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Found 17 results

  1. BGM What separates a dream from reality? Is it the unusual nature, the impossibility, of a dream that crosses it from reality into fiction? What then do you do when something impossible happens in your waking world? Does reality then become a dream? And then, in that case, does that mean the dream is now reality? All you heard was four words. "I need your help." All you saw was darkness. At least that was the only way you could process what you saw before you. The pit that was entirely empty. Not just empty. Devoid of existence. Pure nothingness. You didn't have time to feel fear, or anticipation, or anything at all. Yet you had no idea how long you were in that nothingness. And how long you, too, were nothing. When you're enveloped in a blanket of nonexistence it's impossible to tell where you are, when you are, and perhaps even who you are. Thoughts floated past like driftwood. Just out of your reach. And the nothingness continued on for only a moment. And yet, as well, for eternity. When you opened your eyes, or were they already open and you only now had something to see, the landscape was much different than you were used to. It was uncertain where you were and there were only two things you could be certain of. One was that wherever it was you found yourself it was not where you were before. Nor was it the nothingness from an uncertain amount of time ago. And the other was that someone was calling for you. Not audibly. But calling nonetheless. The end of one chapter begins another. The park was empty. At first. And then in a blink, a moment, there were several people standing in its midst. For a second or two they seemed to not really be there. Their outlines blurred, the details of their faces and clothing uncertain, and then there they were. In shocking clarity. To call it a park would be an overstatement to some of them. It was rather small, they could see the end of it any direction they looked, and the number of trees could be counted on an average human's fingers and toes. Several benches were scattered across a path that weaved around these scant few trees in a loosely circular formation. Near each bench was a flowerbed. Perfectly rectangular, which could be proven if one had the proper tool and were inclined to check, and only five feet wide, the flowers in them were as varied in appearances as the people who were now standing in this supposed park. The only noise was a soft bubbling that came from a fountain behind them. It was larger than even the trees, which themselves were 15 feet high, and the base was diamond shaped. The height came from the large statue of a dragon, on two feet and aiming its mouth, from which sprang three arcing jets of water, towards the sky, standing in the middle. Other than the group that had appeared the park seemed empty. No citizens out for a stroll or vagrants using the benches for a bed despite it being nighttime. Not even an animal could be seen. And surrounding this park, which seemed separate somehow from anything else, was a city. Even those from what might be called a "modern world" would think it somewhat unusual. Large buildings could be seen in every direction and neon lights flashing various advertisements and names of establishments. On several buildings were large screens filled with news broadcasts. Subtitled in a language that, though none of them should know, was perfectly understandable to the group. And titled with the words "Prana News" "Seems that the sports stadium will reopen tomorrow. In other news; an attack on the police station was thwarted earlier today. More on that after these sponsors." Followed by an advertisement for some kind of breakfast cereal for children "It glows in the bowl and in your stomach; who said breakfast can't be fun! Try Nuk-O's today!" As they tried to get their bearings each of the group would, again, hear something calling to them. They felt a mental tug which seemed to want them to go somewhere. Somewhere that they instinctively knew was in the center of this city of metal and lights. Whether they followed this tug willingly and directly, or instead went in another direction and tried to ignore it, was up to each individual. Their first steps into a brand new world had begun. OOC
