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norI worK


Everything posted by norI worK

  1. I'd love to have my misprinted ultimate 1st edition Night Beam back. It had a name shift where the name was far under the text box. It was a gift I got from my best friend before he passed away. Unfortunately it was stolen out of my binder years ago and I have not been able to locate it since.
  2. No order but these are artists that have affected me as a person and source of inspiration for my music. SNSD Tony Donza Tapdance Extravaganva The Dillinger Escape Plan The Dear Hunter Nell
  3. krow is dead ass is eternal

    1. Thar


      read that as "krow is deadass eternal"

    2. LordCowCow


      Quoted from the ancient scriptures

  4. It's that time of the year again where I ask NCM for anime suggestions and only end up watching 3 episodes of a single suggestion. Send some fire non ecchi ass anime ty

    1. radio414


      golly gee do i have the blog for you

    2. Hina's Simp

      Hina's Simp

      Eden of the East

  5. is your favorite band zebrahead like most sonic fans
  6. why don't you message me anymore
  7. Mostly shitty screencaps from my insta. Cards with gross hands are stuff I'm waiting to get in the mail.
  8. krow was simply a mask, i was always ass underneath

    1. LordCowCow


      the real ass is a friend i made along the way

    2. Thar


      nobody cared who you were before you put on your pants

    3. Hina's Simp

      Hina's Simp

      I am definitely an ass man, was never into Krow.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  9. Ayy that's lit man. Wyd for work these days?
  10. Forgot to add they should make Liao Hua playable. Been too long to not have his old man ass in It's been pretty good. Work has been crazy busy and my side stuff has been booming how about yourself man
  11. Hard to say. I love too many Wu and Wei generals but proooobably Zhang Liao. Shu ain't SHIT but I like some of them. Historically most of Shu is filled with garbage human beings but they were written as the nice guys because the emperor at the time of RoTK was a Shu boy. Fuckin hypebeasts man
  12. lame where the saucy ones
  13. Actually post i love seeing cool collections regardless of TCG
  14. mtg is for nerds it doesn't count
  15. Ima press x to doubt. Next up we have this Korean Harpie Conductor playmat. Like the 225th there are only 8 of this in the world. Harpie was printed only 8 times unlike the 225th where it was destroyed lol. I've owned two of these. Sold one and bought another. I'll probably move this one too. Not a big Harpie guy
  16. Ycm sucks and I miss the boys. Updating this thread gives me an excuses to log in ?. I'll just be posting some cool pieces from my collection every now and then. First to post is one of my favorites. This is the top cut playmat for the 225th YCS Del Rio which we all know got cancelled. Originally 32 were printed as prizes, but they were all destroyed except 8 copies that were handed out to the judges and assistants. So here is 1/8 of the only 225h top cuts in the world. Fun fact about this mat is the background is the Brazilian flag.
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