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Everything posted by radio414

  1. i promise you i at least mean after american thanksgiving
  2. i found out i don't like that many sandwiches https://tiermaker.com/create/sandwiches-158546
  3. What if YCMaker was one of us?

    A slob like one of us?

    Just a stranger on a bus

    Trying to make his way home?

  4. edit: no dropshadow because mspaint rip
  5. radio414


    Are you trying to roast the host post without a hint of "glasnost" and then in victory, coast to the Ivory Coast, trying to boast about how you made the host post a ghost without realizing that, what you've done, at most is taken the readers, until then engrossed, and ruined their fun? Well, first and foremost, your post-host-no-glasnost-ghost-roast-boast-coast is invalid, because that's my riposte. If you said you had me, I'd say "almost" My respect you deserve, maybe even utmost But the truth is, in terms of making rhymes overdosed, There's only one me, and my one true host post
  6. I think Christmas gets as many slapping mashups as Halloween. I can think of at least two, at least (though they both involve Mariah Carey so maybe not) EDIT: There is Christmas Eurobeat, but that's getting saved for Christmas, obviously
  7. Alright, from bottom to top, I guess: Honorable Mentions: #3 #2 #1 If you asked me again on some other day, you'd probably get three wildly different answers, but that's what I got.
  8. I've only played Sacred Stones (FE8), though I put so many hours into it that one day I booted it up and it straight wiped all my saves and wouldn't keep another one so I actually haven't played any in a while. However, I'd be lying if I said I'd seen all the content in that game. I never paired Neimi with anyone other than Colm, for example, so I've only seen a lot of the support conversations online, and none of the postgame content really appealed to me, so I always just made a new save and started again.
  9. Don't think this one made it into the Eurobeat spree
  10. Weird stuff maybe to come, but first this:
  11. Do you think running the Yui Rates Music thread has broadened your music taste? To put it another way, have you found new genres you otherwise wouldn't have or just individual songs?
  12. 1) They wouldn't call me radio414 if I didn't have at least some musical variety (and by "they" I mean me) 2) That sounds like an excuse to get a even more weird. I guess it's in spirit of the season, in a nihilistic sort of way. Headphone warning around halfway in.
  13. I don't know if I get to submit anything this round if you're rating my last submission again but I submit this:
  14. I also recommend the movie (Suspiria (1977), directed by Dario Argento), though that may be outside the scope of a "Rates Music" thread.
  15. i can't believe fat white family made a song just for quentin tarantino.
  16. This is what the Lord says, he who made the earth, the Lord who formed it and established it -- the Lord is his name: “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” -Jeremiah 33:2-3 (NIV) It was Gabriela who first came close to breaking that entrancing spell they both shared, though Melissa didn’t mind. There was no conflict, no reason to snap back to reality when it really wasn’t necessary. The first half of it was just Gabriela’s assent anyway, and while Melissa noticed her date’s drop off near the end of that particular segment, she was able to put it away, hiding it away in her mind. The second half was all a question, and it was one that Melissa actually knew the answer to, too. So in addition to being able to answer right away, Melissa also allowed herself a hint of confidence, even if she still stumbled a bit through her delivery. “It’s, ah, I think I mentioned this maybe on Wednesday -- it’s okay if you forgot -- but, um, I only really know Hiraku by how people talk about him. He’s…” She hit her first stumble. Despite having had Hiraku’s reputation ingrained into herself through word of mouth throughout the entirety of her freshman year, her one physical interaction with him had been a positive one. She didn’t want to lie to Gabriela -- she didn’t want to lie to anyone, of course -- and poorly represent someone. But public opinion mattered too, right? What if she was in the wrong? “People tell me he’s not the nicest person,” Melissa said, landing right in the middle. “He’s certainly made a name for himself on the duel team, though. He’s pretty high on the roster. “The other one, um, Yushiro Midori? I think I pronounced that correctly. I don’t know much else about him. I’m sorry. I know he’s new to the team, so it’s alright that you haven’t met him. It’d be alright no matter what, but, um, you know what I mean, right?” Melissa was on the home stretch now. She paused a moment to allow Gabriela to catch up, or at least make sure she was nodding along before she revealed the last of her grapevine knowledge. “So, on move-in day, there was that big festival, right? Hiraku and Yushiro got into a duel that ended in a draw, and Ashley Rendleman -- she’s the student council president -- decided this would be the place for a grudge match. “Um, yeah. Sorry if that was a lot, um, this is only stuff I heard.” Now that she had said it all out loud, Melissa actually felt a little excited for the duel, and she couldn’t place exactly why. Maybe now that she was in a dueling club, no matter the differences between competitive and entertainment dueling? Was Gabriela’s enthusiasm rubbing off on her? It was something to ponder as the duel’s scheduled time ticked ever closer.
  17. I don't think I'd want to rule any particular country in real life, to be honest. I just feel like that much responsibility and pressure, that Sword of Damocles, combined with my admittedly okay at best understanding of international politics would lead to disaster. Could I be part of a figurehead monarchy, perhaps? Being a figurehead, I imagine, would allow me to focus more on my own interests regardless of the monetary or influence cost. There's still be that addendum, of course, that I'm still looked up to by a country's worth of people and likely in the public eye in the rest of my life, though, and I'm not sure I'd be able to handle that part of the deal. Hm. I dunno, maybe Sweden? Sweden's monarch gets to hand out the Nobel Prizes. That'd be neat, I think.
  18. remember me when ur famous Still in an Electro-Swing mood, here's this: inb4 not as good as Ram Jam 5/10
  19. I don't think I have any, like, definite favorites, to be honest. Not because I don't think history is important, but because I lost the appetite to completely immerse myself in an individual's history after doing a project on Salvador Dalí and surrealism back in high school (as an aside, shoutouts to Giorgio de Chirico and Luis Buñuel). I remember voraciously reading age-appropriate biographies on Benjamin Franklin as a kid, though I don't know if that counts anymore. What I can give instead, though, are some anechdotes of some figures who had an energy I can get behind. Julie d'Aubigny, a French opera singer who, after finding out a girl she was in a relationship with had been put away in a convent, joined that convent, dug up a dead nun's body to replace her lover's with, then set the convent on fire to cover their escape. Among other things. Lepa Radić, a freedom fighter who, when given a chance to name her co-conspirators in exchange for her life, said, "You'll know them when they come to avenge me." Hachikō, the dog who kept waiting for his owner nine years after the owner's death. Again, I don't know if any of these are favorites favorites, but it's a start.
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