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    Sorry for the technical difficulties ?
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    Ari was relieved that this big bad legendary guy didn't think they were bad anymore. That would've been...bad. But mainly, it was just insulting to be treated like a...a villain! Like they were Mightyena instead of Pyroar, even though none of them were either...but still. He was also relieved that Mac was talking to him now, even if it was to yell at him. It was just...weird when she was being quiet. "I'm not Kazo's fan! He's way too cool to need fans." He knew that what he was saying didn’t really make sense, but he didn’t like the way Mac was trying to put down Kazo’s awesomeness here. Zekrom then said something that completely floored the lion. No, not that they were good people. He already knew that. But what came after. About them becoming his followers. "A-are you serious?" he stammered, before recovering. The cub drew himself up. "That sounds...awesome! Does that mean I might learn to become super cool and strong like a legendary is?! Maybe as strong as Entei!" -- Easter sighed, put out at being attacked like this. "You all are ridiculous," he shook his head. Fighting small fry like this really did little more than whet his appetite...or not even that. Glancing around the battlefield, attempting to shake off the Carvanha attached to his leg, he made small analyses in his head. Denku was hit, but he's made of tougher stuff than that to go down so easily. Brooke is getting aggravated, probably because of Dora. And of course, Dora's decided to join in and fight anyway. There really wasn't much he could do about that though until he got rid of these two bottom feeders. "I guess it's time to clean house," he muttered. "I tire of you," the Sylveon said, firing a Moonblast at the Carvanha aiming a kick for him. Normally, he would've tried to avoid the attack, but his maneuverability was halved with the sucker attached to his leg. So, the next best thing was to just blast the nuisance in front of him away. -- This is dumb. So, so dumb. Why are we even here again? Oh, that's right. We're on the road to Adarid City, meeting new enemies along the way. Once again, Keanu could not help but wonder how he got dragged into messes like this. And why he even bothered moving past them. It was obvious he had been born under an unlucky star, doomed to forever get himself thrown into fight after fight. At this point, he was just starting to get resigned. He wasn't even surprised that Marie decided to stand in the way of this Lucario. She was just delusional like that. "You brahs are bad for my health," he groaned. "And I don't mean that in the sick way, but in the I'm at risk of losing my life way." It didn't matter though. No matter what he said, it couldn't change what was happening. It didn't change Marie getting slammed by that Lucario, Randy losing his temper and getting tossed around, or the fact that that very same gijinka that took down their most powerful was headed their way. The Pikachu looked at Nani. "Looks like we won't be able to keep heading along." He shook his head at the Lucario, who probably couldn't see what he was doing...or maybe he could since he seemed to know where everybody was. "I wasn't gonna fight ya, but looks like I have no choice now." He then charged an Electro Ball and sent it flying at the fighting type. Afterward, he attempted to dash away and hopefully not get hit before the Lucario got to him. The Nightmarish Terror next to him would probably be fine, since she was a ghost type and could somehow sink into people's shadows. Keanu, on the other hand, was very much both solid and squishy.
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    “I don’t know, I like rooting for underdogs,” It wasn't something Gabby really understood. She knew from watching her father that all that underdogs got was debt and trouble if they tried too hard. There were many times when he'd talk about betting on the underdog because of "higher profit" but it usually just meant they'd lose it all. The few times he won like that he'd use to justify the rest, even if it was a net negative, so Gabby had learned to not trust such things as "underdogs". But would it be rude to say that? "That is kind of you." Gabriela said. "I am sure they would appreciate your support." There was no more time to chat as some loud girl (Was she from the student council?) announced the start of the match. With a rare blue-eyes as the prize. Gabriela let out a soft "Wow." Then she coughed "u-uh, I see that the people here are motivated by wealth, interesting!" The girl jumped a bit as everyone let out a shout. "Was...that some sort of battle ritual?" She asked. Was she supposed to cheer too? It was too late now but had she made a mistake by staying silent? The best she could do now was play it off. Gabriela tried to focus on the match but there was something else on her mind. Melissa's hand. She hadn't expected this much...contact, so soon. It made her wonder what the other girl expected of the night...unless this was normal? She had no basis. And no one to ask. So she merely had to go along with what the other girl decided was appropriate. “What do you think so far?” Melissa said. “I don’t- You probably think you could take both of them, don’t you?” Gabriella usually would respond immediately. With a confident and certain "of course". That said Gabby couldn't stop herself from thinking about it more seriously. Yushiro seemed to be somewhat haphazard. He had tried to pull something off but his opponent just ended up in a positive situation anyway. That being said she wasn't sure what Hiraku was planning on doing with all those resources. As it stood... "They seem rather slow, don't you think?" Gabriela said. "It doesn't feel like either side is pressuring the other yet...Perhaps this next turn will turn things around." She paused. "Oh, and as for your question, of course! I don't think there's anyone I couldn't defeat as it stands. Well, except..." her voice trailed off. The captain. She was still unsure why he let her in the club after she lost to him. And then there was this duel. She hadn't even know it was going to be a thing...was there some other reason she was let into the club?"
