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Status Updates posted by Zaziuma

  1. YCM down for more than 24 hours. Not again please!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Nathanael D. Striker
    3. Zaziuma


      I am no web developer, but should it really take this long to implement this?

    4. Nathanael D. Striker

      Nathanael D. Striker

      It took a week or more back in 2011, iirc.

  2. I finished Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix finally, and I was finally getting excited to get to Kingdom Hearts 3. Just kind of forgot that I have to play 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue first. Hurraaaaay.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Forgotten Home

      Forgotten Home

      Jesus lol why're there so many

    3. Zaziuma


      It prints money I guess.

    4. Forgotten Home

      Forgotten Home

      Square Enix as you say that:


  3. It's been a lot of fun to go back to the original YGO series, I remember both so much and so little, and of course the Japanese version got plenty of differences too. I just got the Bakura forest duel, which I always remembered to be one of my favorites, I wonder how it holds up.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rodrigo


      We know obviously, but I still watch it dubbed because the voices are epic, and it's what I grew up it, it'd be weird to watch it subbed lol

    3. Shradow


      Understandable. Dan Green and Eric Stuart are pretty boss, though personally I love Tsuda Kenjiro as Kaiba, and Joey's accent in the dub annoys me.

    4. M0B0X


      Wow! I'm re-watching DM too, subbed this time. Right now at the Joey vs. Mai duel in the Orichalcos Arc. My reason for watching it this time is not only nostalgia though, but to enjoy all those things that got censored in the dub.

  4. Just made a new Archetype that uses the new Master Rules. Check it out here:


  5. Uh oh, YCM is giving me this error and it ain't fixing itself. Anyone else got this? https://prnt.sc/ts57g8

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      Oh no, what a loss

    3. yui


      ? YCM IS GONE ?

    4. Phantom Roxas

      Phantom Roxas

      Yeah, I got that yesterday, too.

  6. I posted a thread where you can ask ruling questions, hope it'll be helpful to you all:


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ash


      I was under the impression you were referring to site rules not game rules, my b.

    3. Zaziuma


      Should probably have been more clear on that, sorry for the confusion and annoyance of having to move a thread, in case that is hard, dunno anything about this site.

    4. Ash


      Nah it's real easy, no sweat.

  7. What are some games or genres you played this year that you wouldn't normally play? Mine are in the comments.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. norI worK

      norI worK

      Outer Worlds. I usually don't have time nor the want to play RPG games. They haven't clicked with me in almost a decade. When I was young I played lots of RPGs but now I got bored usually 15 minutes in. It was free on game pass so I downloaded it and gave it a shot. I've beat the game 5 times now. It's a great game and I'm impressed that it kept me so immersed.

    3. mido9


      Speaking of outer worlds, I played outer WILDS. It's basically a walking simulator, which I usually dont even bother with, but the exploration aspect of the game just gripped me so hard and the variety and secrets and revelas in the game all made me look forward to the next thing that will happen

    4. Zaziuma


      Played both Outer games as well, both are fantastic games.

  8. @Tormented Did you get the chance to look into the avatar thing with the file size and what have you?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zaziuma


      Tried it out and it seems to work, though seems like the compressed version of the gif and the original don't change much on this site anyway, but hey, I am sure someone out there will find use for this.

    3. Ash


      image.png looks quite good to me but I didn't maximize the last one so can't really compare. It's a sick avatar though.

    4. Zaziuma


      Well maximized perhaps, but I was hoping the image would be bigger on the forum itself, though the size I had seems to not matter much.

  9. It's my birthday! 24 years old, I don't know why, but being an adult still feels weird as hell!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nico


      Birthday happy! It's also my mom's Bday, lol.

    3. Zaziuma


      Hey! Only one birthday is allowed at a time! Tell your mom to move her birthday to the 10th instead!

    4. Nico


      Oh, I tried seeing what time it was at other places and it didn't seem like it was the 9th at even New Zealand when you posted, but maybe it isn't the same day after all, since hers is the 8th. ?


