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Fire Emblem: Soul of Heaven [OOC/PG-16/Started]

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  1. All Site and RP section rules apply. 
  2. Players are required to post weekly, though there is some lenience depending on the situation either in RP or if you have some circumstance irl preventing you from doing so. Though, in the case of the latter, be sure to speak with me about it beforehand as I will take silence as not a reason. 
  3. Players will be limited to starting with 1 character each, though if I decide otherwise a player may be able to make an additional character. 
  4. The RP is currently closed for acceptance, as it is starting up from where the one on old ycm left off, and the cast shall currently remain the same as it was there. This is subject to change with time and if you want to be a part of the RP and are currently not simply message me about it and I'll take it under consideration.
  5. There is a discord chat for this RP and while it is not technically mandatory to be apart of it it is very much recommended for the sake of everoyne's convenience to be a part of it.



This is the map of the Continent "Crijalla" where the RP will take place in. More on this continent is elaborated on in the database. 


Useful Links 


Current Roster


I have no idea what most of your current user names are so they'll just be put in names that I know. 

  • Leon Sofae - Skaia 
  • Rona Valgtut - Lord Cowcow 
  • Aleithe Trastamara - Nai 
  • Ada Edelbern -  Black
  • Layne Ward - Kayden
  • Raynor - Sai 
  • Susano Kobayashi - Hakima 

Application Skeleton:


Identity Information
Name: Try to keep it consistent with your nationality, (Aeora being West Europe, Jouruun being Scandinavian, and Yon'Lou being East Asia. 
Age: Within human age limits.
Country of Origin: Either Aeora, Jouruun or Yon'Lou. 
Appearance: Spoiler this. Either a picture and height/weight or at least two paragraphs of description.
Personality: Spoiler this. One paragraph minimum.
Biography: Spoiler this. Two paragraphs minimum. As the cast is already decided, this will require a bit finagling around based on the situation that the party member would join. 
Combat Information
Class: Choose from one of the unpromoted classes listed in the database and the weapon they use if they are from a class that has multiple options. 
Stats: Spoiler this. Use the letter grading system in the Database for these. These letters, along with your class, determine your base stats as well as the rate at which your stats grow. More info on these stats can be found within the database. 


Inventory: You can start with two weapons and one consumable item. 
Other Information
Optional. Put whatever. Like trivia, musical theme, or whatever else. If your character has a mount, any information on them goes here.

The Company Leader


Identity Information
Name: Leon Sofae
Age: 19
Gender: Male 
Birthplace: Aeora. Faeus.


Artist: Tooru Fuyuse
5'8". 165 lbs. 



While one would expect a rough and forceful leader for such a ragtag group that is the Iron Falcons, Leon far from that, being mostly only leader in name. A young man who is constantly plagued by indecision, often times not being able to make large choices on his own and deferring to the opinions of those around him, as opposed to his own thoughts. This is only accentuated but an outward, almost defeatist type attitude, tending to sigh or get more apprehensive whenever a situation seems to remotely go sour. Despite this, he seems very reluctant to actually ever stop something that he has started. Whether it be a simple job he's taken, or merely a fight against a single opponent, he generally won't stop unless it is truly that dire or is he urged by those around him.
With other people he tries to come off as both amiable and approachable. While he is not overly friendly, tending to keep a neutral expression across his face, he always tries to appear open to any concerns or problems that others might have, and work towards taking care of them. He tends to be very guarded about himself, being someone easy to get along with but hard to know. He is outwardly very level-headed in taking insults and or provocation, either waving them off or simply stating them to be true, though tends to take those things to heart in an effort to improve himself. 



Leon comes from a family that is quite notable for their services towards the standing army of Faeus. Each member of the family is expected to go into service of their country in some way. Whether it be through studies or through combat, they are each trained to meet such challenges. Leon found himself unable to meet these expectations. Despite his best efforts in trying to learn either magic or the way of the sword, the boy always seemed to fall short of his father's expectations. After awhile, the act of learning started to become all the more discouraging to the young boy, and soon he stopped attempting to try and live up to these expectations. Shirking on his practice and merely letting his skills atrophy, the boy got into numerous fights with his father. It wasn't until one particular bad fallout between them that the boy eventually just up and left the city of Faeus with nothing but his sword by his side. 
Living by himself was quite difficult to begin with, and the wilderness proved to be a place where the boy found no more answers as to what to do with himself. It wasn't until he happened upon a caravan in trouble from bandits that it came upon him. Helping the people out, they then paid him for his services, leaving the boy confused as to the exchange that happened. This continued to happened as he trekked across the land of Aeora, before he had finally decided to create a business out of it. Starting his mercenary band, The Iron Falcons. While it was just himself to begin with, through his work he found others either like himself or merely wanting to join in on the job, and from there the Falcons grew. 

Combat Information
Class: Mercenary. 
Affinity: Water.

  • HP - C
  • Str - C
  • Mag - C
  • Skl - B
  • Spd - C
  • Lck - C
  • Def - C
  • Res - D


  • Iron Sword 
  • Iron Sword 
  • Vulnerary

For those of you already in the RP you don't need to recreate/repost an app if you don't want to.

Edited by Skaia

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Layne Ward: Medical Star



Identity Information

Name: Layne Ward
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Tencheang, Yon’Lou


Layne stands around 5’5, small in build but still with an air of smugness about it. His lithe figure makes him look weak at first glance, but there is a strength, muscle hidden underneath his usual clothing. His day to day outfit is simple, a ragged coat that wraps around his waist when the day is too hot for it, a tank top that he wears always, either on its own or paired with the coat, and a pair of jeans that, while a little worn, are still presentable and combat ready. When it comes to actually being in combat, his outfit doesn’t change too much. A simple leather top covers his arms and legs, not really providing much protection, but it keeps him from accidental scratches and injuries.
His skin has a healthy tan, not too dark, but not light enough to make him glimmer in the sunlight either. His hair is a soft blonde color, shoulder length that dips in front of his eyes with his bangs, causing him to constantly be brushing it out of them. He swears he’ll get around to trimming his hair soon, but despite the assertion, he doesn’t seem to get close to a pair of scissors. His body is toned as mentioned, but beyond that, it’s clear that he cares for his appearance, he takes care to make sure his skin doesn’t crack, his facial features are mostly soft, despite the less than careful day-to-day activities he’s a part of, and the rough appearance of his clothing, creating an odd contrast in his looks. There’s a feminine quality in his body that is… Dashed by the way he dresses.






