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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Since Cow brought it to my attention that Dragonfly Cave finally added Gen 8 with the Home models, I went ahead and did my favorites for the entirety of the dex... In a way that's less troublesome than a massive set of tierlists. I just did top 25 + Chandelure, without repeating lines.
  2. I consult Caster privately about what he wishes to do. "I agree we aren't of much help right now... Unless we want to regroup later?"
  3. cutes and only cutes also runerigus is cool
  4. "Well, that's probably good for today. But, aside from that, the only other thing I'd like to cover is critique. More importantly, critique that isn't my own. So, Captains... feel free to chime in with your own thoughts." Within moments of Clara's statement, Charlie had put on a pair of eyeglasses and a pointer, adjusting the glasses so that a small shine came off of them. "Thank you, Miss. For Peter, you made a pretty major misplay with Maiden. You targeted her with Master's effect and sent her to the GY... But she could have used her effect at that time. You would likely have not needed to resort to Chaos MAX if you had done that. In addition, the way you play is a bit too rigid. Competitive or not, it's still a game." Turning their attention to Makoto, the captain continued, "As for Makoto, you need to relax a bit. You also misplayed at the end, though not as noticeably, and I think you realized it. You have Ancient Gear Howitzer in your deck, right? Then you could have summoned it in place of Megaton Golem to use effect damage to win the game. Fewer resources used, fewer opportunities for my cards to counter it, and so on." As suddenly as the glasses and pointer had appeared, so too did they disappear, leaving Charlie smiling at the two newbies they had dueled against. "But I do have to say you both did pretty good, overall. Lots of potential between the two of you! Terry and David, you two also did great! Though, I think our boys and our girls are both fairly similar in their flaws... So Peter, David, less rigidity! Terry, Makoto, more confidence!" Charlie smiled warmly at the new recruits as they finished their critique. "Got it?"
  5. "... Zirco, what are you doing?" Shannon spoke with authority as she and Jet arrived, "I don't think you were meant to literally punch the Duel King. Get up from there!" She knew that this wouldn't keep Kyouji from attacking back, but what else could she do? Establishing a lack of desire to fight was about the best she could do with the situation at hand. "This is absolutely brutish. We can either talk out our differences or..." She held her disk up, tilting her head with a soft smile, "Use a more civilized method. So, which is it going to be?" From behind her, Luster looked over the situation, hand on the blade at his hip.
  6. Never has a show's ending left me more unable to express how it makes me feel than Bojack Horseman.

    1. Zaziuma


      Just go with sadness and get it over with.

    2. Blake


      But I'm not sad. The feeling I'm left with is really complex.