      Wow, wild how places are even further ahead than that. I just happened to hear about the international date line for the first time since Sweet Life on Deck, reading some things. (either that, or you just said a random date, not just the day ahead, but lol)

  10. Just finished Detroit: Become Human. Spoilers and thoughts ahead:

    I honestly didn't expect to be as conflicted by the end of it as I was. While I enjoyed the game for the most part, it did have issues, it's a bit heavy handed and cliched at times, but it also does a lot of things very well, which were my same feelings as Heavy Rain. While I will still defend Heavy Rain, as it has special value to me for a lot of reasons, and I think there is enough good in there, Beyond: Two Souls is terrible no matter how you put it, and I thought that Detroit just gonna be in the former, though the directions it took, and the way my story played out was not the way I think most were.

    I lost Markus for one, which resulted in me not having the option to be pacifist, so Jericho went full terrorist, with me powerless to do anything, how that plays out with him alive I have no idea, but that route let my Connor, who I played as cold towards Hank as possible, to end up having to kill North.

    Then there is Kara, and the twist with Alice that I predicted, but kind of hoped was just me making a weird connection, but indeed, she turns out to be an android too, while there are clues of course, don't fully understand why that was even necessary, I guess that Kara defending her was because she was human, and if you were to play the game as an anti-android, that may change your perception. To me, I continued to defend her, though I made some terrible decisions and she ended up dying in the end, with Kara staying alive.

    The ending I got was...tough. I wished I had made other choices that wouldn't have led me to this ending, but it was also an interesting one, so in a way, I am glad it ended up that way, even if I felt gut-punched. I think that there was value here, I am glad I chose to play this, especially as I have watched parts of the game in Let's Plays, and I don't think it would have been the same if I didn't get to choose how things played out. If the game is good though, that's hard to say, of course if this kind of game isn't your thing, it's not the game that will convince you, but I think this game has value, and I think you should check it out if you haven't already.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mido9


      You can make spoiler tags in status updates. Just highlight the text and click the spoiler button.

      Like this:


      Like this

      Please do that.

    3. Thar



      Also, spoilers don't work on the front page. So just break a couple lines beforehand so that it doesn't show up there.

    4. Zaziuma


      She's not the only one of her kind, the reveal is literally that Kara spots another one of her, and mistakes it for her. That being said, it is weird that we never see any other kid androids, obviously there would be others that don't look like her, but i guess they wanted to keep it as hidden as possible, though I realized that she never actually eats any of the food she is given throughout the game.

  11. Well, as YCM isn't coming back anytime soon, I should probably start posting my cards here again:


    1. yui


      silly zaz, circuitricks are for circuikids

    2. TheEternalWinter


      it's been like a week and half


    3. Zaziuma


      Yeah, and I stopped making cards because of that, but since the site is taking its sweet time getting back up, I figured I would make something here instead.

  12. Not sure if anyone has posted about this before, but this Twitter account is redrawing every card, but badly. It's pretty great: https://twitter.com/cardsdrawnbad

    1. Thar


      Those floodfills are too real.

    2. Tinkerer


      I wanna see 'em draw "7" wrong.  Not because of the card itself, but because I wanna see the messed up name they put with the card.

    3. Zaziuma


      Probably gonna call the card "8"

  13. Damn, no more Brooklyn 99 episodes on Netflix, I hate it when they don't have all the seasons yet.

    1. DragonSage
    2. DragonSage


      Still no Season 4?

    3. Zaziuma


      Season 4 is the last one on Netflix for me.

  14. Yugioh Card Maker Forum is currently unavailable

    Performing routine maintenance. Hang tight!

    Hehehehehehehehehehe! I will never see the site again, it will not happen, I give up!

    1. yui


      must be some big-ass maintenance if YCMaker's actually doing it

    2. Nyx


      A big workload for putting everything off for too long?

