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Wind Rider


Everything posted by Wind Rider

  1. Kuri Kuri Chant Field Spell If the effect of a "Kuri" monster is activated from your hand, you can add a "Kuri" monster from your deck to your hand. All "Kuri" monsters gain 1000 ATK and DEF and are unaffected by your opponent's card effects. If this card is destroyed and sent to the GY, you can add a Level 7 monster with 2500 or less ATK from your deck to your hand. A gimmicky card but one that has purpose, mainly as a means of accessing other members of the Kuriboh family easily. The last effect is more of a reference than anything, since Kuriboh has been associated with the protags from the very beginning.
  2. "This rain has been long and miserable," Sienna's head shot up as Licorice suddenly talked to her. She was honestly spooked by how silent Licorice could be. "I care not for it. It is a relief that we have your fire at hand, else we might not have started one so easily." Sienna nodded quietly as she livened up the fire a bit, the rain was not helping anything right now. "To think that you can use magic. Like Inari of old," the black fox said. "What a wondrous power." "Yeah... Wonderous..." Sienna said quietly. "I honestly wish everyone at the village wouldn't say it like that... I'm not some reincarnation... I'm just a normal fox... Like you." she said looking at Licorice. The evening passed by relatively easily, minus the rain of course. Sienna even got to try what Gunther called "mushapple soup", and it was surprisingly good for something that sounded so weird. After dinner, Sienna did nothing but curl up in a tent and went right to sleep. Waking up in the morning, Sienna's eyes widened at the sight of a double rainbow above the campsite, a beautiful sign that the weather was finally over. After eating a quick breakfast and packing things up, the group finally headed out, lead by Link and Shiro who discovered a safe way across the river. Which seemed to be a rope that extended from one side of the river to the next. Sienna sighed at the thought of wading through the water but got over it as everyone got ready to move through it. She couldn't help but notice the beavers that were around the river bed, one of them especially, that was eyeing the branch the rope was attached to. "Uh... Bad beaver, shoo!"
  3. Dang, I wish I had saved my old character I made for this. Interest noted.
  4. New Forum, new attempt at an rp. Who's up for a journey through the world of Megaman X? A world of humans, cyborgs, androids, etc. After a certain amount of interest, I'll get to turning this into an OOC. Any help with making this a successful rp is more than appreciated. Here's hoping we can get this Mechaniloid train a rolling!
  5. Was that a dream last night, or something else entirely? Sienna couldn't put her finger on the vision that she had gotten at the Abbey. In the end, she just chalked it up to one more weird event from last night. She let out a quiet yawn as she walked behind the group a little, she wanted nothing more than to sleep in, but there wasn't any time for that now. Eventually, the group came upon a river that was overflowing from the rain that was currently falling. There was a bridge, but it wasn't much of an option as it was rotten and in need of major repairs. In the end, it was settled that Link and Shiro would look for a safer route across the river. Sienna tighten her cloak, the rain was starting to irritate her. She was never fond of water, not just because she used fire, but just because she... She just didn't like water. "Yes. Well. Let us get this started. First we need to go a bit upstream. We don't want to set up the camp somewhere too close to the river. We need a good, elevated, area. We're gonna need a lot of brush and wood. Whatever it driest will work best. Sienna!" Penelope called to the girl. Sienna shot up and came back to her senses. "A fire!? R-right right... Of course..." she said. She made a fire for the camp but stayed as quiet as she was beforehand. Stupid, stupid, stupid... Pay attention! She told herself in her head, she couldn't dose off like this. She needed to be ready at all times. As the others set up the camp, Sienna sat by the fire and just looked into it quietly.
  6. Sienna watched in wonder as the Abbot worked his magic on a couple of the group members. Link looked as if he had been working out his entire life, as if he was never the skeleton of a human Sienna once saw. Tsetseg changed too, not physically though. Sienna could feel a stronger presence from the archer, as if she had gained newfound strength. The fox protean's ears twitched and she scratched her head out of confusion, this kind of magic was new to her, the ability to change one's own self, to walk down a different path. The thought of that intrigued Sienna, though she shook the feeling off. She was happy as is, no reason to change. She occasionally had her doubts about how useful she was to the group, but as it stood she didn't feel like that was a reason to change herself. She just needed to improve her skills, become someone who could help others with her own power. Letting out a deep sigh, she turned away from the group and went back to where everyone had set up their bedrolls. "If anyone needs me, I'll just over here reading." she said to those who would listen. She sat down on her bedroll and pulled a small book out of her pack. She laid down and went to read and study the book's contents, tail swaying about as she read silently.
  7. I feel like I'm losing my sanity right now. I don't know what to do.