  7. We haven't done this on NCM yet, andw e're pretty well established now... So, why not? https://www.16personalities.com Just click the link and take the test. Some of you may have old results from threads about this back on the old site or taking it in your spare time, but it's always worth it to go again. For me, I seem to have gotten a bit more... defined from the last times I took it.
  8. "did I miss anything else before coming here?" "Not really, Coach, just the first tryout. Peter here did a wonderful job!" Charlie replied to Clara and patted their junior on the head, "He's certainly a welcome addition. And then these ladies would like to go next? I figure it'll take a bit before the pizza gets here, and we have a couple volunteers, so why don't I take on... Eenie, meenie, minie... Frightfur Tiger by the toe... You!" Charlie pointed at Makoto with a grin, before sticking their right hand out for a shake. "I'm sure you already heard my name by this point... but I'm Charlie, one of your co-captains. Nice to meet you!" Charlie waited to take the girl's hand as they looked over to Terry, "Sorry about that, but you can duel next, and then we can handle the last of our new recruits. We don't exactly, uh... have space for more, as you can see."
  9.  "This has been an eye-opening experience. I'll be going now. Watch out for crazed cultists trying to sacrifice innocent lives to a who knows what kind of monstrosity. And cops. And KaibaCorp. Just... watch out in general." While the sounds outside were cause for alarm, Shannon couldn't afford to take her eyes off of the character before them. Even now, the girl seemed rather... odd. Flighty. And absolutely no help for information. Divulging too much was unwise, and, if the noises outside were anything to go by, Shannon felt that she lacked the time to pursue her. "S-S-Shannon! Need y-y-you here f-for a moment...Z-Zirco is on c-com..." Jet shouted back into the stadium's halls for Shannon to hear, before he exhaled slightly. Then he began to reply to Zirco. "Not so loud!" Shannon called back as she entered the hallway, trying to keep her voice down. "Who knows if there are any others like Alex here? Or even worse, those who actively mean us harm. If you still have Zirco on the line, tell him to give us his coordinates. We need to rendezvous. Apparently the cultists are here, too."
  10. In an instant, it was over. Charlie could only smile as the team's new recruit proved himself worthy. And as their mouse was destroyed and their life hit zero, Charlie began to collect their cards. After all, Peter didn't need to know that they threw the game, right? As the boy approached, Charlie nodded at him approvingly. Peter stuck his hand out. “Thanks for the game,” he said. “I think I can tell why they made you a captain.” He didn't know, right? No, there was no way he could. Sure, they had spent their turns showing off a bit... but a bit of showmanship didn't mean they had the outs, right? Of course not, they were just overthinking it. "Ah, well, I mostly became the captain out of necessity... They never let me play much the past few years," Charlie laughed awkwardly as they took Peter's hand to shake, their other hand rubbing the back of their head, "But I think you did a great job! A little rough around the edges at parts, but absolutely a welcome addition to the team! Don't you think, Avi?" Charlie looked to the sidelines as they clamored about pizza, shooting their partner-in-crime an approving grin, "We have a few others to get through... but with a start like that, let's get some pizza, too, huh? How's a ham and pineapple sound? Anyone else up for it?"
  11. "Let's just make sure to be quiet. So no Pink Panther."
  12. Newly Forbidden Orcust Harp Horror Thunder Dragon Colossus Ib the World Chalice Justiciar Tempest Magician Outer Entity Azathot Salamangreat Miragestallio Heavymetalfoes Electrumite Brilliant Fusion Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage! Newly Limited Danger! Nessie! Dinowrestler Pankratops Servant of Endymion True King Lithosagym, the Disaster Card of Demise Dragonic Diagram Into the Void Pot of Avarice Sekka’s Light Red Reboot Newly Semi-Limited Deep Sea Diva Tour Guide From the Underworld Mind Control Newly Unlimited Dark Armed Dragon Lady Debug Morphing Jar #2 Performage Damage Juggler Tribe-Infecting Virus Sky Striker Ace – Kagari Book of Moon The Phantom Knights’ Rank-Up-Magic Launch Solemn Warning Soul Drain
  13. Goodbye Performapal. May you rest in peace.

    1. mido9


      very "okay forget everything you knew about the old meta and play the new thing" banlist

    2. MetalSonic


      What is that new thing? Besides that rush thing.

