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Hina's Simp


Everything posted by Hina's Simp

  1. You're not living up to your avatar's enthusiasm.
  2. Skyrim, Magic Arena, and probably Smash Ultimate. Skyrim because of how much I can mod it and enjoy the game whenever I want because of the additional content. Magic Arena because I jam that shit an hour+ everyday. Smash because it is something to do when I am board.
  3. Yo, this made my day to read. Cheers and thanks for the admiration, it made me smile!
  4. This set is making me feel things that I haven't even felt with the girlfriend. The Serra planeswalker feels like a better Sorin, Solemn Visitor that has a Gideon of the Trials emblem. That is fucking amazing. Plus, how quickly you can get the emblem out is great for BW Tokens and Esper Tokens in general. Going back to an Esper Transcendent build might just be worth progressing, even if the manabase is shaky. With having Jace, Liliana, and Gideon, the deck had a solid performance against most unfair and fair decks, barring ones that played like Tron or Counters Company. This card does enough to provide a quicker clock in place of Gideon and works better alongside Lingering Souls as a whole. I am ready for it. Might even play it over Gideon.
  5. Been jamming Esper DrawGo for the past month with a few friends. We're at 65.53% mwp, playing a total of 74 matches in Comp REL. This is the current list I am running, feeling pretty positive about it. 2 Snapcaster Mage 2 Teferi, Hero of Dominaria 1 Jace, the Mind Sculptor 2 Search for Azcanta 1 Detention Sphere 4 Cryptic Command 4 Path to Exile 3 Supreme Verdict 3 Esper Charm 3 Logic Knot 3 Revitalize 2 Absorb 2 Remand 2 Fatal Push 1 Spell Pierce 4 Flooded Strand 4 Polluted Delta 2 Celestial Colonnade 2 Drowned Catacomb 2 Field of Ruin 2 Hallowed Fountain 2 Watery Grave 1 Creeping Tar Pit 1 Godless Shrine 1 Mystic Gate 3 Island 1 Plains //Sideboard 2 Celestial Purge 1 Circle of Protection: Red 2 Collective Brutality 1 Field of Ruin 2 Kaya, Orzhov Usurper 3 Lingering Souls 2 Surgical Extraction 1 Timely Reinforcements 1 Vendilion Clique
  6. Update to the set. The Normal Summons changed to Special Summons, just because I want this set to be focused on Special Summoning as a means to cheat them into play. The last two cards have been included, "Grave of the Forgotten Fateful" and "Fateful Fighter Naoisi". "Times of War" became a recursion card and another banish engine in the late game. I am thinking of expanding this set to include more Spells and Trap Cards, either going to focus on Fusion or Xyz monsters but not sure which direction I want to go.
  7. I am using YCM through the card maker
  8. You can't build a reliable deck from any of these cards, unless you want to play a highlander strategy. That's stupid, though. Listen to Aix, but play with their free decks to amass wild cards. There are plenty of good decks that can be purchased through a bunch of commons/uncommons. Find those decks after you find a strategy and see what stock lists are playing.
  9. Makeover that makes me feel pretty


    1. yui


      makes you look pretty too

  10. This is fucking stupid. I am ready for this. I nominate Dae.
  11. Smile more. It makes your life easier. Turns out, it is pretty true. I feel like I am playing life on easy mode sometimes.
  12. Duplicate was another chance at an OTK with getting two other copies of the beaters. Should change the effect damage to piercing damage or attack directly, wanted the creatures to be able to attack directly. Something like that.
  13. I haven't even finished season 3 yet, please slow down. The GF and I are working on it.
  14. Alice is deleting my posts and I am against it entirely. This offends me. 

