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    The site does cost money each month to upkeep. I don't sell any data, nor do I run any ads - any support you can give to help with the upkeep of things would be greatly appreciated.

    There is no max goal for this donation, nor and end point. The rough costs for the site are around 40/50 GBP each month give or take 10 either side depending on the month, there are periods at the start of the year where this does increase significantly due to renewals for the domain and SSL certificates that this site runs off.

    The site will remain active and online for as long as I can maintain it. I'm not struggling financially (at least as much as some!) and can maintain this regardless.

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    • Maybe won't get much traction, but since there is a custom format section, maybe there could also be a Retro format section, or combine the two? I only play Goat Format and modified versions of it, including my custom format Hindsight Format. I know that people are crazy about Edison Format and HAT format nowadays, too.
    • It is I, Zeppeli Gyro Supreme from YCM, using the original username from that site. On YouTube, I am necromancy4kids. I was active on YCM during my middle school and high school years and had lots of fun creating cards and just being a part of the community all those years ago. Even if, in retrospect, I was extremely cringe-worthy. I might not be extremely active here, but I do have a related project in the works which I may post about, and will definitely try to be around every so often.
    • Didn't really pick up till second half but I liked the second half a lot, 8/10
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