  2. In every dream Lies the possibility of a nightmare Will your hope turn to despair And lead you down a path you cannot return from No fate is set in stone Until the moment it becomes too late to change Froura. A city that is always changing. While not as crowded as the early days of the appearance of The Dungeon a steady stream of outsiders came to the city every day. While the majority of them were merchants, or travelers drawn there by the intrigue of the dungeon and those who delve it, there were many still who came to attempt to conquer that place. Despite that none had come close to this day. "It's rather sad, isn't it?" "What is, my lord." The mage looked out their window. Watching as people, travelers and otherwise, spilled through the streets. "They go about their lives without knowing anything. And they will end their lives much the same." A small, sardonic, smile. "Though perhaps it is us who know who are the truly sad ones. How goes the preparations?" "No change. That is to say they go well." "And the other families?" "No sign of any interest from them." A sigh. "As usual. It was the intention yet it still is disappointing." "My lord?" A dismissive wave followed. "Continue at the same pace. Let them flail about in the dark. Time is on our side. None of them will reach The Spark. Not before we finish. And then it will not matter." They slumped back and tore their gaze from the window. "And then this sad scene will finally end." Estellise Fereis The young lady, mage of the Fereis family, woke in the early hours of the morning as usual. Though these past few days have been somewhat different than the norm. She had met and joined up with a pair of rather surprising individuals. Up until now she had traveled into The Dungeon with members of the Fereis family. And even then usually not for long. Yet now she would be in the company of strangers. Commnofolk at that. This was something her mother very clearly didn't approve of. Which was, once again, the topic of discussion, if one could call it that, at the breakfast table. The long table seated several other Fereis family members. Though the head of the family was absent. A usual occurrence as the young man hardly ever took meals with the rest anymore. The room itself was rather grand. Tapestries lined the walls and a great chandelier, candles lit with blue flame, hung above the table. Which itself was a massive thing. Dozens of seats lined either side. Though only several of them were filled at the moment. A contrast that, perhaps, spoke to the abundance of wealth even the smallest of the major families had. Her mother's voice was kept low, attempting to avoid the attention of the others, but the sharp tone carried despite the volume. "I will say it again. I do not approve of you going off with some rabble. You must explore The Dungeon of course, it is the duty of ever member, but do so with the family. It may be slower than some of those foolhardy 'adventurers' but it is the way we have always done things. You won't have this option to be so carefree once you're the h-once you're older so I do not see why you would break from the tradition now." There was a sour look on her face and the woman's eyes flicked over towards the chair at the end of the table. Which was where the family head would sit. When her gaze went back to her daughter she let out a sigh. "I wish you would avoid those others, Estellise, I truly do." Christopher Ellwood The Drooling Dragon. It was a rather uncouth name for an establishment. The sign that hung outside its door even more so. A fat dragon, sleeping on a pile of stones, with a waterfall of drool dripping down its face. Despite the name, and the sign, the beds in the rooms that made up the upper two floors of the large building were rather comfortable. For most travelers that is. Christopher woke up in the morning to the noise of people outside. Even from the third floor, which contained the rooms reserved for those planning to stay more than a few nights, he could hear the voices coming in from the small window above the bed. The sunlight shining directly on his face didn't help matters. Nor did the dry heaving he could hear from the neighboring room. Belonging to someone who most likely had spent too long in the tavern last night. Once he made his way down to the ground floor he would find the tavern nearly empty. Only the most dedicated, or most downtrodden, of souls tended to come to the tavern this early. So it was mostly those who rented rooms. Eating the rather simple breakfast the bar owner provided them. Most of those that were there that morning were sat up at the bar itself. The many tables were empty. The stools having not even been put down on them. In the corner the small stage was even more empty. The musicians that usually used it wouldn't come in for a few more hours. There were several spots where, instead of the usual tables, there were areas set up for various games of chance, skill, and strength. Though those too, this early, were empty. Barring one table where two large men arm wrestled. Neither giving the other an inch despite the strain that was clear in both of their faces. The bartender noticed as Christopher made his way down the steps and gave him a nod. The man was rather tall. Standing at six feet even. Though his fine, for a commoner, clothing covered his body well they still strained at places due to the muscles that hid underneath. His name was Hector, Christopher had learned, and there were a wide variety of rumors about the man. The most prevalent and wild of them being that he had once been a mercenary and on one job had knocked out a dragon with a single punch. "Mornin'." He called out. His voice low