Layne describes himself as a ‘masterful’ healer, able to cure the most dire of wounds and the worst of illnesses. He talks about his journey from Yon’Lou and the dangers his small group faced with excitement, able to instill the feelings into people’s hearts with the performance. He argues that, in another life, he may have been a Dancer or a Singer instead of a Cleric, but he loves his work as it is anyway.
Layne is a showman first and foremost, and he loves every second of it. His displays of magic are always as flashy as he can make them, even though he’s just healing people, and he uses that flashiness to try and motivate the people around him. Of course, not everyone loves the spotlight being on them, and for those people, he… Does it anyway. He doesn’t try to subvert his natural desire to stand out and please people!
Of course, when the ‘show’ is over, he… Still maintains that air of being ‘on air’ so to speak. He continues to be over the top, he continues to try and spark conversation where others would rather be quiet, and most of all, he never downplays his own accomplishments. It’s arguable that he overstates them, but he wouldn’t make the case for it one way or the other. That’s for the audience to decide.





Growing up in the nomadic tribes isn’t always easy. It’s rough, there aren’t basic luxuries for you to enjoy, getting yourself ready to face the day is enough to fill the soul with dread. But for Layne, it was the normal day-to-day life. Born to a Emile and Aston Ward, travelers who settled in with the tribe for reasons that Layne never learned, in the wilds of Tencheang, his childhood was often filled with wandering with his parents, searching and destroying the monsters that reside in the wild plains. While he was kept out of the conflicts, he was still part of the tribe and was learning different forms of combat, different ways he could take part in the hunt, even from early childhood. He didn’t have much luck with a sword or bow, his body was always seemingly smaller than the rest of the children around his age, but he quickly resonated with the teachings that came with Anima, and to a lesser extent, Dark magic. He began to study, hoping to learn the proper methods for either of them, but ultimately, his efforts were in vain.
Those efforts didn’t stop though, he kept practicing and studying for years, his mother having skill with the Dark magic while other Anima magic users were located around the tribe. He would help with various chores around the camps while the others went out to fight, eager to help and aid his people with the ‘important’ task that they had been entrusted. After all, this is what they were here for, so he knew he would find his place.
Unfortunately, his parents had other plans. With him not making any progress in his magical studies, it was getting harder and harder to keep him out of trouble. The monsters were getting stronger and the approaching winter would make it hard for him to stay with them, so they approached the tribe leader with a proposition. They were going to take a little… Trip with him, and drop him off somewhere he could stay until he honed his skills enough to return. Of course, the tribe leader didn’t like the idea of losing one of their mages or frontliners, but he couldn’t deny that Layne was clearly not contributing enough to the cause at the moment. So he agreed, gave them some supplies for their journey, and Layne was dragged away from the ‘home’ he knew for so long at the age of 15.
They began the travels westward, his parents keeping him safe from any dangers, while he did his best to continue his studies. Late night sessions weren’t uncommon, he poured his soul into reading the tomes and books that had been provided by the tribe and his mother, and he refused to give up, knowing that there had to be something he could learn to return with to the tribe. Monsters and brigands were all over the place on the way to Aeora, his parents having a place to leave him in mind, but the teen was becoming more and more aware that he wasn’t able to contribute, a little nagging in his head starting to eat away at him. Maybe the tribe was wrong, maybe not everyone had the right stuff to survive out there. That was why his parents were escorting him away, after all…
The months of travel wore at him, the oncoming winter was eating at his strength, and his mental state worsened as he fell into a slight depression. When they finally arrived at their destination, he was quiet, withdrawn… And it got worse when he was left at an orphanage. His parents told him that they had a friend here, someone who could take care of him while they continued to protect the tribe, and with a small grumble and a nod, he just accepted it. Even though he couldn’t protect them, he knew that his parents were still strong enough to do so. He followed them inside… And for a year, he stayed there.
And it was a miserable existence.
Food was scarce, the owner wasn’t cruel, but… They weren’t exceptionally bright. The other children had mostly given up so the company was bland, even without taking into account he was older than most of the others. So for that year, he withdrew and began to take excursions out into the city. He wandered around, occasionally snatching food and other goodies from unsupervised stalls and stores, getting used to the layout of the town. And hey, he could, at the very least, stay clean now! His clothing never really was in great shape, but the place he stayed had clean water that he used to bathe, a luxury rarely seen back at his tribe.
His wanderings were mostly bland. There was little excitement in the city of Faeus, but there was a monastery. At first, he stayed far away from it, the teachings of his old tribe related to Staff magic in his mind. But as his strolls began to spread out through the town, they began to reach out to him. He was occasionally invited inside, and he would talk with them. He tried to be subtle about not being interested in what they had to say, but they didn’t seem to care, still inviting him inside when he passed by. He accepted this as well, just allowing them to continue to reach out, but he didn’t accept their offers of learning more…
At least, not intentionally. He was staying longer, under the excuse that the ‘heat in the building wasn’t as bad as home’ or that ‘the company is at least more pleasant than the moping kids’. He learned more about their beliefs, especially concerning Staff magic and their beliefs concerning Roa. They welcomed his questions, surprisingly enough. While he was still heavily rooted in his beliefs in the nature spirits, the discussions from them about what happened with the spirits of nature after the casting… Along with his funk concerning his ability to aid his tribe had been enough to allow Layne to broaden his mind and consider their teachings…
After a few months, he knew most of the sister’s at the monastery rather well, along with the few priests there. He spent most of his time during the day helping out around the place, taking care of assorted chores for a little bit of spare change, not that they could offer much, but he didn’t mind. The chores reminded him of working back at the tribe, and he was happy to be able to offer help to people, once again. He grew more… Interested in staff magic, his resistance slowly being waned as he spent more time around the women of the monastery.
After his 17th Birthday, he was given an offer from the monastery to leave the orphanage and come stay with them. Full meals, if simple, a warm place to stay, access to ‘less’ ragged clothing. He would still be helping out with chores, but… There was a stipulation. They wanted him to assist with healing, occasionally travelling to areas to help the people there…
He accepted.
Despite his hesitation with Staff based magic, he recognized that these were good people who were doing their best. With his parents far away, and his tribe doing what it does best, he was practically free to take care of himself. He quickly joined them, taking in more… Casual attire to what they usually wore, a ‘self-made’ version as he put it, and began to learn how the magic in the staves worked. For a little while, he was… Morally confused, unsure if what he was doing was okay, but he had found something he could do.
He found a way to help people.
Over time, his newfound skills developed and he was helping heal sick folks who stopped by. Then he was healing guards who got injured during fights or the occasional monster attack. He grew more confident in himself, he was making a difference here, even if it was small. He knew his tribe wouldn’t want this kind of help… So he decided it wasn’t worth thinking about that. They had brought him here, they helped him find what he could do. And now he wanted to use that skill to make a difference. After a year of training, of studying how the magic worked, and helping the people around town, he requested to take a little… Trip. He heard about a group of people to the south, a little mercenary group. A group like his tribe, sort of at least, who helped people and destroyed monsters.
He wanted to help them, he wanted to do what his tribe wouldn’t have accepted, and this was a chance for it. It took a few conversations to convince the others that he could handle it, and it wasn’t until he pointed out that he was 18, by just a month, that they accepted it.
He was finally going to be able to make a difference, and he prepared for his journey south. The road wasn’t that dangerous, compared to the path he took with his parents years ago. He could make that journey, he can make this one. And he did.



