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That One Dude

Status Replies posted by Thar

  1. I have my first thread for my next tournament ready to go... I wonder if it'll get enough traffic and traction  to at least somewhat successful 

  2. throwback to that time i listened to the entire St. Anger album in one sitting to see if it was really as bad as everyone said

    (it was)

  3. kKuEpC.jpg

    Hell yeah.

  4. if i had a nickel for each anime i saw with a "baseball but it's to the death" episode i'd have three nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened three times

  5. Suppose I should ask, since I've gotten down a pattern and style, do y'all like the way I do polls?

  6. That new hot wheels game is bouts be flames I promise you

  7. Watermelon juice. Pretty good

  8. anyone else think it might be time to change the misc subforum description and pic?

  9. Ready Player One meets Wreck-It Ralph meets Basketball??


  10. Is this a good time to reveal that I'm actually three ducks in a cow costume?

  11. NCM has gone ahead and procured the site name Yugioh Card Maker to better establish our branding.

  12. it's april fools so here you go

    this one's free

  13. Risk of Rain 2 is a dirt poor excuse for a sequel. My mind shall not be changed.

  14. and guys don't forget if you enjoyed this status please do leave a like it really does help the account and your support means the world to me

  15. The fact that Mtn Dew Kickstart makes fruit punch & caffeine a thing is just absolutely a thing of beauty.

  16. Seems that I have gallbladder sludge. Wonderful.

  17. 68cc7d12-46bb-4035-a744-5af1ce0ebf21.jpg


    Organized my game collection on to one bookcase (not perfectly sorted but it'll do)

  18. If I have a drink in the fridge, explain to me why I would go to the store just to buy that exact same drink.

  19. If I have a drink in the fridge, explain to me why I would go to the store just to buy that exact same drink.

  20. fandoms exist and fansubs exist but what i really want is a fanswitch

    give me a switch, lemme play mario

  21. If Batman hits Manbat or Killer Croc, is it considered assault or animal cruelty?

  22. Name 1 good DC movie that doesn't have Batman in it.

  23. Name 1 good DC movie that doesn't have Batman in it.

  24. I hate ygo video game titles

  25. What's your favorite flavor of Pop-Tarts?

    Literally just an anime girl scared of toast - Album on Imgur

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