and unassuming yet strong. "Did you slept well, kid? I know Donald had a late night. Hope he didn't wake you." Hector nodded to a nearby empty barstool. "How about you sit down and I'll get you a bite to eat." Lana The Riverside Church, as its name implies, was a church located near a river. More specifically the river that ran across the city near its center and cuts the area in almost two sections. It was a smaller church, able to hold only several dozen faithful, but Lana had been directed there because the priest who took care of it was known for helping out travelers down on their luck free of charge. As long as they were willing to do some minor work around the place in return. The room she was given was small as well. Hardly more than a closet. But it had a bed, and a small, simple, table where a candle was set. As well as a rather large, circular, window that she could see one section of the river from. There was a noise. Something creaking. It wasn't unusual for a building like this to have such noises but these seemed somewhat louder than normal. Which was odd as, until the priest comes in later in the day to set up, there shouldn't be anyone else there. The priest's home was nearby but not attached and there were no other guests. Whether the noise prompted the girl to get up to investigate right away or not she would find the place empty. Though a door leading to the graveyard out back was partially opened. Before she could check, were she inclined, the main door opened and the priest walked in. He was a short man but still fit despite his age. His head was bald and the only hair he had left was a neat mustache, still mostly black but greying, and he wore heavy robes whenever he was at the church. His grey eyes looked inquisitive as he saw Lana up and about. "Good morning, child, is something the matter?" He then noticed the door on the other end open and a smile crossed his face. "Ah, I see she has come earlier than normal. If you were worried about that no need to. It's my daughter, you see, she tends to visit this place. Though usually not at this time. You've been here a few days now but I suppose you never did meet her. If you'd like to say hello you're free to. Though, I could use some help setting up for the sermon later, if you don't mind." OOC
  3. No matter the obstacle we must carry on The Chosen. Nine warriors fated to save the world...or so they say. In reality the Chosen were nothing more than relatively common adventurers given a grave task. A task that several already were found unable to handle. Having lost three of their number before reaching the first Demon Gate, eldrich devices that connected to a demonic realm, to say the group was struggling would be an understatement. Yet, somehow, despite their start, the group managed to reach a Demon Gate. Where they are now learning the true terror of their task. Though they are smaller in number each of them have a determination to defeat this grave foe. And now...the story continues. The shark heading for Gilly wasn't quite stopped by the sudden spear in its face. The creature seemed to lack any concept of self preservation as it merely whipped its head to the side to tear the spear out of Gilly's hands. Once it did this it burrowed its way underground like its companion had been. Then, similarly, it launched itself out of the sand again and towards Gilly. This time its lower half remained embedded in the sand as the spine-like thing and the head of the shark remained above ground, snaking back and forth as it tried to get at Gilly. Similarly the one fighting Ryia ended up in such a pose, with its lower half under the ground. It, however, instead of going directly for Ryia tried to snake around her to attack her from behind. --- Lindow made it up in time to see Damien slicing across the part of spine on the Fire Elemental that was visible under the flames, which Keres had unveiled, and caused a large chip to fly off of the Elemental. He would also see as the Fire Elemental twisted its body nearly 180 degrees in order to swipe a flaming arm at the swordsman. Damien ducked and rolled under it but then was almost caught by a blast of flames and only managed to get out of the way with the help of Keres's water whip pulling him to the side. With a growl, seemingly not thinking much anymore, Damien merely went for the Elemental again, blade low, and heading for the center of mass. The elemental raised the arm not attacked by Lindow. The flames extended upwards, growing thinner but longer, more focused, and almost took an edge to it. It seemed posed so that it would bring the flame down on Damien as the swordsman made his approach. Keres shook her head but was unable to say anything. She knew that she had to do more but she only had a limited supply of water. And what would she do if this thing decided to turn its attention to her? The Demon Gate was already making her feel sick and now this doubt that was welling up doubled that feeling. --- Gilly had done a rather insane, or perhaps Gilly-like is more fitting, action. Swinging her spear horizontally at the snapping jaws coming her way. The girl's strength wasn't quite enough to stop the creature but as the magical ice shattered against it the shark did seem to recoil. Hob rammed the creature's spin, which was sticking from the ground, and there was a slight cracking noise. Though there wasn't much time to listen closer as the shark was now lowering its head to latch onto Gilly's small form from behind. OOC
