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(o ×)


Status Replies posted by (o ×)

  1. Name a bad Yugioh card that has art you like.

  2. you're gonna have a good quote on auto insurance.

  3. you're gonna have a good quote on auto insurance.

  4. you're gonna have a good quote on auto insurance.

  5. you're gonna have a good quote on auto insurance.

  6. Happy Birthday, beautiful! I miss you!

  7. Got a profile picture just to confuse people

  8. Got a profile picture just to confuse people

  9. The fact that My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU and Re:Zero had several years between anime seasons gives me hope GAMERS! and Wotakoi will come back too.

  10. Would anyone here be interested in a JJBA RP, who I don't have in the discord already?

  11. crawls from the miry dumpster
    what is the haps y'all

  12. All TCGs should ban dirty, smelly people from tournaments!

  13. Saw "Us" last night. Holy shit Jordan Peele is brilliant.

  14. Saw "Us" last night. Holy shit Jordan Peele is brilliant.

  15. Breath of the Wild's weapon degradation system docks it like 20 points on a 5 out of 5 rating system, how did anyone give it beaming reviews on switch without the infinite durability mod? Especially since the reward for many things is weapons which degrade, and it makes many battles that wouldve been big challenges gear checks/makes even small encounters need to be avoided sometimes.

  16. finally hearing sicko mode. Holy shit this is rad

  17. ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ GOT PLANT ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ

    also greninja got nerfed lul

  18. I always enjoy when games go out of their way to have special dialogue/interactions for when you do a task/bring an item before being told to.

  19. Woke up late, rushed to work. Turns out I misread my schedule and am an hour early. Fuck me amiright?

  20. 1 of my posts here has less views in multiple days then it has on YCM in less then a day, hmm

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