  14. Just a heads up that this is not dead. Just waiting on more news for the rush format so that we can work on changing the section in regards to what’s on the horizon ?
  15. “Not bad, not bad…” Charlie rubbed their chin while looking at the board. They weren’t so sure that Peter would have handled everything, but he had, so… time for a little more fun. “My turn, then. Draw! Then I’ll activate the effect of Fusion Substitute in my grave! By banishing it and returning Sabre-Tooth to the Extra Deck, I get to draw 1!” Drawing the top card, Charlie glanced at it and grinned, “But the draws don’t stop there! Next I use the effect of Fluffal Wings in the grave, banishing itself and Fluffal Leo to draw a card! Then I can send Toy Vendor to the grave, and draw another!” Swiftly drawing the top two of their deck, Charlie’s hand had grown from 3 cards to 7 in the blink of an eye. And then 8? “And when Toy Vendor is sent to the grave, I get to search a Fluffal,... or Edge Imp Sabres! So I chose the latter. Then I activate Edge Imp Cotton Eater from my hand!” A pair of oddly sharp angel wings appeared on Charlie’s right, a pillar of blue light surrounding them before they opened to reveal a gaping maw, with what looked to be a bag of cotton attached to it. Red eyes glared at Peter as the blue light slowly filled the room, and the number 1 appeared beneath it. “While I control Cotton Eater as a Pendulum Scale, all Fusions I control gain 300 ATK! So why don’t we work on getting some of those out? Come back to me, Doggy!” As Fluffal Dog reappeared, it seemed to growl while Charlie picked up a card, prompting a pout from the duelist. “Aww, don’t be mean to poor Cat! It didn’t do anything wrong, it’s just cute! As is the little mouse from earlier… so let’s go, Frightfur Custom!” The trap lifted itself up, glowing bright and causing a small hamster-like rodent to appear from it, gripping a donut as a shield. At first, it squeaked cutely… but then its eyes began to glow red, a wicked, toothy grin appearing on its mouth. “A monster revived by this card is treated as a Frightfur in addition to its name. But then my mouse is soooo lonely! Let’s have him bring two more friends from the deck!” A dastardly snicker escaped the rodent as two more copies were summoned from the deck, all in defense position, though these stayed in their cute, donut-wielding form. “Then I’ll use the two that aren’t Frightfurs and the Edge Imp Sabres in my hand… to activate Polymerization!” Gripping their hands together once more, the three rose to the sky, blending together above Charlie as bright light bathed the area. “The mice and blades offer themselves to the mightiest cat! Devour them and destroy my enemies! Fusion Summon, Frightfur Tiger!” A giant tiger plush, like a blue version of a certain imaginary friend tiger, appeared on Charlie’s board, sitting harmlessly. The scissor blades suddenly tore through it from the outside, shredding through it, and even becoming limbs for the beast. It cackled wildly as its eyes began to move without reason, before locking on to Peter. “When it’s summoned, I can target cards my opponent controls equal to its materials… and destroy them! I target Twin Burst, Blue-Eyes, and your set card!” “Oh, everything I have, then?” asked Peter. “Mm, I don’t think so. My trap card, you see, is The Ultimate Creature of Destruction, which makes one of my monsters immune to effects like that. I think I’ll keep my Twin Burst Dragon around a little bit longer.” An image of Peter’s now-revealed trap appeared in front of the dragon and gleamed. Despite the carnage the Tiger was inflicting elsewhere on the board, the trap acted as a barrier, keeping the Twin Burst Dragon from harm. “By the way, if a monster does attack my dragon this turn, my trap’ll also destroy your monster. So don’t get any wild ideas.” “Oh, really? That’s some helpful info, but the other Blue-Eyes isn’t safe~” Charlie hummed softly, drawing the top card of their deck. “I also forgot to mention that Cotton Eater lets me draw a card when I fusion summon while it’s a scale. And what a draw it is! I activate Fluffal Angel in the other Pendulum Zone!” A cupid-like angel, clothed only in a white toga, appeared, cooing as the column of blue light covered its form, just like Cotton Eater. As the number 8 appeared beneath it, a light began to shine from Charlie’s graveyard. “Now, I won’t be able to summon anything but Fusions from my Extra Deck for the rest of the turn… but in exchange, I revive Fluffal Owl! Come back to the field!” As the avian appeared with a hoot once again in defense, Charlie snapped their fingers, reducing their life from 3200 to 2700. The dog on the field and a card in their hand rose up, the latter revealed to be a mass of possessed chains and car parts. “The softest creatures pack the biggest bite. The wolf now dons sheep’s clothing and tears through its foes! Fusion Summon, Frightfur Sheep!” Sounds like a motor running filled the air as the fusion yielded two disks attached to chains that pulled up a demented, stuffed sheep from the ground, a mix of baas and whirrs escaping it. “With Tiger and Cotton Eater, Frightfur Sheep gains an additional 1500 attack, giving it a total of 3500. You know what they say, you still take the damage. Oh, and my Edge Imp Chain lets me add 1 Frightfur card from my deck to my hand… So I’ll just choose this one called Reborn.” Glancing at their hand, Charlie saw their win condition. Fusion Weapon plus Frightfur Reborn would give them the damage they needed to win… But that didn’t feel very sporting. Besides, dunking on newcomers would probably only scare them off. Better to put on a show and make them feel better about themselves. “Battle! Frightfur Sheep attacks Twin Burst!” The disks began to spin fast, slicing across the twin-headed dragon’s front, causing Peter to drop from 5000 to 4500. After the damage went through, the sheep exploded, causing its disks to land in front of Charlie. “Normally, Twin Burst would banish Sheep, right? But Sheep stops you from activating effects until the end of its attack. Instead it dies to your trap’s effect... But that’s not all! Once per turn, when this sheep dies, it can revive itself with an additional 800 attack! Rise from the grave, sheepy!” The cackling amalgam rose again, taking its place next to tiger, which also had a sizable buff to its attack. Charlie then shrugged and held their hand out, grinning. “And that’ll be my turn. Let’s see you get past this.”
  16. "Friend, huh?" Sieg repeated as he sat up straight. "Been awhile since I had one of those... I don't know what I am," he admitted. "I... I was born human... grew up around other humans, made friends with humans... and then... I became... this," He motioned to himself to emphasis his point. "Like a fool, I bathed in the blood of a dragon after slaying it and became... this. Not human any more, but not a Jaeger. I think Eric called me a... Psudeo-Jaeger, or Artificial Jaeger...," He turned to look at Lopt. "So...," He paused awkwardly. "What kind of Jaeger are you?" "You're a rather honest boy, aren't you?" Lopt looked straight forward as he spoke. Certainly, this one was far more delicate than he let on earlier. More than a simple racist. "Well, as you can see by the ears on my head, I'm certainly some type of Jaeger. However, not one that humans are rather fond of, if history is anything to go by. Given that you at least were human, I hope you don't mind if I keep it a bit closer to the chest, for now. I can say that I'm rather agile, if nothing else." Small talk ensued, Lopt able to tell that his quarry was doing his best to handle it. Had he really lacked contact in that long? Prey like this seemed like fun, but Lopt felt only sorrow for the boy. Of course, he didn't show Sieg his concern, wearing a soft smile and laughing every so often. Mayhaps the wolf girl would have been a better target. The last thing he needed was sentimentality for some human fool... but what was Jekyll thinking? Was he responsible for what happened here? 25 minutes later "My, you have so much hair that they make wigs with it?" Lopt laughed genuinely, "I never expected that from all that clothing." Following the dragonslayer to the training area, he simply stepped to the side and watched. After all, why would he want to play his hand out so soon? Especially when it would be more interesting to watch what everyone else was capable of... and if Jekyll was truly sending them to their deaths.
  17. 25 signatures and you’re in for a surprise
  18. "Stealthy seems the best. I trust Caster to do what needs to be done, we can keep observing."
  19. The results of the awards are out! Thank you to everyone who voted, and I hope this can put a smile on people's faces!