  4. "You have been Chosen" As you hear these words your thoughts immediately turn towards the myths. A prophecy that states that, when the world needs them most, 9 heroes will be chosen by the Elemental Spirits to fight evil itself. In the form of Demon Gates hidden throughout the land. Wicked contraptions that connect the world of Fantalius to the Demon Realm. For the past two-hundred years Fantalius has been dying. Monsters, evil humanoids, and worse have control of the land. The common folk are forced to cower in their cities, traveling only by protected caravans. While adventurers can travel as long as they keep their wit about them, it's a constant struggle against death just to make it to the next city. However you, and 8 others, have been given a chance, and a destiny. If you take it upon yourself it is guaranteed to be an adventure full of risk. However if you succeed in destroying the Demon Gates and bringing peace back to Fantalius you will be hailed as heroes. You are The Chosen. Now step forward, brave adventurers, and embrace your destiny! Rules What is this? Races Spirits and Elements The World Map and Info What I expect from you Application Format Accepted Applications And as mentioned it would be limited acceptance. Only 8 others will be chosen (I will fill out the last Chosen myself after the rest are picked). But don't let that scare you. It will be a time and quality based choice on my part. If you write a character that's really amazing you'll likely get a slot early but other than that I will review all of them best I can to find the ones that work the best. This doesn't mean super long and detailed either. Something short but understandable and well made is perfectly great. There can only be ONE character for each Element. Unofficial Theme Equipment
  5. Premise World City Magic Races Major Families of Froura NPCs Locations App Format Accepted Apps
  6. Hello......hello. Again? No, that's not right. Hello for the first time, for you at least, everyone. I hope this message gets through. You see...there have been some problems in my universe. Oh, right, there's multiple universes. Don't worry you'll understand eventually. Anyway something has gone horrible wrong. And the only hope we have is...all of you. No pressure. Well. Perhaps a small, just a tad, a smidgen really, bit of pressure. I, we, really need your help. You won't be alone and, even if you find yourself in the unfamiliar, take heart that you have comrades. You will fight together. Live together. Argue with. Forge bonds. Perhaps even more. At least...I hope so. Perhaps you'll just kill each other. This isn't an exact science. It's not even science at all, not really, actually. But that's enough from me. There's plenty more to say and I, while I'm a wonderful orator, would take far too long to explain it all. Rules Premise Setting Applications Accepted Apps If you do join please be able to stay dedicated to somewhat frequent posting. I want this to work and not just be a "fun thing to play around in for a month then leave" so be sure to pick your character carefully. They're gonna be with you for a while. If you're unsure about anything let me know. I'll try and point out anything I see as problematic but don't feel down if I do it's kinda just my nature. Lastly I won't have a solid limit on number of players but if I feel it's too much I'll make a limit. Well...there you have it, let's get this going!
  7. Aw, Clau, you gots a home now? All because Red is a stupid lucky dumb dumb
  8. I just finished the rest of the old series just after this first episode aired, though I was coincidentally watching it mostly on the day it'll be airing now. This is (probably dumbly) my first experience with Dragon Quest, but though by the books, it is shounen at its damn finest, just about (can't wait for Popp). Though it is mostly the same content as the older pilot, it did feel like there was some faster pacing, with the additional flashbacks the watchers of the older series can appreciate, since it directly deals with the last arc that was adapted, so there's certainly a lot to look forward to. Being officially translated and released in Latin America back then, it obviously wasn't as popular in NA and other places, so here's hoping the wider release of new Dai is a good. I keep hoping at least something less mainstream that I post gets some good discussion, and it never does, so I'll sprinkle in the rare anime I'll be watching that has a chance of being a bit more mainstream too.
