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Horu last won the day on August 6 2020

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  • Joined: 02/03/2019

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  1. Not sure if this is a good idea. But I'm gonna let the community decide what archetype I should make. First 10 comments will be put to a vote.

    Quick note: the winning archetype will get 20 cards.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Blue-Eyes, Red-Eyes, and Dark Magician are all based around very popular monsters that have existed for two decades now, and they only have so much support because they've been peppered with it constantly over all that time. Archfiends are an enormous mess that combines the first take of them being Chess RNG, the second take that tries to make them a proper archetype, and a helluva lot of random cards that just happen to have the name (including a ton of Summoned Skull retrains).

      Dark Worlds and Lightsworn are both archetypes that Konami has done multiple takes on, so that's why they got so many cards as is. Stardust is weird in that it isn't really much of an actual archetype, just a bunch of support for Stardust Dragon.

      Blackwings (and Performapals definitely) are just a giant fuck. They just have way too many cards what the fuck are they even doing.


      If you're really set on making a whole entire 20 cards, then do so for an archetype that doesn't have just one playstyle. Something like Nordics since they have 3 boss monsters but they all are summoned using completely different combos. That way you can support all 3 bosses, maybe make them mesh better with one another.

    3. Horu


      I can agree with this. Just trying to avoid a big mess of an archetype. Hence why I'm not willing to make a full deck of one-offs for an archetype. I can do it but it more works when it's done in a way that is fluid and allows the player to switch up their strategy based on their draws.

    4. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      Then why are you saying you will make 20 cards? 20 cards is a big mess of an archetype.

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