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Showing most liked content on 04/12/2022 in Posts

  1. 1 like
    Not sure how many slots are left here, but pending interest if there's one open. I'll wait for a response on if there's a slot or not before making a character sheet, so I don't end up putting in all that work just to be turned down.
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    Alois didn't meet his mother's gaze as she began to narrow her eyes at him, having something of an obviously guilty yet innocent expression on his face. Thankfully Penelope had managed to keep that situation from getting any sourer by souring the conversation in a different way. As the topic of his and the mayor's history came up, Alois's expression changed to an annoyed frown as he thought back on his time here in Phar. As his mother seemed to state the situation between him and his hoity toity lord of Phar the boy grimaced. "Yeah, well, that's the long and short of it. I've never been one much for stupid rules and he's never been one for reason, so this is just how things ended up between us. I couldn't tell you really when it all started. If anything, you could just say it's one of the town's charms its had for the past decade," the boy wryly joked. Though he had a sarcastic smile on his face it quickly broke away back to a somber look. He hadn't been certain of when all this started or what was the cause of it. But he had a good idea of why it happened, and how he was going to end all of this. "Well, I'm sure he has something to say himself," the boy added, before swiftly switching topics. "But I've had enough of that badger for one day already. So, how about you princess?" The boy smiled as he asked, "anyone you couldn't help but butt heads with back home?" Tsetseg had still stayed behind Gunther as Rocky had continued to explain himself. Given her current attitude, she gave an oddly understanding nod as he had mentioned not using dark magic but then felt bewildered by his next comment. It was true that it was stone and Tsetseg had never known stone to fly - at least in the literal sense. So it didn't make any sense to think that the stone statue was actually flying. But she had seen it with her own eyes and it was most certainly flying. Which is where the strange, presumably dark, magic had come in to play. Reorienting her thoughts, she nodded to herself, proud for not getting too confused by the Isaurian's double talk. She was snapped out of this kind of circular thinking, though, as the scaly terror of the skies had come down and looked at them. "Ah! Another another one!" The girl yelped out in surprise as, in addition to the third Isaurian, this had been the second - third? - wyvern that she had seen in one day. Her shocked expression gave one into wary annoyance as the wyvern growled at her and the others. And so Tsetseg growled back at them. Locked in a staring contest with the wyvern, Tsetseg stated, "it's a good thing you're not a goat Timmy, yup yup." She nodded to herself. Goats weren't that far off from horses after all.
  3. 1 like
  4. 1 like
    Hello will put the app here when I can, probably tomorrow knowing myself, yo "Oh, great, now I'm a Pokemon...hey what're you looking at? Keep walkin if you don't wanna throw down!"
  5. 1 like
    Hmmm, well...haven't been in a Pkmn RP since Fallen God...why the fuck not! Anthem of the Lonely
  6. 1 like
    "I was just waiting on a print but... What was a print again? Can't seem to remember... But! -Bzzzzt!- I do remember that you should only use ABS Filaments if you have a fume hood!"
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