  9. Never lose hope OOC Last time, on The Fallen God Team Mac, Day 22, Ogren The group had just arrived, after trekking through a stamina draining swampland, to the city of Ogren. Where they met a pair of Eeveelutions and were invited to their wedding the following day. When attempting to relax from their journey thus far the self-proclaimed leader of the group, Mackenzie, ended up getting into a fight with some of the local kids. Ari and Kazo went to intervene. "Hey!" Mac responded. "I can handle this myself, what're they gonna do tell their mommies? I'll kick her butt, too!" The group of young Gijinka seemed to be startled by her attitude, having expected her to back down, but the leader gave the other two a dirty look. "Why're you in our city anyway? Think you can just come in and eat without givin nothin?" "Now now, children." A kind voice came. "I think we all need to settle down. A woman came up to the group, giving them an apologetic look. "I apologize for these children, people have been on edge lately and I am afraid the young ones have been most affected." The boy looked bashful as the woman came, mumbling something about not being scared or anything, and Mac couldn't help but shoot him a cheeky grin. "I, too, am fairly new to this city." The woman said. "But I assure you they are rather welcoming most of the time." Team Neo Not Dark, Day 33, Under the Sea After a massive fight inside of an equally massive bubble the group finds themselves under scrutiny from a pair of Merm soldiers. Soldiers who say that Dora is their missing princess and had demanded answers. The two listened to the calm words of the group and seemed to relax slightly. Though one of them stepped forward and stretched out his hand. "Nevertheless we would prefer she stay at our side. Princess, we know that Gisei stole you from your home but you don't have to fear now, we will bring you back to your father." "Gigi didn't steal me! He protected me! Mamma told him to!" The soldiers hesitated, then one shook his head. "I'm sure that you're right." He said, clearly not believing it. "But we should go now. Your father has been worried." The other looked to the group. "We can escort you back to the surface if you wish." Team Karaoke, Day 33, Juyu The group had witnessed a miracle. A Legend, Jirachi the Wish Maker, had given her life to save the lives of Meloetta and Heather, the sheriff of Juyu, and they learned the identity of the only living Gijinka to have spoken to Arceus directly. After a night's rest they group intended to set out on the next leg of their journey. A journey back home for Gwen and Lok. With Nine and Kayla, deputy of Juyu, tagging along. They found Kayla near the exit of the city. Or rather Kayla found them. As she stepped out next to them and greeted them with an almost inaudible hello. She then showed them how she planned on reaching Alpha. Standing, holding what was essentially a giant wheelbarrow without wheels, right outside the city was a, familiar to some, girl. The Dragonite delivery girl, Quincy. She waved happily at them and called out. "I heard you all wanted a lift!" Team Showdown, Day 30, Southshore Forest What stared out as a fight against a powerful Legend turned into a battle alongside said legend against a dangerous Godslayer. The Crobat woman had shown that she was nimble and hard to catch, leading Taiga to tell Zygarde to lift the force that was limiting their Abilities. The Legend seemed to not fully understand until she remembered the attack that had begun all this. With a slow nod she crouched down and placed her hands on the ground. The area around them began to glow a deep green and the group would find their natural Abilities returning to them. Though it had the unfortunate affect of taking Zygarde's attention off of their would-be killer. Team Alola, Day 23, Dangerous...wait only some of them are in the cave After resting in what seemed an entirely innocent and completely safe cave the group was beset by cannibals. After a fierce battle the group of attacking cannibals was down to their seeming leader, a stubborn and hungry Skuntank. He had released a wave of acid at the group but didn't stop there. With surprising swiftness the monstrous Gijinka went after Nani with another powerful Night Slash. Any who tried to interfere would find themselves being attacked by an Acid Spray in the process.
  10. logo by Sethera Co-hosted by Sethera Rules Plot The Gijinka The Region Eligible Gijinka Application This is more or less the entire old OOC from YCM. Will see about adding in the character stuff later. Also note that not all the information is quite accurate atm but I wanted to keep it as true to what it was (I did remove a few things though). Well, didn't add the character stuff but hey, don't need that anymore! RP Completed. IC Thread
  11. OP Episode 3: Clouds The time had finally come. What time, the freshmen of Blue Yonder may have asked? Why, club recruitment week! That special five-day span near the beginning of the school year where the school clubs went all-out, putting up posters, booths, and more to try and reel in as many new members as they possibly could! And indeed, quite a bit of club efforts were meant to incentivize freshmen to join. With the school day for today having let out, now was the time for students to look for clubs to join, or for those already in clubs to try recruiting new members. Despite the excitement though, there seemed to be a dreary undercurrent running through campus; a small twinge of sadness in spite of everything else. Like move-in day a week and a half before, campus was crowded with stalls and activities. Instead of diversions meant to entertain families and new students though, each and every one was perfectly engineered to attract students so that they could sign away on that all-important piece of paper (and several of their precious free hours every week). For some it was subtle, others extravagant, but every single one had the heart and soul of its members poured into it. As was tradition.