    3. Nyx


      A big workload for putting everything off for too long?

  15. Morning everybody, it's my birthday today, I'm turning 23!

    1. yui


      Happy cakeday!

    2. Suzu


      Happy birthday Zazi!

    3. ---
  16. I have never watched the original YGO anime all the way through, I only got to somewhere in the Battle Kingdom arc, and I have said to myself that I would get around to it eventually, so gonna finally do it. I am watching the sub, since I have also never done that, and since I watched all the other series subbed, I figured it would make the most sense. Time for the first episode, back in 20 minutes.

    1. Merci


      Battle Kingdom? That's quite a way behind - hope you enjoy your watch yo!

    2. Zaziuma


      Yeah, it was never fully dubbed in Danish I don't think, so missed out on a lot of the episodes, I watched a bit of GX, but I eventually lost interest and didn't come back until ZEXAL was halfway done. Then I watched all of that, GX and 5D, and by the time Arc-V was out, I was pretty much invested in the game completely.

      Finished the first episode, man is it weird to actually just watch this show, I watched a bit of season 0 some time ago, it was quite rough to say the least, but surprisingly, the animation holds up quite well to this day, the voice acting is much more tolerable than the dub ever was, and while it has the melodrama, it doesn't seem as bad as I figured it would. Oh my god is it cute that the game has evolved so much that them talking about a Normal Monster as being powerful is in any way suppose to scare me. It's also crazy that for so long, I had lived with the reality that Kaiba brought out 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons in one turn, when in fact, he brought them out on separate turns, and that he did in fact, not cheat during that duel at all. Well, except for of course not Tribute Summoning, but hey, neither did Yugi when he brought out his Gaia the Fierce Knight and Dark Magician, so guess they didn't have that yet. Funnily enough, Swords of Revealing Light only worked for the Blue-Eyes and not monsters brought out later, unlike the real game, not sure if that's going to be consistent to the show. Gonna take a bit to get used to the Japanese names, I wonder if Zuzu's name was inspired y Anzu in any way.

    3. Sleepy


      Tbh, I think season 0 is the censored form of the manga, then season 1 is a reboot that skipped the material of season 0 because they deemed season 0 too harsh to easily censor. And then another layer of censor was applied by 4kids. It's amusing in a way xD

      Yeah Kaiba played 1 BEWD x turn and Yugi played defending chumps that the episode fast-forwarded to. In Duelist Kingdom Rules (and this is only ever explained in the manga) if your opponent did not play a monster during their turn and have no monsters on board (both of these conditions) you can actually attack directly, but it just never came up. It really enforced stalling cheap until you drew what you needed.

  17. Got to check out Dead Cells finally, as it's on Xbox Game Pass now. I am quite liking it so far, getting used to the controls takes a bit though.

    1. yui


      just wait until you have to start adjusting to higher difficulties ?

      also, two quick protips: always ALWAYS upgrade the forge to the best of your ability before moving on to the next difficulty level. I forget if that became less of a grind in the Who's the Boss patch or Fear the Ravager, but the higher-quality items are more or less necessary. Second, time doors are a noob trap and not worth trying for after you get to hard mode or higher; focus on the combat doors instead.

    2. mido9


      It's good but it gets really bullshit at blood cells 1-4, at least last time I played it in rise of the giants. At the base difficulty, you really need to upgrade the forge, making weapons have one upgrade each time is +50% damage, trivializes the game at that point, really. Also get flasks and other stuff if you want.

    3. Zaziuma


      Guys guys, don't you know that I'm a real GAMER, I don't need your tips, I got this *immediately get destroyed*

  18. Good lord, why did I spend that much time with Fallout 76. I mean, I love the Fallout games, but not sure that game had 200 hours of content: https://prnt.sc/qpedms

    1. mido9


      H O W

      almost literally everything I've heard about fallout 76 is that it's one of the worst games in years

    2. yui


      blink twice if Todd Howard is holding you against your will

    3. Zaziuma


      Well, I love Fallout, so I had to play it to see how bad it was, turned out, it was exaggerated, though I didn't play at launch either, got it for Christmas 2018. I don't claim that it's a great game, it's lacking a lot of what makes Fallout great, but exploring can still be fun, if you like the notes and terminals, they got some of that, some locations and missions were memorable here and there. I stopped playing after having explored the map from top to bottom.

