCow


      consider this

      Twissssted, origin story where turns out he was actually literally a snake before

  7. On the topic of waifus, Corel Island starting off strong


    1. yui


      well hello there

  8. Any guesses on how Lando's gonna be killed off in Episode 9?

    1. Chaos Sonic

      Chaos Sonic

      Hmmm...crashing his newly acquired Millennium Falcon into the enemy? Going down with his ship.

  9. Ah, rogue-likes, a genre for true masochists.

    1. mido9


      Dead cells and slay the spire are masterpieces.

  10. Was nearly blocked off from my neighborhood by firetrucks. Apparently there was a police chase which led to a crash into one of the buildings (not mine, thankfully.) Also, there was a toddler in that car that wasn't wearing their seatbelt, so now they're hospitalized. Absolutely ridiculous.

    1. Comrade Duck

      Comrade Duck

      This terrifies me. ?


    Section is dead, so I'm just gonna plug my most recent post in Showcase.

    1. LordCowCow


      I appreciate you

  12. Anyone else hype for Baldur's Gate 3? Cause I certainly am.

    1. LordCowCow


      Well now I am

  13. Thank you, JJ Abrams, for a fantastic conclusion to the Resistance trilogy. Great way to end the year.

  14. New episode is up. Going with the video format this time, as well as a much more obscure game. Enjoy!


    1. LordCowCow


      Can't watch now but imma try and remember later tonight.

  15. Slowly but surely working my way towards upgrading my battle station. Got a dual monitor mount on its way followed by a nicer desk that'll arrive later next week. Should things work out as intended, I'll get a second monitor and an HDMI splitter. One screen will be solely meant for computer use while the other will lead to an HDMI switch, one port leading to the other screen while the other ports will potentially be used for consoles. That's my goal.

    1. mido9


      You reminded me, me and nour are (likely) going to be buying desktop computers after this semester; Nour hasnt been able to play almost anything since skullgirls and I haven't since like, Phantom pain which ran badly even with though the game is famously very highly optimized.

  16. Tfw someone uses a text color that isn't the default but's suited for the light theme x.x

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      Using colors that don't work for both light and dark themes is a crime

  17. I drew a picture of Chester Cheetah doing a handstand. Click here for the image.


  18. discussion reviews GIF

    1. LordCowCow


      this takes on a new meaning now

  19. It's quite amazing how I will never understand certain things that others just find natural. The ability to enjoy horror games, for instance.

    1. Blake


      I don't enjoy horror itself, but I kinda get the appeal.

      The occult, if it's that kind, is taboo. Between the adrenaline and the taboo nature, it can be quite addicting.

      Then there's stuff like gothic horror/Lovecraftian horror, which are less "modern" horror and more about setting, aesthetic, and storytelling. Bloodborne is a game that's interested me a lot because of those factors, despite the fact that I'm not usually into horror.

      There's a lot to actually say, even though it's not my genre, because it's just fascinating how the psychology of it works.

  20. Green is not a creative color.


    1. LordCowCow


      I love that preview so much

  22. Hey you.

    Yes, you. You know who you are.

    1. UltimateIRS


      You're finally awake. You were caught trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush. Same as us, and that thief over there.

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