  15. These kind of cards are highly impactful to a strategy, especially when the strategy (such as Control) is notorious for stabilizing games. Most cases, it was through card advantage or threats like Sphinx's Revelation or Lyra Dawnbringer, but aggressive decks are just faster than the rate of those cards. So it becomes necessary to play Revitalize, Moments of Craving, etc, due to the impact it has when end-game stabliziers are often too slow.
  16. I mean, that is just the cantrip part of the card. I think that it is a tag for both tempo and for game longevity, which helps to make it stand out above other options.
  17. Revitalize ( 1 )( W ) Instant You gain 3 life. Draw a card. In recent discourse with Standard, the idea of playing Lifegain is almost vital to the archetype due to the longevity of a game and how much life becomes a resource. This was almost dismissed before Reid Duke mentioned it in his article, "Contol Decks Need Life Gain". Lifegain that did nothing else was almost a do-nothing, even if it meant extending the length of the game because it does not gain any form of advantage. At least with external formats or non-rotating ones, the threats still existed. Those threats need to be dealt with above extending the game, as they close out the game faster than the opposing player is gaining life and become harder to deal with the longer the game goes due to resources being used up and the lack of card advantage being relevant. However, Standard is not the same as external formats. The Standard format plays on a more balanced playing field where Control is just as good as Aggro, and the tools match up against each other more often than not. In this case, Revitalize is one of the best tools to be playing as a control deck which many people are not taking advantage of. Gaining three life against BR and Mono-Red Aggro usually means gaining two-to-three turns, rather than just being a counterspell against Lightning Bolt.dek in Modern or Legacy. Their creatures lack the amount of pressure that can keep up with Revitalize and Absorb. The card also helps to alleviate some of the dead space in the deck which would be used by cards like Opt, as there is not much deck filtering or shuffling. Opt, while being one-mana, is almost the antithesis of Standard Control, for the point that each card matters and each card has use in a game. Opt empowers the momentary opportunity of a card rather than the actual power level of it, when the bottom half a deck does not find consistent use. Revitalize, however, gains more turns per game and keeps individual power level in mind. It is not as good on Turn 1 since it cannot be cast, but that is unnecessary when most lands are coming into play tapped on that turn anyways. Part of the argument in Reid's article is that Lifegain should be added to the structure of the deck, basically saying that lifegain should be supplemental to the components of the archetype, if it is necessary. In this case, Revitalize gains life and draws a card. The cantrip aspect of the card is integral to the Control archetype, with how many lands are played and the ability to flood. The card is already apart of the structure of the deck, negating being manaflooded as an option (in most scenarios) while also voiding the ability to be mana screwed. It helps mulligan decisions by giving more relevant tools in the early game, while being able to draw into the deck rather than relying on top decks to smooth out a questionable keep. Control should play Revitalize more often. It is a four-of in my Esper Control deck in Standard. Discuss.
  18. I wanted to attempt a Splinter Twin combo in Yu-Gi-Oh! Here is the Two Card OTK: Snapshot, Shap You Lose. Snapshot Devil Wind / Level 8 / Winged-Beast / Effect ATK 2900 | DEF 1500 When an opponent's monster whose ATK is higher than your Life Points declares a direct attack while this card is in your hand: You can Special Summon this card, and if you do, negate the attack. While you control 3 or more "Snapshot" monsters, any battle damage this card inflicts to your opponent is treated as effect damage instead. Snapshot Harpie Wind / Level 8 / Winged-Beast / Effect ATK 2700 | DEF 1000 During your opponent's turn, if this card is in your hand, and your opponent controls a monster and you control no monsters (Quick Effect): You can Special Summon this card. If this card is Special Summoned by this effect: return 1 face-up Attack Position monster your opponent controls to the hand. While you control 3 or more "Snapshot" monsters, any battle damage this card inflicts to your opponent is treated as effect damage instead. Snapshot Dealer Wind / Level 4 / Winged-Beast / Effect ATK 1200 | DEF 500 When this card is Normal Summoned: You can tribute this card, and if you do, banish the top 3 cards of your Deck, then add 1 of them to your hand, then shuffle the rest back into your Deck. You can only use this effect of "Snapshot Dealer" once per turn. Snapshot Duplicate Wind / Level 4 / Winged-Beast / Effect ATK 1300 | DEF 1800 Up to twice per turn, if you control a "Snapshot" monster: You can target 1 face-up Winged Beast monster you control; Special Summon from your hand, Deck or GY 1 monster with the same name as that target, but destroy it at the end of this turn. You can only control 1 “Snapshot Duplicate”. Breaking in Chains Equip Spell Card You can pay 1000 Life Points: Special Summon 1 monster from your hand or Deck with the same name as the equipped monster, but banish them at the end of this turn. You cannot Special Summon other monsters the turn you activate this effect, except with the effect of a "Snapshot" monster. Thanks Dova for the OCG Fixes
  19. What are you hoping occurs tomorrow?
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