  20. Alright, the votes are in! Most categories had a winner who stood out, but there were a few that had to be solved by Yui, Tormented, and myself. Not much point to droning on, so let's get to the first ever recipients of the NCM Awards! RE:Member @Yui RE:Creator @BGMキャノン RE:Writer @Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd RE:Connect @Nyx RE:Hearse @Thar RE:Public @Yui RE:Fine @Sleepy RE:Born @radio414 RE:Pair @Tormented and @Daemon the True Admin I believe Yui might post tallies for the votes soon, but it is up to whether he wants to or not. So let's give a round of applause to everyone who won an award! And fore those who voted, your 1000 point bonuses will be coming soon after the awards are given out!
  21. That's right, we've been an open site for a year now! Isn't that crazy? We've come so far in such a short amount of time... We have a card maker with updates coming steadily now, a site with a quiet, but pleasant, feel to it, and a lot to do in 2020! I can't speak for the rest of the team, but I would like to see a bit more branching out. With how relatively small our community is, there's no reason we can't try and mesh a bit more, right? No one's going to bite... unless they like that sorta thing. I dunno. Not my place to judge. Of course events will exist for this sort of thing, but outside of the status bar, it doesn't really happen that much otherwise. Even Misc kinda has its own subset? I dunno, I just wanna... make a warm environment for more people to come to and join in. I've met people and seen quite a few leave this year... but I want the people who do show up to feel like it's okay! That it's not some exclusive community! We're not just people fleeing another site now. This attempt worked, and it's still going strong. We did something great! We struck out on our own and made it! We are our own community, even if it required being reborn from the ashes. So, as we say goodbye to the year of the community's rebirth, let's look to the future with excitement and hope!
  22. "T-That...w-was amazing..." Jet slowly nodded. "...i-it's no Z-Zirco, b-but that's a-a-amazing display..." He glanced over at Alex, before back at Shannon. "S-So...w-what d-do we do now...?" It... was no Zirco? Shannon looked at the boy, doing her best to keep her face in a smile... but what in the hell did he mean by that? They had seen Zirco duel once. He had mastery of a single summoning type. She was the leade. She displayed her power in a dramatic fashion. How on earth could he not see how amazing she was? What was with him and Luster? When she went to open her mouth to challenge him, her opponent cut her off. "What you do now...?" A big wide smile spread on Alex's face. Not bothering to get back up onto her feet, the girl laughed. "That's obvious! You tell me everything. I set all this up to summon someone, but it looks like none of that was necessary at all! All I needed was to be patient and you'd show yourselves anyway! So let's start with this one. How many years were you down there?" "Down where?" Shannon turned to Alex, hands clasped behind her back, cocking her head ever so slightly, "In Cradle City? Why, my entire life. At least before I met my friend Jet and a couple others."
  23. The OP of my thread literally says "Let's embrace subjectivity". It also establishes you can have any number of reasons why you felt that way.
  24. I already made this thread ;_; All the same, I don't think anyone has to guess mine.
  25. Hey all, I posted a topic in General for just... discussing the past year in each of our lives. How things went for you. Y'know, just a place to open up, if you want to.

    I think it's a nice way to lead into NCM's second year, not to mention a new decade. ^^

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