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Everything posted by FourEyesIsAFish

  1. I'll be back again, and I'll be ritual again! Haunted Friend of the Outback Requiem
  2. never played Medabots before but I'm interested
  3. me trying to find this forum after years but forgetting the name

  4. Notes taken. I would have her objects work as foci, with each one associated with a school of magic. Otherwise, her magic will be metal-themed.
  5. So my current idea is a kobold (humans with wet noses, whiskers, and digigrade feet) who acts as an occultist from pathfinder, with different objects bringing associated with different types of magic.
  6. Now this is something right up my alley. Time to find the discord link
  7. Alright, my Yugioh rp has an interest check now. I haven’t added in anything mechanical yet, but I’ll add it tomorrow.

    Also, here’s the discord: https://discord.gg/Fvufygf

  8. Caroline King sat down on a bench in her hometown of Sydney, staring into the sea. She still couldn’t believe that she was now one of if not the best Duel Monsters players in the world. She sat down and stared at her ace card, Cyber Dragon Infinity. Her old dog could still surprise people at times. She thought about how she barely managed to win via a lucky negate of Acid Rain. But what was she supposed to do now? Her phone rang. It was from her old dueling school, Wonambi Academy. She decided to answer it, to be polite. The next day, she was heading back to Wonambi, ready to set up a new team at the school. Team Dueling was always her strong suit. Duel Monsters has evolved much over the years, turning from a small card game to a multi-trillion dollar competitive enterprise which could be called the world’s favorite game. Regulated by the World Duel Monsters Association (WDMA), Duel Monsters has become a massive sport, with thousands of new cards being processed by the WDMA per year. The whole game is open-source, but is dominated by a few corporations who print their own sets, while some teams and even players have cards designed specifically for them. Part of what makes Duel Monsters so interesting are the duelists involved. These duelists often have distinctive personalities and even more distinctive outfits, and even their monsters often have a unique flair to them. Their duel disks are often ground-breaking, with unique features corresponding to their deck built-in, and often thematically fit the deck. Wonambi Duel Academy is one of many private dueling academies that have popped up in recent years. Teaching students about various aspects of Duel Monsters, such as competitive dueling and card design. The small pool of students are traditionally divided into 4 teams, but this year, a new team has been added, started by famous duelist and alumni Caroline King. However, not everything has been going smoothly, and Caroline only has half the budget of the other teams to work with. In Yu-Gi-Oh! Evolution, you will be the students of this new class, ready to defy the odds. Caroline sure believes in you. "Let’s get to work!” -Caroline --- Discord: https://discord.gg/Fvufygf
  9. Well yes, but actually no
  10. A custom summoning mechanic.
  11. So I'm starting a yugioh RP with a custom summoning mechanic. Decided to link the discord here while I work on the ooc thread.


  12. Should I make my own Yugioh rp? Looks like a lot of people are interested in this field.

  13. Just posted my first archetype on here.

  14. Crane Curtain is an archetype of Machine-type monsters focused around tokens and ritual summoning. Each of the monsters in the archetype are themed around the mix of a bird and a piece of stagecraft (such as lights, pulley systems, etc.), and the ritual monsters are reanimated versions of these original monster cards, brought back by the sacrifice of some tokens. SPEAKING of sacrifice, I chose to do a nonstandard way of handling ritual spells, but the support is mainly the usual search and summoning stuff. Monsters: Spells and Traps:
  15. Fish or FourEyes is fine. Nice to meet you man.
  16. Haunted Friend of the Outback Also, a link to the google doc with the Crane Curtain archetype: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xd3hXUZC16GyDoSZfEdF4-IGYEL6_L9FgfmTVw0yevk/edit?usp=sharing
  17. Hey everyone! If anyone is on YCM, you may recognize me. To everyone else: hi, I'm a small-time yugioh fan.
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