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    • maybe its cause I'm tired but some parts I sorta zoned out but when I zoned in I was digging it, 8/10
    • Peat surged and convulsed from the unseen psychic assault. Nate grit his teeth and his hands balled into fists, a hot and unfamiliar feeling burning in his chest. He loved every Pokémon he had ever met. He thought they all looked awesome. He wanted to know the environment they lived in, the role they played in that environment, the mythology and all the rumors that circulated around their existence. Nate had never met a Pokémon he didn’t like. Watching his beloved starter seize from a mental attack had him awfully close to not liking this one though. “Peat! Nate shouted. The Bearble turned his head toward his trainer, tongue hanging out as he struggled for breath. “Hang tough buddy. This is almost over, I promise. Just give it one more good Bubble!” Nate knew that if Bubble slowed again it might be terrible for them, but he had run through the risk assessment already. Malamar was showing signs of pain and they needed to hit it with their strongest attacks, and Peat’s Bubble was far stronger than his Scratch. Peat sucked in a deep breath and then let out a high-pitched roar in the direction of the Malamar. A loosely packed stream of bubbles flowed from his mouth, moving toward the Malamar at an angle that would intercept it before it hit Normandie.  
    • I know but know I can no longer see the image I should have archived it why are you getting mad at me!? Maybe I should have just achieved this on the wayback Machine oh well I guess no more image.
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