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Everything posted by radio414

  1. in retrospect i should have gotten that last one but i'm not upset
  2. My intuition's better than I thought I guess. Didn't think I'd get many going in.
  3. i feel like i'm setting a standard i'm not going to be able to live up to with the other quizzes
  4. Late to the bandwagon but here's mine. Now to go around doing everyone else's. https://buddymeter.com/quiz.html?q=sjyCs45
  5. ES23b07U0AAt-GB.png

    anyway i have a blog now:


  6. The plan worked perfectly, or, well, parts of it did, anyway. The part that worked was the actual reaction. Chris felt the impact of the rat hitting the point of his readied sword, which then did what any pointed object was meant to do in a situation like that. But -- and this was a big but -- the impact didn’t stop there. A rodent of that size moving through the air wasn’t about to stop moving so simply. He had to let go of his sword again. Just like last time, it had been an effective hit, but not a critical one, and the rat was still very much alive when it crashed into Chris, sending the two to the ground. The rat snarled and gnashed its teeth, aiming for Chris’ neck, and without his sword, it was all Chris could do to, well, keep that from happening. His hands were wrapped around the rat’s neck and he was pushing away, but it was still getting closer with each effort. “Uh, guys? Help?”
  7. rank all the flavors: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami, spiciness, coolness, numbness, astringency, metallicness, calcium, fattiness, heartiness, temperature, and starchiness
  8. what about the other tastes? But I'll humor the question all the same. 5) Bitter. It's not, like, an aversion or anything, but I've also never been one for coffee or other things classically described as bitter so it gets the bottom slot. 4) Sour. I did have an aversion to this as a kid, and refused to have lemon drops or warheads or poorly-sweetened lemonade for that reason. Though I'm all for it now. 3) Salty. I probably eat more salt than I should but nobody else has ever been like, "Hey radio you eat more salt than you should" so maybe not. 2) Savory. I don't have a one-liner about umami but I do like the word so it earns the number two slot. 1) Sweet, because I have a sweet tooth. Fairly self-explanatory, I think.
  9. "christian man" the x is like the x in xmas
  10. yeah sex is cool but have you ever listened to a song or even a whole album and just been like, "i have to listen to this infinity more times"

    1. yui
    2. Hina's Simp

      Hina's Simp

      I had sex with a song or even a whole album that I listened. Afterwards, I had been like, "i have to have sex with this infinity more times"

  11. laptop on a table. nothing special
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