Combat Information
Class: Cleric
Affinity: Water
  • HP - E / 0
  • Str - D / 2
  • Mag - C / 4
  • Skl - C / 4
  • Spd - B / 8
  • Lck - C / 4
  • Def - C / 4
  • Res - B / 8
Heal Staff - Rank E - 40 Uses - Range 1, Weight 2 - Heals 10+Mag
Heal Staff - Rank E - 40 Uses - Range 1, Weight 2 - Heals 10+Mag
Vulnerary - 5 Uses - Heal 10 HP

Other Information
  • He only recently reconciled himself and being a Staff user as 'okay'. There's a slight hint of disappointment that he never learned how to use either Anima or Dark magic, and rumors say that he can occasionally be found still studying those tomes.
  • Layne is sorta ambidextrous! It's not natural, it's from a lot of training. When he's tossing his staff into the air, it's generally so he can practice catching it with his other hand... But twirling and stuff he's still getting the hang of. He can even write with his non-dominant hand alright!
  • Even though his clothes are ragged and worn out, his appearance is practically as well kept as it possibly can be. His hair is always clean, unless out on an extended trip, and he's constantly wiping himself down to clean off any dirt. This started as soon as he reached Aeora for the first time.
Layne's Journal:


So, this is my first day here among the Iron Falcons! It’s hard to say how I’m feeling, being away from the monastery for the first real time in a year and some is weird. But I’ll be able to make a difference around here, I bet. These guys didn’t even have a Cleric or anything until I got here, so I think I made the right decision.
The leader welcomed me into the group with little fanfare, which… Is fine with me, honestly. I just wanna catch some sleep before I get to work tomorrow.

Leon is… Pretty nice? I dunno, he’s dull but nice. I spent a little bit of the day patching up his wounds, the dude seemed a little too worn for the work he was doing. Not really a lot to say about him, I think…
He seems competent as a leader, which is good. I would be pretty boned if he couldn’t direct the others well enough. If he makes a mistake, I’ll have to make sure to bring it up. I’m glad to help out with healing people, but if we get too banged up, I might not be able to keep up. I’ll make sure to request getting more Vulneraries in stock to be safe…
He doesn’t seem particularly interested in opening up, which I get. Maybe I can raise his spirits some, keep the cheer going!

Rona doesn’t seem sincere. Trust me, I would know. Flashy, acting stuff gives you an eye for when someone else is acting.
I ain’t gonna pry, it isn’t my place to go bugging in her business, but man, that unsettles me just a tiny bit. Her smiles seem slightly off, her offers to help remind me of when I was trying to find ways to help out around the tribe.
I don’t know what to make of her yet. I’ll kinda… Play it safe for now. I’m sure she’s harmless.

I wound up meeting another one of the Iron Falcons today, some dude named Aleithe.
He’s a little too stuck up for me. It feels like he’s just lookin’ down on me whenever I’m around him. Not just literally either. The mount is super cool and all, giant bird, awesome, but…
He doesn’t seem super sociable, like he’s always just… Judging you. I don’t like it. I like to put on a show and keep morale up, but if he starts bringing it down, we might have some issues...
I hope not though. As long as he doesn’t bring it up, I won’t either!

Oh geez, someone else from the tribes is here… Thankfully not from my tribe, but I was scared about it. They probably won’t approve of my using staff magic either way, so I should probably… Tone it down a little bit around this Yue person.
I don't wanna have to get into this huge argument over Staff magic and stuff. I'm finally able to help out, hopefully they don't bring it up. Or they don't find out I'm from Yon'lou. I dunno, I'm freaking out on this one. They seem nice in that really... Quiet awkward kinda way, which I'm fine with. Plenty of quiet kids at the orphanage where I stayed, I know how to chat with them without freaking them out too much... Maybe I'm worried over nothing. 

Ada is surprisingly nice. Apparently she joined just a little under a month while before I did, so maybe that's why? She likes not being the newest member? I dunno!
She's pretty interested in Staff magic, I dunno why when she can use Tomes already, but hey, no reason to not socialize while I'm here. I'm still not an expert in this stuff myself, having someone to talk to and study magic with could be pretty fun, honestly. She's been pretty nice, she talks more than I expected her to, a lot of the people around here aren't exactly big on conversation. It's nice to be able to chat with someone consistently.
And she has a LOT of Tomes and books. The collection back at Tencheang was pretty good, but her's is almost better, honestly! All of it isn't even tome related, I've seen her carrying around some books that don't seem to be related to magic, I wonder if she would let me borrow some books to read when I have spare time. I couldn't bring any books from the monastery with me...

I'm not the newest member anymore, hooray! It's a good thing to me, I don't care if that sounds silly. It felt like they were disappointed with just picking up a Cleric, I know it's not the most bombastic profession, but I feel like I do a pretty alright job making it entertaining.
Anyway, the new member, Chitose was her name. She's... Interesting. I get the sense she's legit trying to open up to us these last few days, cause she certainly talks more than some of the other members, and it feels like she isn't trying to insult anyone.
I like her, maybe some healing will help her to open up to me over time? I dunno, she feels like she's having trouble getting there.

Another day, another injury... Another new recruit is much more interesting though.
We picked her up about a week ago now, and I don't like her. She makes me feel twitchy. She reminds me of how we were always moving back at Tencheang, but with her, it feels like she's doing it for less... Positive reasons. She came out of nowhere and she's apparently really good with locks or something. I'm willing to bet that's caused her a lot of trouble in the past, and it can't mean well for us.
She'll probably ditch us in a couple months or something anyway. I'll just keep morale up for the others and... Direct my more impressive efforts away from her. She rubs me the wrong way.


And now the application is ported over for safekeeping!
Edited by Kay Faraday

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Here are the rewards from last chapter. Everyone gained 750 Gold, and Leon obtained the red seastone, Layne the green seastone and Ada the blue seastone (based on who would be most likely to pick up random valuables of the group.) As far as you know these are just sellable items. Also your inventory's have been adjusted to reflect their current status after the battle last chapter and to reflect your new stats and wealth. 

Everyone leveled up to level 9, meaning two levels except for Aleithe and Yue who gained three. Communism.