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    Marie looked onward as the Lucario began to take his stance to attack. The girl didn't quite know what to do to stop him. Every part of her being told her that trying to converse any more with this man was futile. And trying to fight him was nothing short of impossible. Yet still, Marie knew that just letting him kill the legends was wrong. As Randy gave her a look, one that told her to back off as well, for once she had felt inclined to agree. As both the Lucario and Randy began to exchange words with each other, the girl tensed up even more, rooted into place as the man confirmed that he was a godslayer. A man obsessed with fighting. Fighting to prove his strength. Fighting to kill whatever he deemed worthy. Marie knew more and more that this was all just wrong. Yet still, Randy of all people seemed paralyzed in fear of the man. Keanu seemed ready to bolt, relieved they didn't have to fight them. And Nani, echoing that it was none of their business, was also ready to leave. As the girl stood there, she could feel herself start to go with the flow. However, as she thought of leaving, more popped into her head. The bloodied club of Allie, along the bloodied body of Moltress. Blake attacking and terrorizing others. Yveltal bringing him to his ultimate end. Alola, her home island, being besieged and destroyed by unknown monsters. She didn't want to see anymore of it. It was pointless and terrifying and she couldn't bring herself to stand idly by as those were strong just hurt those around her. "Please stop!" As Marie shouted these words, a burst of pink energy fired out from her mouth, striking the Lucario dead on. Marie's hands were fists, knuckles turning white from how tightly they were clenched. Every part of her body seemed to be trembling and the fear was clear in her eyes. Yet still, she stood in place saying, "I-it's never been our business...each and every time...but I still - I don't want you to hurt these people any more." The Lucario seemed to pause for a moment, before lowering his arm. "You have forty-five seconds. Go now." A wave of terror that instinctually made the young Brionne want to flee went through her as he said this. This was followed by an almost sense of relief that, despite her attack, she still had a chance to escape. Yet still, saving Moltres had never been any of their business. Stopping Blake had never been any of their business. And so, whether this was her business or not, Marie simply couldn't stand by and let this happen. Marie began to walk forward, past everyone and past Lucario. Standing in the direction that he was facing, the girl, still shaking and terrified, stood her ground against the impossible foe. "I - I - I won't let you hurt these people. So, please, stop." "Ten." The girl's heart was pounding, her hands were soaked in sweat and her breathing was rapidly increasing. Yet still, she didn't move. Looking at the powerful foe before her though, the girl couldn't help but think something. "Are...are you...lonely?" "No....three." Not paying heed to his warning Marie continued. "I met someone who was strong....But no one ever fought him and so....they never had anyone to..." As Marie was trying to stammer out her thoughts, the Lucario moved forward. While the girl could see his movements, the speed at which he moved was still far greater than anything she had ever seen, by a wide margin at that. As the distance between the two was closed in almost an instant, Marie could see the Lucario lift his leg, and she knew that it had hit her in the side. While she knew these things, though, she didn't feel any pain from the attack. Her breath was knocked out of her almost immediately. Her body felt as though it had gone limp. And there was brief period of weightlessness as her eyes went wide. The next thing Marie knew, she was hurtling through the air, being launched several dozen feet before smashing back into the ground. The girl lied there, motionless for a moment, before she suddenly could feel again. A throbbing unlike any she had ever felt before was now coursing through her gut, then entire rest of her body spasming as she regained her senses. Going into a huge coughing fit, trying to regather her breath, Marie had trouble moving any part of her body as she was trying to recover from the attack. Eventually, she managed to get one hand to hold her bruised gut as the other started to claw against the ground and turn the girl over onto her stomach. Her feet pushing against the ground, attempting to but currently failing to get her back upright, she looked back to the Lucario. Though she had just been able to witness his power first hand, and the difference between them could not be any more obvious, the young Brionne's head was currently in a whirl. She could hardly make sense of anything that she was feeling, other than pain. Yet, there still seemed to be a resolved look in her eyes as she said, "i-it was...sad...So I...-" The girl stopped as she had another coughing fit before saying, "so I told him....I'd get strong...."
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    Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. -Isaiah 43:18 (NIV) “That puts you on a higher level, in that case,” Gabriela said. Melissa wasn’t entirely sure what to make of that, but it felt and sounded nice and Gabriela was smiling so she didn’t push it more than an “Mm.” The other part, the “I’m cheering for Hiraku” part, that was something she could at least try to engage with. “I don’t know, I like rooting for underdogs,” she said. “I don’t really have a reason or anything, I guess I just like hoping.” “Um-” Melissa was about to start another thought, but whatever it was, it was interrupted by Ashley Rendleman taking the floor, her voice booming from every corner of the hall. That was a scary thought, Melissa pondered, Ashley being everywhere at once, but thankfully, she was just there to emcee. She already knew a lot of the introduction bits. Hadn’t she just talked to Gabriela all about this? But the stakes, especially the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, she hasn’t known about any of that. Should she have known? And their respective decks -- Gabriela was on the duel team with both of them, right? That was probably pertinent information that she could have looked up earlier and relayed onward, but only once Ashley had mentioned it had she even - She swallowed, and Melissa tried her best to swallow her fears down, too. It was such a nice night; it certainly wasn’t one she wanted to ruin by leaving Gabriela behind. Still, when everyone cheered “It’s time to duel!”, Melissa’s cheer was significantly quieter than all the others. But that was normal (right?). It was fine. She was fine. Melissa squeezed Gabriela’s hand a bit tighter, though she had to let it go to applaud the start of the evening’s festivities. She went back for it as soon as she could. The duel started and it was already hot as an oven. Or maybe “hot as a crucible” was more in-theme, not that either phrase deserved much comment. One question did pop up, though. “What do you think so far?” Melissa said. “I don’t- You probably think you could take both of them, don’t you?”
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    That's cool. I don't remember having any qualms with you, but regardless, you can consider this site a clean slate and start over. Anywho: Welcome to Neo Card Maker!
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