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    The site does cost money each month to upkeep. I don't sell any data, nor do I run any ads - any support you can give to help with the upkeep of things would be greatly appreciated.

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    The site will remain active and online for as long as I can maintain it. I'm not struggling financially (at least as much as some!) and can maintain this regardless.

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    • "What did I do?" "You left me behind, that's what! Once it started raining, you sped off like it was chasing you!" Anna pointed accusingly at Nikolaos. "Anyway, one of us has to be the scape-Aquoat, and it won't be me. So it has to be you!" The girl cared not one bit about the fairness—or lack thereof—of this statement. Decision made, Anna turned around and grinned at Shawn. "Roger dodger! I won't do that again. Or at least, I'll try not to," she winked. At the boy's next words, she peered at the fallen door, bringing a finger to her mouth in thought. She had arrived too late to see how the door fell. "Huh, so it came off on its own? How spooky." She peered around the psychic. "That means the warehouse is open, though. Guess that means we should head in to get out of the rain. Not that I can get any more wet." She gestured down at her raincoat and mud-splattered knees. Without waiting for a response, Anna walked inside after Lini. "Sure wish there was a light in here, huh? Maybe you can help us out?" she turned to face the darkness. "Can you tell us where the light switch is?" She paused, as if expecting an answer, but no such thing was forthcoming. The only noise Lini and anybody else within the warehouse would hear was a faint rustling. "Huh? No answer? Are you tired?" Anna hummed in thought. "That's fine. The dark works just as well. We're going to stay here for a bit. Let us know if we bother you." The two-toned girl turned back to the group, though they wouldn't see the movement in the dark. "Come on in, gather around! Yes, I know you can't see, but follow my voice. Let's not be too loud, but normal talking tones should work, since this storm is loud enough." She waited for everybody to enter the warehouse. "Since you were all determined enough to wait for me, you've, uh, passed the test! Yes, there totally was a test, and not me, you know, running late." Anna coughed. "That's not important right now, though. It's time for introductions! I'll go first. My name is Anna, and I'm Professor Appel's assistant. I volunteered to substitute for him today to meet you all and ask you for a favor on his behalf. He's been pretty busy at the lab, so it worked out okay, I think. Weeded out some of the less worthy." The girl grinned toward where she thought Dahlia was, though it was only when the lightning flashed through the open doorway and the windows that she could make out anything more than darkness. She turned back to face forward. "How about you all? What do you call yourselves?" OOC: Post didn't take as long as I expected, since Anna already talked to most of you in your posts. So that worked out nicely. Anyway, it's introduction time! We can FINALLY learn each other's names.
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