  12. ~A Zai Mecha Rp~ ~Logo By: Thar~ ~Theme: Song For...~ Intro Rules and Info Setting Plot Application Templates
  13. The voice of Roger Parsons narrates. Everyone has a dream that fills their heart; a journey they must take, a destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. This is the world of pokemon. Here, pokemon and humans live in harmony. Some keep pokemon as pets, while others, known as pokemon trainers, compete with them in amazing contests of skill and strategy. Whether they battle, perform, race, or compete, all trainers and their pokemon hope to one day be the best, and become pokemon masters. This dream burns brighter than most in the hearts of six young people: Trey Joule, Annelise Faraday, Willow Meyers, Ran Kuroki, Olivia Fournier, and Lennox Doyle, all beginning their journeys as pokemon trainers at the same time. As they each make their way to Cherrygrove city, none of them realize that their destinies are intertwined, or that they're in for the adventure of a lifetime. BGM "Hey bro. You told me to call you when I got here, soooooo...." Trey Joule leaned in toward the vidphone's screen so that Volkner could hear him more clearly. The pokemon center was extra lively this morning, between the usual trainer traffic and all of the TIP participants who had arrived to pick up their GPS spikes from the MapCo representative. The background noise wasn't helping the already shaky reception from Sunnyshore City. "Wow, I'm kinda surprised you actually remembered. The regional ferry ride wasn't too bad was it?" "It was pretty smooth. We even got a good view of Alto Mare when we crossed the lagoon." "You should stop by there when you get a chance. Its a really cool town. Oh, forgot to tell you! I told Jas you were coming and so she put together a little care package for you. Its in your PC box." "What?! Duuuude you told her I was coming to Johto?" Trey groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Its not like I was gonna keep it a secret from her. Besides, she's gonna see you in Olivine eventually anyway." "Ughhh duuude this is so lame. Its bad enough I have to battle your girlfriend for a gym badge in the first place. The least you could do is save me from the big sis act." "Sorry, no can do pipsqueak. I'll tell her you said thanks for the gear though." "Yeah, yeah. You do that." "There's a little something from me in there too, by the way." "That's not like you. Did she rope you in too?" "Nahh, Its just a little present to commemorate your journey. You gotta promise me something though." "What's that?" "You can't open it until you've earned your first badge. Deal? It'll ruin it if you do." "Sure, sure. I'll leave Jasmine's stuff in there with it to keep it some company." "Trey come on get over it- oh crap the Gym's got a challenger. Hey I've gotta go." "Don't sweat it Volk I'll make sure I thank her myself when I get to Olivine. Don't make it easy for 'em ok?" "Not a chance. And hey you better not lose to Jasmine. It'll make us look bad." "Yeah sure whatever. Catch you on the flip side." With that, Trey hung up, and turned back around to face his cyndaquil, who'd been sitting on the bench behind him, listening intently. "Well Ollie, we're officially on our own. You ready to go do Johto?" "Quiiil!" "That's the spirit bro. We've got our stakes, so all we needa do is get everything squared away and hit the road!" Trey paused, craning his neck to follow a cute girl with a skitty for a moment. "Couldn't hurt to get acquainted with the locals a bit first though. Maybe ask about the sights? Whaddya think?" "Qui-Quiiiiil!" Ollie nodded in the affirmative, though really he was just eager to do something other than stand still. If he was lucky, they might even find themselves a battle before they left town.
