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MACHISMO Is A Luticia Simp


Status Updates posted by MACHISMO Is A Luticia Simp

  1. Goldar's new VA is atrocious.

    1. Chaos Sonic

      Chaos Sonic

      .......excuse me what?

    2. Chaos Sonic

      Chaos Sonic

      I JUST REALIZED THANKS TO THIS THAT HE COMES BACK! ...and the voice, yeah, it's not Goldar, but hey...it works from what I see. Also...DID THEY BRING ZELTRAX BACK TOO?! o.O

  2. Speed Duels reprints Gravekeeper's, reprints Feral Imp instead of the Dark Magician support.

    1. LordCowCow
    2. MACHISMO Is A Luticia Simp

      MACHISMO Is A Luticia Simp

      Would buy if Konami releases a Gravekeeper's Structure with the Bakura Fusion.

  3. the new card template is so nice FB_IMG_1613478998069.jpg

    1. MACHISMO Is A Luticia Simp
    2. The Chayncemaniac

      The Chayncemaniac

      Reminds me of the change to the Digimon TCG


  4. Apparently, Lothor from Ninja Storm passed away in November ?

    1. Hina's Simp

      Hina's Simp

      Shane died a few days ago, too.

    2. MACHISMO Is A Luticia Simp

      MACHISMO Is A Luticia Simp

      Shane: Best ninja ranger, best Battlizer ?

  5. Here's a piece of toast with avocado on it.


    Don't let people tell you that your dreams are dreams. Be positive. Believe in yourself. Stop sucking. Maximize. Shift into turbo. Transform and roll out. #Motivation #FitGoals #HiCowCow #TacosAreDelicious

  6. waifu trial deck boss


    Astesice, Kairi [AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, [COST][Soul-Blast 1], choose up to two of your rear-guards, and return them to your hand. [AUTO](VC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked, if you persona rode this turn, choose up to two cards from your hand, and call them to separate row (RC).

    1. Blake


      That sure is a Bermuda effect

  7. Still favorite OP.


    1. DragonSage


      asdfg the dramatic zoom ins

  8. Misawa getting buried. Ep. 56.


  9. Gal Gadot's sexy accent is sexy.

    1. TheEternalWinter


      GDI come back to ycm

  10. >War for the Spark

    >Not a Transformers crossover

    1. Comrade Duck

      Comrade Duck

      lmaoooo so mad that at I laughed at this

  11. power rangers finally getting some expanded universe action, and its time force https://www.denofgeek.com/us/books/power-rangers/286050/we-re-finally-getting-a-power-rangers-time-force-sequel-exclusive

    1. Phantom Roxas

      Phantom Roxas

      They also made a comic for In Space, but I'm especially excited for this. Time Force is my favorite season, and I'm happy to see it get more love. Especially with Jen and Wes as the focus.

  12. batman doesn't need condoms. he has contingency plans.

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      God I hate damian wayne so much

  13. Dragonic Overlord "The TurnAbout"

    [AUTO](VC)[1/turn]:At the end of the battle that it attacked, [COST][Counter-Blast 1 & discard two cards from your hand], [Stand] all of your front row units with "Overlord" in their card names, and until end of turn, this unit gets drive -1, and if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, all of your front row units with "Overlord" in their card names get [Power]+10000.


  14. Anime has evolved.


    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      This show isn't on Crunchyroll and that was enough to kill it for me.

  15. I heard a French person made a trash movie called "Calves", which promotes human-on-calf bestiality. What the fudge?! Cows are ingredients! Except CowCow. Hi CowCow.

  16. Justice League: War is now my 2nd favorite superhero movie ever in the history of ever. Ever. Cubed.

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      It's really good.

  17. CowCow is a [Glitter] which seeks the Fire Regalis.

    1. LordCowCow


      I prefer Thunder or Water but I'll take Fire too

  18. Star Trek 4 ain't happening, but Zoe Saldana is hot, so the Alpha Quadrant is alright.

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      Too bad thanos threw her off a cliff

  19. V series Chronojet 8BPjAgc.png

    1. Chaos Sonic

      Chaos Sonic


  20. Cardfight gets its first base Crit 2 unit https://cardfight.fandom.com/wiki/Farmed_Gaias

    1. Chaos Sonic

      Chaos Sonic

      I'm sorry WHAAAAAT?! WHY?!


    1. Thar



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