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    • Normandie seemed to revel in her victory, however small it may have been. There was a fire in her eyes, even more than there had been when she had leapt from her Pokéball. Quinn recalled Nathaniel’s hesitation when Quinn had introduced Normandie to the group. This had been why, had it not? Normandie had had that same fire when fending off the Rattata trying to steal her hoard of berries. Quinn was starting to understand, it had not just been a survival instinct. Normandie was a Pokémon with something to prove. In a way, Quinn was content to help facilitate that. Their goals were aligned for the most part. Quinn just hoped that would stay after they inevitably ran out of berries. As Peat’s Bubble attack struck the Malamar, it reacted in much the same way it had the first time, glowing as the bubbles clung to its shell and becoming even more jittery as it darted around evaluating its next move. Quinn almost wanted to say something to Nathaniel about avoiding using that move, but xe did not know the Bearble’s capabilities and would rather assume everybody was doing their best with what they had. In fairness, Normandie was responsible for some of the group’s consternation with that errant Tail Whip. The Malamar shot forward and slammed into Normandie before Quinn could even warn her of the attack, certainly before Normandie could get out of the way. Quinn calling out her name did nothing to block out the high-pitch squeak she let out on impact. Thankfully, Normandie recovered quickly, pushing off to break contact with the Malamar and ending up near where Quinn and Bridget were standing. Normandie looked at Quinn, and it seemed to the ghost like she gave Quinn a barely perceptible nod. Their understanding of each other had deepened if only a little bit. As the Malamar retreated to the area near the statue, Normandie’s body began to glow. Quinn did not even need to name the attack. Normandie gave chase to the Malamar, pursuing it with a speed she never showed outside of this specific attack, though Quinn supposed she never needed to. Normandie’s path was a straight line, powering through the wet marshy areas and cleaving through the grasses. When she reached the central area, she leapt into the air, her glow from her Pursuit even brighter as she closed in on her opponent. Even from so far away (though trying to move closer where should), Quinn could see Normandie’s gleaming eyes.
    • i dunno because if we were deer, we would get caught in the headlights of our own cars
    • Why are humans not deer?
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