Level Ups 




HP +2 
Str +1 
Mag +1 
Skl +1
Spd +1 
Lck +1 
Def +1 



HP +2
Magic +1
Skl +2
Def +1



HP +1 
Str +1 
Mag +2 
Skl +2
Spd +2
Lck +1
Res +1



HP +1
Str +1
Mag +1
Spd +1
Lck +1
Def +1
Res +1



HP +1
Mag +1
Spd +1 
Lck +1 
Def +1
Res +1



HP +2 
Str +1 
Mag +1
Skl +1
Spd +1
Def +1



Str +2 
Mag +1
Skl +2
Spd +1


Will add more on items and pricing and all that stuff in the next ooc post. 

Edited by Skaia

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Rona, The Indomitable Wyvern Rider


Identity Information


Name: Rona Valgtut
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Jouruun (in a smaller city near the capital)


The Image

A tall woman, Rona stands at 5‘9“ and weighs 155 lbs. Generally dresses in bare minimal, due to being sensitive to the heat, though does have armor she wears to battle. Does not have heels. Not quite as undressed as image implies but it's close.



Those who meet Rona would often think of a single word. Indomitable. She comes off as fearless and reckless as she jumps into battle without a second thought. A proud warrior that refuses to surrender no matter the odds. Rona almost always has a smile and is quick to laugh. She doesn’t seem to worry about how she looks or what others think about her in general. A helpful young woman who always goes out of her way to make sure that the people around her are happy and healthy.
At least that’s what she wants you to think.
Rona’s recklessness comes from forcing herself to act without thinking in battle in order to not retreat. For if she takes too long thinking about the battle her cowardice will win out and she’ll turn tail. Her smile is to cover the anxiety and paranoia that rages in her mind. This anxiety can crop up at random and is almost always present in some minor degree. She often avoids situations when not on the battlefield and will go out of her way to avoid any direct confrontations.
Rona thinks very little of herself. She’s a failure and a weakling. Someone who should have died but was not allowed to. Thus she has very little feelings of self-worth. Her only purpose, she feels, is to make life better for those around her in whatever way she can.
Though she often doubts she’s even doing this right. Thus she keeps on a smile whenever she can and the moment she feels herself start to slip she’ll leave the situation.



Born to a family of renowned Jouran soldiers; it was expected that Rona, too, would excel. When her aptitude for magic, and desire to learn it, was learned her father, a man who firmly believed that martial combat was the true path, strictly forbade her from so much as looking at a book of magic. Her training began at a young age and it was harsh from the start.
Constant combat practice, she could suddenly be attacked during a meal, grueling physical fitness, and harsh punishments were most of Rona’s life. She wasn’t particularly adapt at fighting in the way her father wanted and so, while she did become quite skilled in combat, she was never the prime fighting force that was expected of her.
She had always been a timid child and so there was a focus on tearing that away when it came to her training. If she were to flinch, hesitate, or turn her back on her foe (which included having her back towards one of her older siblings or parents at any time) she was punished. Usually with either beatings or being left out in the cold, basically naked, over night.
Rona was put in a squad under command of her father, comprised of mostly Wyvern Riders, at the earliest possible age (14). She was better than many of the others of her experience level but her father refused to acknowledge her until she had surpassed even the best soldiers they had.
During a skirmish near the border their squad was pinned down by a group of Archers. Rona’s father ordered her to charge the Archer’s formation and scatter, or kill, them. She refused at first but quickly caved to his shouting and took off.
Her, and her Wyvern, Cormag, were greatly injured during this. She refused to turn back though and continued to fight on until she passed out from blood loss. Her wyvern, a surprisingly kind and intelligent beast, knew that taking her back to her father would only result in punishment. So he took her southward, away from the fighting, away from everything, into Aerora.
Rona was dying. She could barely stay concious for longer than a few minutes and everywhere they went the people seemed to turn them away. Still Cormag flew on, despite his own injuries, until he just couldn’t anymore and collapsed in a field.
This is when the leader of the Iron Falcons, Leon, came upon them and helped them get the medical care they needed.
Rona, who knew she couldn’t return home, then swore her life to Leon. She had nothing, she WAS nothing, so she had no qualms about doing this even for a person she knew nothing about.


Combat Information


Class: Wyvern Rider
Affinity: Thunder


Inventory: Vulnerary
1100 Gold



Battle Theme
-Grown resilient to cold. And pain in some cases.
-Cautious about magic though also curious.
-Adores her mount and thinks of him as family



Name: Cormag
Species: Wyvern
Color: Steely Blue
Personality: Somewhat of a grump but extremely protective of Rona. Cares more for her life than she does. Surprisingly gentle to children and animals.




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Return of the Night Archer!


"I'm sorry...I...I have trouble speaking sometimes..."

Identity Information

Name: Yue Li [黎月 Li Yue, Li as in Black, Yue as in Moon]
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Youduon tribe, Yon'lou




Art by 満水@:Q

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 120 lbs

With her slim figure, long silver hair, and pale eyes that seem to glance beyond the person they're looking at, Yue gives off the impression of a fairy or ghoul. To honor her family name, she wears black, but the clothing seems to only accentuate her otherworldly aura.



Being from a tribe that values the darkness, it's little surprise that Yue herself is rather quiet and demure, and has a hard time handling loud and flashy people or places. She has a lot of thoughts and ideas, but she doesn't usually have the confidence to voice them. Sometimes, she feels as if she's one step away from turning invisible, that one day she'll open her mouth and nobody will hear her voice at all. She has a hard time speaking, as the few times she has she usually messes up, which has caused her to lose confidence in her ability to converse with others. Sometimes she wonders if anybody in the Iron Falcons would talk to her if it weren't for her archery skills.

Naturally timid, Yue will go with her first instinct when under pressure: flight. Very rarely does she choose to fight, but the handful of times she has have been noteworthy. The urge to flee will often conflict with what others want from her, which has caused her to become even more isolated throughout her life. Because of this, her social skills are rather...lacking. Sometimes she wonders if it'd be easier to just change her personality, become somebody else, somebody cooler, and more confident, like Rona, who she looks up to.

On the surface, it seems that Yue has almost given up on getting along with other people, on understanding them and being understood in return, but in reality, she's desperate to connect with them, to have friends, and do normal "friend stuff." Even with the Iron Falcons, she finds it difficult to do so. However, she has never had a hard time understanding animals, and because of this feels a lot more comfortable around animals. She will speak freely around them like she doesn't around human beings. She is also quite fascinated with monsters, and sees them as rather exotic animals. She feels that there has to be at least one misunderstood monster out there.

Yue is uncomfortable around dark magic and its users, but not for the reasons most people would think. Rather, it is that it reminds her of home, and a time she would rather forget, save for the time spent with the man who taught her what she knows today. She is also quite used to being outdoors, and prefers it to being indoors. From her time in the forest, she has learned to rely on her instincts, and can even survive by herself in the wilds for months on end.