  14. Rules & Info Plot & Setting Apps MapCo's Starter Pokemon The Cast
  15. Rules & Info Plot & Setting Apps MapCo's Starter Pokemon Accepted Apps
  16. The voice of Roger Parsons narrates. Everyone has a dream that fills their heart; a journey they must take, a destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. This is the world of pokemon. Here, pokemon and humans live in harmony. Some keep pokemon as pets, while others, known as pokemon trainers, compete with them in amazing contests of skill and strategy. Whether they battle, perform, race, or compete, all trainers and their pokemon hope to one day be the best, and become pokemon masters. This dream burns brighter than most in the hearts of five young people. Emile Birou, Trey Joule, Olivia Fournier, Jin Takenaga, and Kahurangi, all beginning their journeys as pokemon trainers at the same time. As they each make their way to Cherrygrove city, none of them realize that their destinies are intertwined, or that they're in for the adventure of a lifetime. BGM "Hey bro. You told me to call you when I got here, soooooo...." Trey Joule leaned in toward the vidphone's screen so that Volkner could hear him more clearly. The pokemon center was extra lively this morning, between the usual trainer traffic and all of the TIP participants who had arrived to pick up their GPS spikes from the MapCo representative. The background noise wasn't helping the already shaky reception from Sunnyshore City. "Wow, I'm kinda surprised you actually remembered. The regional ferry ride wasn't too bad was it?" "It was pretty smooth. We even got a good view of Alto Mare when we crossed the lagoon." "You should stop by there when you get a chance. Its a really cool town. Oh, forgot to tell you! I told Jas you were coming and so she put together a little care package for you. Its in your PC box." "What?! Duuuude you told her I was coming to Johto?" Trey groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Its not like I was gonna keep it a secret from her. Besides, she's gonna see you in Olivine eventually anyway." "Ughhh duuude this is so lame. Its bad enough I have to battle your girlfriend for a gym badge in the first place. The least you could do is save me from the big sis act." "Sorry, no can do pipsqueak. I'll tell her you said thanks for the gear though." "Yeah, yeah. You do that." "There's a little something from me in there too, by the way." "That's not like you. Did she rope you in too?" "Nahh, Its just a little present to commemorate your journey. You gotta promise me something though." "What's that?" "You can't open it until you've earned your first badge. Deal? It'll ruin it if you do." "Sure, sure. I'll leave Jasmine's stuff in there with it to keep it some company." "Trey come on get over it- oh crap the Gym's got a challenger. Hey I've gotta go." "Don't sweat it Volk I'll make sure I thank her myself when I get to Olivine. Don't make it easy for 'em ok?" "Not a chance. And hey you better not lose to Jasmine. It'll make us look bad." "Yeah sure whatever. Catch you on the flip side." With that, Trey hung up, and turned back around to face his cyndaquil, who'd been sitting on the bench behind him, listening intently. "Well Ollie, we're officially on our own. You ready to go do Johto?" "Quiiil!" "That's the spirit bro. We've got our stakes, so all we needa do is get everything squared away and hit the road!" Trey paused, craning his neck to follow a cute girl with a skitty for a moment. "Couldn't hurt to get acquainted with the locals a bit first though. Maybe ask about the sights? Whaddya think?" "Qui-Quiiiiil!" Ollie nodded in the affirmative, though really he was just eager to do something other than stand still. If he was lucky, they might even find themselves a battle before they left town.
  17. So... yeah, idk how the other topic is formatted since I got really behind on everything I still wanted to watch for reasons (so I won't be looking at it just yet), but here we go. Director: Satou, Akira Series composition: Takahiro Original character design: Namori So I'm honestly hoping that some of these Yuru Yuri affectionados have finally given this a shot now that it is over at least. I was a little sad no one said anything in my misc thread in the old country since I'd say they TRANSPLANTED AKARI & CHINATSU INTO AN ACTION SPY SHOW and everything. The supplementary manga actually really help a lot, specifically the one page 4-komas After Release the Spyce. The humor really grew on me and really helps show that there may be some serious shit, but even though Namori is only the original chara designer, their style really permeates through the whole thing.
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