  8. Sienna breathed a sigh of relief as she transformed back to normal. She was down on her knees taking deep breaths, both beaststones in her hands. "I... Do not want to see... Another zombie... As long as I live..." she said as she stood back up. But no sooner when she said that, a large bright light surrounded the place before revealing another spirit. A spirit that seemed to be on a higher plane than the others as they kneeled before it. After the spirit talked with the princess he turned to the whole group. "I am Abbot Jack, the last of a long line of abbots blessed with the power to change the path one walks, even their very fates." His eyes seemed to pierce through every single person there. "But be warned, not all change is for the better. Those who seek improvement in one area will inevitably lose strength in another. We were not made perfect beings, though we may strive for it." He started to speak again, though this time his voice changed from feathery whisper to a commanding boom. "Now. You who seek to change yourself, step forward." Sienna's ears twitched as she walked over and stood beside Licorice. "Uh... Licorice... Do you understand what this spirit means by change?" she whispered.
  9. I'm dropping out if it wasn't bloody obvious. I've clearly lost the respect of everyone on discord and don't even deserve to be apart of this rp.
  10. Name: Karliah Gender: Female Species: Salandit The orange strip down her back and tail is more of an indigo blue color. Personality: Karliah can be rather quiet at times, choosing to either let others talk first before voicing her opinion or to just remain quiet. She only ever forms a complete sentence or a full conversation with, and only with, those she truly can trust. Because of this, she rarely ever talks to someone new to her and prefers to keep her distance as best as she can. This paints a picture of being a complete loner, but in actuality she does want companionship, only that she wants a true friend that she can trust completely and who won't betray her or leave her behind. Outside of her quiet nature, Karliah can't stand the sight of someone being bullied or picked on. She believes that the strong should never harm the weak, but protect them instead. The sight of someone abusing their power ticks Karliah off, to the point where she will confront the person and call them out on their abuse. Even if she would be struck down in the process, she'd get back up and keep on the assault until she proves her point. Pokemon Biography: Karliah is a newcomer to the pokemon and is understandably in a confused state (the feeling, not the status effect -w-). She's roaming around Thicket Town hoping to find answers as to why she's here in this new world. Human Biography: As a human, Karliah was orphaned at a young age and had to beg and scavenge in Saffron City to make a living. She had made friends with a few wild pokemon, who offered her food in the form of berries. These wild pokemon included a Growlithe who would cuddle next to her at night to keep her warm. Eventually, she and the Growlithe were taken in by another human, a figure she affectionately refered to as Big Sis. Core Memory: Karliah remembers being an orphan and having to fend for herself just to survive. Moves: Ember, Smog, Protect, Return Z-Move: N/A Ability: Corrosion First!
  11. You know, it's funny. I actually made a few cards focused more on Neo-Spacians and NEX, and one of the cards was an Xyz called Elemental HERO X Neos. Not saying you stole the idea or anything, Neos X has a way different effect than X Neos, just a funny coincidence that's all. Good card. Would use it if I cared about Links.
  12. If you control a face-up FIRE monster, you can Special Summon this card to your side of the field. Once per turn, you can discard a FIRE monster from your hand to the GY; Special Summon 2 "Flame Demon Tokens" (Fiend/FIRE/Level 3/ATK 1000/DEF 1000) to your side of the field. Your opponent must attack a "Flame Demon Token" if possible. This card cannot attack the turn you activate this effect. Here's a reworked effect for the card. How's this compared to the original?
  13. Casual Fire Demon, Emalf Lv:4 ATK:1800 DEF: 1200 Attribute: Fire Type: Fiend When this card is summoned, you can add a Fire monster from your deck to your hand. If this card is sent to the GY, you can send a Fire monster from your deck to the GY; Special Summon a Fire monster from your hand to your side of the field. As my first post (not counting my intro) I have decided to make a card based on my favorite character from The Gray Garden. He's basically just generic Fire support but I don't know if his effect is too slow by today's standards. Feedback is appreciated.
  14. Hey folks, Wind Rider has arrived. :)
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