Born and raised in the Youduon tribe, also known as the Tribe of Darkness, to the village chief, Li Keung (as in Cosmos), and his wife Li Ling (as in Soul), Li Yue was expected to become a shaman just like her father. However, she showed little interest in that, though she did take to heart the values of the tribe. Still, she did not find her calling in any of the common professions of the village, but instead in the bow. This, along with her natural personality, caused her to be rather isolated in the tribe, and she made few, if any friends there, and spent most of her time exploring in the Halar Woods near the village.

However, she did grow to like and respect an old man named Chen Fa (as in ancient and to send), a man who kept to himself, much like she did, and was isolated, much like she was. Hoping he would understand her like the rest of the village did not, Yue gravitated to him, in the process learning of his past as a former member of the Balazeng Tribe of Wind. She observed Chen Fa practicing archery multiple times, and, gathering up her courage, asked him to teach her. He refused multiple times, but her persistence and genuine desire to learn won him over after multiple tests. At this time, Yue had just turned eleven years of age. Under the tutelage of her "sifu," she explored the forest to her heart's content, defending herself when needed.

However, after seven years, Chen Fa died of natural causes, and Yue decided to flee the village, unable to bear staying there any longer. She arrived at Enta, where she stayed for a few weeks before departing, almost stumbling over the Iron Falcon base in her wanderings.

Combat Information
Class: Archer
Affinity: Dark



HP - E
Str - C
Mag - C
Skl - A
Spd - C
Lck - D
Def - D
Res - D



Hide and Seek: Enemies that start their turn greater than 3 units away from Yue do not priortize her. They will still attack her if she is the only valid target.

Flanking Shot: Deals +2 Damage to targets that are adjacent to your allies.

Inventory: Iron Bow, Bronze Bow, Vulnerary

Other Information


  • Theme Song: Shy Heart
  • Has a tendency to collect wild animals that she finds. Her latest one is a small white rabbit she's named Chang'e, who despite his feminine name, is actually a male and quite a naughty beast.
  • When she gets nervous she starts to stutter. So basically, she tends to stutter whenever she talks.
  • She sings like a Disney princess, but she usually only feels comfortable enough to do so around animals.
  • Despite being a good hunter, she has a hard time taking down animals. Interestingly enough, she has less compunctions against taking human lives.



Edited by Sethera

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Weapons - Standard 

Slim/Bronze - 480 Gold 
Iron - 550 Gold
Steel - 750 Gold 


Starter - 500 Gold 
Basic - 580 Gold 
El/En - 790 Gold 


Heal - 600 Gold 
Mend - 800 Gold 


Vulnerary - 250 Gold 
Pure Water -  800 Gold 


Leather Shield - 450 Gold 
Feather Charm  - 380 Gold
Leather Armor - 750 Gold 
Leather Saddle  - 550 Gold


Seastone - Sells for 300 Gold.
Red Gem Stone - Sells for 3000 Gold.  
Decrepit Old Axe - 200 Gold. 


Edited by Skaia

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Weapon Arts




Slim Sword:
Cost: HP - 2, Weapon Uses - 2
Effect: Mt +2, Opponent cannot counter. 

Iron Sword:
Blade Lock 
Cost: HP - 2, Weapon Uses - 3
Effect: Mt +3, Target AS -3 against you, Hit -10% until start of your next turn. 

Steel Sword:
Dueling Strike 
Cost: HP - 3, Weapon Uses - 3
Effect: Mt +2, grants Mt +2 on counter attack and avoid +15% on the next attack you are targeted with before the start of your next turn. 



Slim Lance:
Nimble Thrust
Cost: HP - 2, Weapon Uses - 4
Effect: Mt+2, Hit +10%, AS is considered 4 higher when being attacked by target.

Iron Lance:
Bracing Strike   
Cost: HP - 2, Weapon Uses - 3
Effect: +3 Mt, +1 defense on all attacks received until start of next turn. 

Steel Lance:
Cost: HP - 2, Weapon Uses - 4
Effect: Mt +3, reduces enemy avoid by 10% and mov by 3 on successful hit.



Bronze Axe:
Focused Strike 
Cost: HP - 2, Weapon Uses - 3 
Effect: Mt+2, Hit +20%, Crit +5%

Iron Axe:
Locking Strike 
Cost: HP - 2, Weapon Uses - 3 
Effect: Mt +3, Enemy Avoid and Evade -10 until start of next turn.  

Steel Axe:
Cross Counter
Cost: HP - 1, Weapon Uses - 3
Effect: Prepared as part of a counter and only activates (cost and all) when counter target attacks you. Unit takes -15% to Avoid but gains +15% to hit and +4 damage on attack.



Bronze Bow:
Cost: HP - 2, Uses - 4
Effect: Mt +2, Increase attack range by 1

Iron Bow:
Recursive Shot
Cost: HP - 2, Uses - 3
Effect: Mt +1. If it hits, next attack gains +3 Mt and +5% Crit.

Steel Bow:
Steel Shot
Cost: HP - 3, Weapon Uses - 3
Effect: Mt +3, reduces enemy attack by 3 through their next attack. 

Dark Tomes


Cost: HP - 2, Uses - 4
Effect: Mt +1, Avoid +10%, Enemy Hit -10%. Effects last until start of next turn. 

Cost: HP - 3, Uses - 3
Effect: Mt +3, Hit +10%, Enemy AS-2 until start of next turn. 

Cost: HP - 3, Weapon Uses - 3
Effect: Mt +3, Enemy hit -5%, Defense -3 through next two attacks received. 



Cost: HP - 1, Uses - 3 
Effect: Deal 2 Damage, if you could double normally you double on this attack. Each hit incurs -5% Hit on enemy until start of next turn. 1-2 Range.

Staff Strike   
Cost: HP - 1, Weapon Uses - 1 per hit
Effect: Deal 4 damage, if you could double normally you double on this attack.  You may also prepare a counter with this weapon art, spending the requisite point of HP when you do so, but it must be your currently equipped staff to do so. Each hit incurs a - 1 damage penalty on the enemy's next attack. 1 Range. 



Leather Shield:
Nimble Thrust
Cost: HP - 2
Effect: You may shove one adjacent unit one space backward. Against an enemy this deals damage equal to your strength. Against an ally this does not cost HP. This cannot be used against or by mounted units. 