  19. I got Super Mario Oddysey for my birthday, just got it now since my mom lives far away, and now I am wondering, I still have Galaxy in my backlog, so which do I play first. Also, is it really a 50 hour game for completionists? That is crazy to me.

    1. Fusion


      They're both really solid and offer different experiences. Both have the 64/Sunshine style of control but Galaxy messes with different physics and traditional power-ups whereas Odyssey lets you use the hat to do some creative platforming and then the capture mechanic to interact with the enemies and environment.

      I'd say maybe Odyssey first because the game nails its presentation and its campaign is quicker. There's a shitton of moons to collect for completionists, but you don't need nearly that amount to complete the main game. I may be a little more biased since Odyssey is probably my favorite Mario game to date, but you can't go wrong with either. One other potential point in Galaxy's favor is you have more varied level design and worlds to explore. Not selling Odyssey short, but that one has a set amount of hub-worlds you explore just like in 64/Sunshine.

    2. mido9


      hub worlds are overrated anyway

  20. There are pretty big Pokemon spoilers going on right now, tried avoiding it, but the internet was really persistent, so yeah, I was spoiled. I mean, it's Pokemon, it's not like watching the Game of Thrones finale, I can live with it, but I still wish the internet wasn't so freaking spoilery on that.

    1. LordCowCow


      To be fair it's the most exciting thing to happen in the Pokemon anime for years and people are literally celebrating

    2. Flame Dragon

      Flame Dragon

      I feel like I'm the only person jaded about it. None of the battles being 6v6 makes it feel cheaper personally. 

  21. Oh my god, PS5 confirmed for holiday 2020. Which holiday is anyone's guess, but they probably mean Christmas, and it would be weird for it to come our early in the year without a date. Also, while it may have been confirmed before, the name PS5 seems all but official: bit.ly/2p3BO5U

    1. Phantom Roxas

      Phantom Roxas

      That's as official as it gets. Holiday usually does mean Christmas. I would probably expect an event similar to the PS4 reveal, maybe around February like before.

    2. Thar


      Let's just hope they have enough done to be ready for the launch when it comes. Would hate to have them rush everything just to get it out for people to buy their spoiled kids the newest console for Christmas.

  22. Look, I know nothing about web development, but it taking more than a week to get a simple forum up seems a bit ridiculous, when the fuck will YCM be back up?

    1. Phantom Roxas

      Phantom Roxas

      Maybe give it another... month.

    2. LordCowCow


      Hope you like how ncm works

      Cause that's what ycm looks like atm 

  23. Y'all spooked me a little, would have been nice to have a notice before changing the site's url, cause I just got it saved in my new tab thingy on Firefox, so I just kept clicking it, waiting for it to work again, thought the site was down, but yeah, now I have to remember that the url was changed up.

    1. Ash


      Yeah sorry, it was a knee jerk thing. I've been trying to get it to work since the sites inception so I figured it out and it worked lol

      I'll try and get a forward or something on that /forum url

  24. Just crossed the 50 episode mark on the Yu-Gi-Oh! original series, and I have been enjoying it so much more than I thought. It's both a dose of nostalgia and enjoyable even now I feel, the other YGO anime series don't have the genuine charm and likability of a couple of idiot kids trying to play this game seriously despite the rules being made up on the spot. The episode I am on also reminded me of this scene from the abridged series, which I love.


    1. MACHISMO Is A Luticia Simp

      MACHISMO Is A Luticia Simp

      DM has my favorite soundtrack out of all of them.

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