Edited by Skaia

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Weapon Stats




Slim Sword
E Rank --- 50 Uses --- 3 Mt --- 100% --- 1 Rng --- 4 Wt 

Iron Sword
D Rank --- 45 Uses --- 5 Mt --- 90% --- 1 Rng --- 7 Wt 

Steel Sword
C Rank --- 40 Uses --- 8 Mt --- 80% --- 1 Rng --- 11 Wt 



Slim Lance
E Rank --- 50 Uses --- 4 Mt --- 85% --- 1 Rng --- 6 Wt 

Iron Lance
D Rank --- 45 Uses --- 7 Mt --- 80% --- 1 Rng --- 8 Wt 

Steel Lance
C Rank --- 40 Uses --- 10 Mt --- 75% --- 1 Rng --- 12 Wt 

D Rank --- 25 Uses --- 6 Mt --- 65% --- 1-2 Rng --- 11 Wt 



Bronze Axe
E Rank --- 50 Uses --- 5 Mt --- 80% --- 1 Rng --- 7 Wt 

Iron Axe
D Rank --- 45 Uses --- 8 Mt --- 75% --- 1 Rng --- 10 Wt 

Steel Axe
C Rank --- 40 Uses --- 12 Mt --- 70% --- 1 Rng --- 14 Wt 

Hand Axe 
D - Rank --- 25 Uses --- 8 Mt --- 60% --- 1-2 Rng --- 13 Wt



Bronze Bow
E Rank --- 50 Uses --- 3 Mt --- 80% --- 2 Rng --- 4 Wt 

Iron Bow
D Rank --- 45 Uses --- 6 Mt --- 75% --- 2 Rng --- 6 Wt 

Steel Bow
C Rank --- 40 Uses --- 9 Mt --- 70% --- 2 Rng --- 9 Wt 



E Rank --- 50 Uses --- 2 Mt --- 105% --- 1-2 Rng --- 3 Wt 

Iron Dagger
D Rank --- 45 Uses --- 4 Mt --- 95% --- 1-2 Rng --- 5 Wt 

Steel Dagger
C Rank --- 40 Uses --- 7 Mt --- 85% --- 1-2 Rng --- 7 Wt 



E Rank --- 50 Uses --- 3 Mt --- 90% --- 1-2 Rng --- 3 Wt 

D Rank --- 45 Uses --- 5 Mt --- 85% --- 1-2 Rng --- 5 Wt 

C Rank --- 40 Uses --- 8 Mt --- 80% --- 1-2 Rng --- 8 Wt 



E Rank --- 50 Uses --- 2 Mt --- 100% --- 1-2 Rng --- 2 Wt 

D Rank --- 45 Uses --- 4 Mt --- 90% --- 1-2 Rng --- 4 Wt 

C Rank --- 40 Uses --- 6 Mt --- 85% --- 1-2 Rng --- 6 Wt 



E Rank --- 45 Uses --- 4 Mt --- 85% --- 1-2 Rng --- 4 Wt 

D Rank --- 40 Uses --- 7 Mt --- 80% --- 1-2 Rng --- 7 Wt 

C Rank --- 35 Uses --- 10 Mt --- 75% --- 1-2 Rng --- 10 Wt 



E Rank --- 45 Uses --- 4 Mt --- 85% --- 1-2 Rng --- 4 Wt 

D Rank --- 40 Uses --- 7 Mt --- 80% --- 1-2 Rng --- 7 Wt 

C Rank --- 35 Uses --- 10 Mt --- 75% --- 1-2 Rng --- 10 Wt 



E Rank --- 40 Uses --- 10 Heal --- 100% --- 1 Rng --- 1 Wt 

C Rank --- 20 Uses --- 20 Heal --- 90% --- 1 Rng --- 3 Wt 



Wight Sword
E Rank --- - Uses --- 4 Mt --- 85% --- 1 Rng --- 4 Wt 

Wight Lance
D Rank --- - Uses --- 7 Mt --- 75% --- 1 Rng --- 6 Wt 

Wight Axe
C Rank --- - Uses --- 8 Mt --- 70% --- 1 Rng --- 7 Wt 

Strike --- - Uses --- 4 Mt --- 90% --- 1 Rng --- - Wt 

Strike --- - Uses --- 6 Mt --- 85% --- 1 Rng --- - Wt 

Strike --- - Uses --- 5 Mt --- 95% --- 1 Rng --- - Wt 

Celestial Magic 


E Rank --- - Uses --- 5 Mt --- 90% --- 1-2 Rng --- 1 Wt 



Heals 10 HP - 5 Uses 

Pure Water
Grants 8 Resistance. Lowers by 1 each turn. -  3 Uses 

Comes in a variety of colors - Sells for 300 Gold. 

Red Gem
A moderately valuable gem that shines with a soft red luster. Sells for 3000 Gold. 

Dragon's/Archsage's/Spirit's Icon
Increase Luck by +2 permanently. 1 Use.

Draco/Champion's/Earthen Shield
Increase Defense by +1 permanently. 1 Use.



Leather Shield
+2 Defense 

Feather Charm
+4% Avoid, +1 AS when being attacked. 

Leather Armor
+1 Defense, +5% Avoid

Leather Saddle
+6% hit. Mounted Only. 

Edited by Skaia

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The Ultimate Wingman


Name: Alexis Beller
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Aeora, Faeus 


Artist: Lpip
Alexis stands at 5'4" though can often seem to be taller by virtue of pose and attitude. She tends to wear men's clothing more often as it fits her just as well and is more comfortable for her.



Don't let her appearance fool you. Alexis is a total goofball. While she seems calm, collected, and cool when standing still she's actually something of a klutz. She has a tendency to stumble and trip however she reacts to it with amusement more than anything. She's quite easy-going when it comes to making mistakes and is likely to laugh at herself for tripping. She also had a habit of going off on tangents and getting lost in little things and idle thoughts.
She wants to experience as much as she can and has a hard time focusing on one task. Especially when it comes to her own skill set. Though be it music, fighting, poetry, Alexis has a hunger to do well at everything she tries yet she struggles to focus on only one thing. Thus she hasn't mastered any particular talent.

Alexis is her own worst enemy because she truly desires to be a skilled and brave hero like her father but she often forgets to practice hard enough. Leading her to beat herself up about her own flighty attitude.

Due to where she grew up Alexis has a natural distrust of Dark Magic. This is helped by her complete faith in the religion of her homeland. Though her nature would lead to her trying to "save" practitioners of dark magic whom she befriends.

Romantic by nature, Alexis has a not so hidden love of pairing people up with others. While she herself isn't the most interested in having a relationship she adores seeing couples and has a fondness for flirtation. If only for the reference material.



Alexis's father was once a revered hero among Aeorans. A Pegasus Knight known for being particularly skilled at slaying monsters who had saved countless people. However by the time Alexis was born her father had retired from fighting. He had taken up music, instead, to be able to be around more for his family.
Alexis was taught how to fight and went around town attempting to learn various skills and hobbies along the way. She, at her father's own request, never actually joined the military but she insisted on helping out as a member of the militia.

She spent much of her time in the city helping out at churches and barracks, becoming somewhat known as the "Voracious Volunteer" with how determinedly she went around helping out wherever she could.

Over time she began to go out farther and farther on patrols. It was as though she were searching for something but couldn't figure out just what it was.

Combat Information 


Class: Pegasus Knight
Affinity: Fire


Str: B
Mag: E
Skl: D
Spd: B
Lck: D
Def: D
Res: B

Inventory: Iron Lance
Steel Lance
Vulnerary X2




-Knows how to play the lyre and pan flute
-Is a passable cook but often makes unusual dishes
-In combat has learned how to target the most advantageous to face enemies
-Pegasus's name is Tana



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Student of Duality

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Identity Information
Name: Ada Edelbern
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Country of Origin: Vjorsovol


Standing at about 5'4" and weighing in at 105lbs, Ada is a rather petite girl, with a small b-cup bust. Her pale violet hair falls to about the middle of her back when she lets it down, but she normally keeps it in a bun for ease of movement. Azure eyes shine together with her porcelain skin. However, her pale complextion lends itself to horrible sunburns, which leads to her wearing traditional shaman robes during day-to-day life in attempt to ward off the harmful rays. She has a tome on her hip at all times for the sake of study. Casual attire tends to be a nightgown and slippers, in the interest of freedom that the robes don't offer. She can often be seen running around camp at night in this attire. 


Like most shamans, the usage of dark magic doesn't denote a personality type for Ada. She believes in hard work above all else, often electing to use her free time to further her study of the ancient magic she uses. Between her squirreling away and dark robes, people tend to believe that she's a bit withdrawn, though it's not the extent that people believe. She greatly enjoys a chance to talk to her companions. Ada can also be rather stubborn, such as when she neglects to mention that she's overheating in her robes and being in danger of passing out. When she forms a bond with someone, she often begins to pick on them in an innocuous manner, though she often goes too far in an attempt at being playful. At the end of the day, Ada can be bright and peppy with the Iron Falcons, but she otherwise holds her tongue unless she feels it is of dire importance.


Ada was born in a small village just outside of Vjorsovol to a pair of farmers. Her father, Adelmo Edelbern, was a mercenary from Aeora with decent skill in Anima magic. He came to Vjorsovol to test himself as a mage. He found he barely had enough might to make it into the city, much less make a name for himself. However, he met his future wife, Skadi Hagen. While Skadi had only a rudimentary understanding of magic, she enjoyed learning from Adelmo, excited by the prospect of it and what it could do for her family of farmers in the cold north of Crijalla.
As time went on, the duo spent the next few years improving the quality of the Hagen family farm, the two fell in love with one another, resulting in the birth of Ada, as well as a boy, Frey, and a girl, Hel, twins. The three siblings grew up happily and healthily, despite the fact that other farms had begun adapting to Adelmo's efforts, causing their own revenue to slowly decline when Ada was about 9 years old. Adelmo used these trying times to teach his children of the magic he had at his disposal, as well of stories of his time as a mercenary. Ada's eyes would widen with wonder as her father spoke, always ignoring his warnings at the end of his tales: Do not become a mercenary. It is a hard and trying life.
Whenever she had a chance, she would steal away to poor over his magical texts and tomes, trying to learn the magic her father told her about, to no avail. In her frustration, she read every spell she could, letting her childish anger run wild. She cried and gnashed her teeth as tome after tome failed her, until she happened upon one magical book that didn't fit in with the others. As she sniffled and cleared the tears from her eyes, she opened it... and the text clicked in her mind. She ran to her father to tell him of her victory, but Adelmo hesitated.
The dark tome she held was one he had intended to dispose of. He had met many dark magic users before, but the stigma that Aeora had instilled in him was deep. He nervously asked his daughter to show him her ability, secretly hoping she was mistaken. He asked her to destroy a signpost near the edge of the property, praying. The sign was gone instantly. Ada had destroyed it with her magic. Adelmo's heart sank, his own daughter was a practicioner of that wicked art... But when his daughter turned around and looked at him with that joyous face, his fear broke. She wasn't a monster. She was Ada. She just had a different talent from him.
Over the next 8 years, Adelmo and Ada worked hard on her magic, but as he came to accept the magic he had been taught to hate, Ada's own resolve began to waver. Her magic couldn't manipulate the elements like her father's. She couldn't build with her power. She could defend against monsters, of course, but that didn't increase prosperity. She wanted to change that. She began to work hard at odd jobs, earning enough money to buy any tomes she found floating around Vjorsovol. Any time she wasn't working, she began to stay in her room, poring over any tomes to learn about the ancient magic as much as possible. But even an important city like Vjorsovol couldn't sustain her forever. She decided it was her time to study the world.
At the age of 17, Ada came home in a set of traditional robes, beaming. She announced that she had been saving up money and planned to go to Krosav to study at one of the academies of magic. Adelmo insisted that he accompany his firstborn, but she turned him down, asking him to watch over the rest of the family, in case of a monster attack. Reluctantly, the father let his daughter leave, with tears in their eyes as the two embraced for the last time, before Ada left her home.
Upon arriving in Krosav after an uneventful journey, she set out to join an academy, but none would accept her. Her style was crude and unrefined, and the funds she had worked so hard to save were less than a 5th of what was required. She may have been naturally gifted in the ways of dark magic, but she was no genius. No one would be willing to waive the tuition for a farm girl that thought she knew how to sling a spell or two.
Dejected, Ada considered going home to her family, but she couldn't bear letting them down... letting herself down. So she decided to earn money for the family her own way, and maybe she could set some aside for her education as she did. She would follow in her father's footsteps and become a mercenary.
But that was easier said than done. The next two years saw her drifting across the continent, working many odd jobs, just like back home, in order to simply get by. Much like the academies, no one wanted a shaman without formal training. She also learned of the deep hatred that many held for her magic, electing to keep it quiet unless there was a need to make it known. Even some villagers she saved with her magic rewarded her with stones. The bright young girl known as Ada began to withdraw into herself during these times, becoming even more given to quiet study than she already had been. At least her family would value her actions at the end of the day, and she wrote them at least once a month, updating them on a ficticious academy life. The guilt gnawed at her, but the desire to become what she told them she would... to help her family and the farm kept her strong.
As she attempted to ward some monsters off from a caravan in Aeora, she managed to cross paths with the newly formed Iron Falcons, who had accepted a request for the job she was doing in secrecy. She reacted with fear as they happened upon her casting her dark magic, but was pleasantly surprised when the leader of the group didn't react negatively, as she was accustomed to. After a brief conversation, mostly on the leader's end, she decided to join up with the Iron Falcons. She currently makes more than she did before, if only by a bit, as well as being part of a group, meaning her expenses have gotten slightly cheaper, and her pay has gone up, so she can successfully send money back home while also setting some aside for academia.

  • HP - C
  • Str - C/D
  • Mag - B
  • Skl - C
  • Spd - B
  • Lck - E
  • Def - C
  • Res - D/C
  • Base/Growths

Other Information:

  • Theme
  • Her younger brother, Frey, is skilled with anima magic, like their father, but he resembles their mother, with light violet hair, deep purple eyes, and a pale complexion.
  • Her younger sister, Hel, loves swinging around an axe, and she resembles her father, with dark brown hair, azure eyes, and a tan complexion.
  • She sometimes swaps the tome on her hip for a romance novel. Her favorite is called "The Lascivious Laguz".
  • She loves animals. Salamanders are a particular soft spot.

Combat Information
Class: Shaman


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Lord of the Lizards


Name: Raynor
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Sanzar, Jouruun



Raynor stands at 6'3 (190.5 cm) and weighs 238 pounds (108 kg). Under his shirt are three giant jagged scars across his chest.



Raynor is a confident person, believing he can accomplish anything he sets his mind to. He doesn't like when people look down on him, as if they were superior to him; it's one of the fastest way to anger him. He is very laid back, often pausing to smell the roses, have a drink, flirt with a woman. He likes to tease people, and has a smart remark ready for any occasion. The more he likes a person, the more he will tease them, as he finds it a fun way to bond.
He is a bit hotheaded, a bit too much for his own good, and constantly will have to be reminded to not let insults get to him, or to calm down before he makes a bad situation worse. He cares deeply for his Salamander and always makes sure to take care of it, sometimes placing its own well being over his own. He also is proud of his family and history, and will tell the stories he memorized to anyone willing to listen.



Raynor grew up in the town of Sanzar, located in the country of Jouruun. His family wasn't a poor house, but they were far from nobles. What they did have though, was stories. Raynor heard grand tales of his ancestors riding Salamanders into battles, winning battles and becoming legends of the battlefields. Raynor knew he wanted his name written in the pages of history, riding a giant Salamander to victory. There was one issue, though. He didn't have a Salamander, and for the longest time, it bothered him, so at the age of 15, he traveled out into the Dragon's Valley against his parents' wishes, determined to find the biggest one and wrestle it into submission.

It took him around a week of searching the Dragon Valley, but he found what he was looking for. A giant Salamander, one covered in scars of past battles. That was what he wanted. However, the rash teen was too eager, rushing in without a plan, getting giant scars across his chest and losing his eye over it. Still, despite all this, the delusioned teen pressed on, doing is best to tame the giant beast. However, it was at that time, a wyvern flew into the Salamander's territory, doing its best to steal an egg. The Salamander broke away from the fight to protect the eggs. Raynor, angry that an oversized bat would ruin the chance, went to attack the wyvern, managing to leap on its back and gouge out its eye, distracting it long enough for the Salamander to kill it off. Raynor gained the respect of the Salamander, and he took it home to become a Draytter.

He trained long and hard with the Salamander, now named Minerva, learning the ways of mounted combat and the spear. However, what he didn't realize was Minerva was old, and five years later, died of old age. She did, however, leave behind a gift for Raynor, an egg, which Raynor took care of. It hatched into his current stead, Gojira. Other than a rough teenage rebellion phase, Raynor had minimal issues raising the young Salamander. When he felt it was ready, the two left his town, looking for adventure and glory.

Combat Information


Class: Draytter
Affinity: Earth
HP - C
Str - B
Mag - C
Skl - D
Spd - C
Lck - D
Def - B
Res - D


Iron Lance, Vulnerary.




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Level Ups:

Everyone leveled up to 11, which is to say, twice. 




HP: +1 
Str: +1
Mag: +1
Skl: +1
Spd: +1
Lck: +1
Def: +1
Res: +1



HP: +1
Str: +2
Mag: +2
Skl: +0
Spd: +1
Lck: +0
Def: +1
Res: +1



HP: +1
Str: +1
Mag: +1
Skl: +2
Spd: +1
Lck: +1
Def: +1
Res: +0



HP: +2
Str: +1
Mag: +1
Skl: +2
Spd: +1
Lck: +0
Def: +0
Res: +1



HP: +2
Str: +0
Mag: +1
Skl: +1
Spd: +0
Lck: +2
Def: +0
Res: +2



HP: +1
Str: +2
Mag: +1
Skl: +1
Spd: +1
Lck: +0
Def: +1
Res: +1



HP: +2
Str: +1
Mag: +0
Skl: +1
Spd: +1
Lck: +1
Def: +0
Res: +1



HP: +2
Str: +0
Mag: +1
Skl: +1
Spd: +0
Lck: +1
Def: +0
Res: +1



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      The Story So Far
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    • By Skaia
      Dragon Sign
      OOC Thread
      It had been the end in one way or another. Stabbed. Smashed. Poisoned. Burned. Shot. Though it had come in all shapes and forms the end had come to you in one way or another. And there was little waiting for you on the other side. 
      Simply the ever present sensation of floating. Drifting. Sinking. 
      You try to hear. You try to feel. You try to think. But there is little to make sense of, little to understand, and nothing that you can fully comprehend. Time presses on but you can not figure out how long this goes on for. An eternity? An instant? 
      As you drift in this oblivion a voice speaks to you. Perhaps you speak back to it. But you cannot decipher its words nor meaning, and thus any reply you might have made can be equally as understood. Yet, the voice continues. And it finishes. You begin moving. Rushing. Rising. And then -  
      Bong. Bong. Bong 
      The ringing of loud bells echoed throughout the ancient church, signaling that it was time to awaken to all those who had found themselves in it. Those individuals found themselves resting, sitting, in a wooden pew. The seats were all scattered about the floor, not lined up in any particular order though all facing forward. Once they opened their eyes they would be able to take note of several features of the building. One, the floor. Old, dark and wooden, same as the pews, with clumps of large, thick grass scattered about. Second the walls, shimmering as the light reflected off of the multicolored agate stone that made them up. Third, the stained glass window ahead of them. 
      The window ahead of them looked as if sunlight were flooding through it, shining downward into the room. And bizarrely so too did the other six windows, three on either side, in the room. Each had a blue background to it and each depicted some sort of creature or object.
      To the left; a white bird with the edges of its wings shining like a prism, a gray wolf with arcs of yellow on and around it, and a purple orca with black where one would expect white.
      To the right; a tree with brown trunk and green leaves, a silver gear with lines of green converging onto its center, and a black stone with cracks of red.
      In the center at the head of the room it depicted a serpentine creature with antlers protruding from its head, coiled around a golden orb with a black center. 
      The final thing to note was there were no other rooms in this small building. And were they to look backward, they would see no door they could've entered from. 
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