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Summer Darj


Everything posted by Summer Darj

  1. Nitpick talking but I find the DARK/Fiend typing as bland, and it is overused after all. If it looked like a fiend I would understand, but the art looks like it could be a Machine, Cyberse, Insect, or even Psychic. Would be nice if you considered those types. Funnily enough, considering its Synchro-associated name, as a DARK/Insect is could more of less be seen as a relative to Fusion Parasite, in that this supports Synchros, while Parasite supports Fusions. That aside, I find the effect a bit too fair. Maybe I'm missing some crazy combos, but discarding to revive a Tuner, or bring back any you used for this card's Link Summon, feels too balanced when cards like Needlefiber and Isolde exist. I can see it's meant to set up for the draw of the second effect but still... IDK, really. Then again, if you are playing DARK Synchros, most likely you got cards in hand that want or don't mind beign discarded so in that sense it further assists with set-up. Speaking of the draw, IMO it doesn't really need the "except during the damage step" restriction, you can leave it out without breaking anything.
  2. Looks decent enough to me. Level 2 Tuner is good for Needlefiber plays, and the LP gains can come in handy vs. OTKs or to play more safely LP-costing effects. IMO EARTH/Fairy would be more flavorful and unique, but LIGHT/Fairy does have its perks, like support from Benten.
  3. IDK if that match-related effect would warrant this being posted in Experimentals. Meh, it should be fine here. So basically if you get FTKed, this becomes a 4000-atk beater immune to a lot of things. Close to a win condition on its own, but not totally impervious. Other than that it's a beater with variable effects. The material requirements are intriguing. On one hand, not being able to make its Fusion Summon cheaper through cards like Necro Fusion or Super Poly keeps it more of less on check.On the other, it will take any non-Token monsters, so you can make use of floaty materials to reduce the expenses. That may be too broad and generic for my tastes. Maybe make it require at least 1 Psychic monster because of its type?
  4. Seems like a counter to OTKs and maybe against monster-based burns, and could act as a watered down Maxx C since it's banned in OCG.
  5. 19. Bubonic Vermin 21. Mokey Mokey 24. Master of the Flaming Dragonswords
  6. Oh, damn right, I skipped the banishment of a "Hallo" card on hand as cost. It should be fine, yeah.
  7. Wee Witch's Apprentice art is always welcomed. Too bad the card seems situational. Should have been at least Quick-Play. EDIT: Mortschlag could be a decent Equip to run for Isolde. Stand In ought to be fun in mirror matches xD Mashoudou looks potentially relevant, could be great when going second. IDK. Also, I don't recognize the characters in the artwork at the moment. Anyone does?
  8. Are we allowed to comment here? Because I want to state the Orcust Trap looks crazy good. The Guardragon Fusion Spell got my attention too, as a kind of "Miracle Link Fusion". I find Puzzomino interesting. Seems semi-generic enough and the effect can be used to pop floaters and/or get rid of opposing threats. If only it was a Quick Effect :v
  9. Elemental HERO Volcanic Neos FIRE/Warrior/Fusion/Effect/Level 8 2900/2500 "Elemental HERO Neos" + 1 "Volcanic" monster This card gains 100 ATK for each FIRE monster in your field and GY. Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can send 1 FIRE monster from your hand or Deck to the GY, and treat it as if was sent there by the effect of "Blaze Accelerator", and if you do, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the Level of that monster x 100. If this card leaves the field: You can target up to 4 FIRE monsters in your GY, except "Elemental HERO Volcanic Neos"; return them to the Deck, and if you do, destroy monsters your opponent controls up the number of cards returned to the Deck by this effect. Next: Predaplant + Darklord
  10. Wouldn't it make more sense as a Level 9 then?
  11. This is not the 3 post Because I got ninja'd >.> 4
  12. Second chance for Trickstars, yesh! Trickstar Lilybell (Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains) Trickstar Nightshade (Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains) Trickstar Foxywitch (Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains)
  13. D.D. Sprite LIGHT/Fairy/Tuner/Effect/Level 1 0/100 You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) by banishing 1 face-up monster you control. If you Summon this way, during your next Standby Phase: Return the banished monster to the field. I have had this thing in my mind practically since its release, and through time it gets better little by little. It can make float monsters that do so when the are banished, gets Level 1 support and Needlefiber makes it better. For the longest time I wished the monster returned even if this card left the field, but maybe it's for the best as more monsters that float upon banishment are released. Also it's a D.D. monster if they ever get decent support. Oh, and it's LIGHT for chaos support I guess. Thoughts? Could it be a sleeper spicy tech in Thunder Dragons? Or does it still need more banish-floaty monsters around to get attention? Discuss.
  14. I think this actually could be fine as a realistic card, considering the powercreep and all. It's potent but also battle-reliant, and that's kind of sluggish nowadays.
  15. Seems it really cannot do anything, what a bummer >.>
  16. I don't support this. Harpie Lady clause + amazing effect makes it outclass the original Neos almost right away except for the Normal support it won't get, but as a Level 7 it barely got any decent Normal support anyway, I can only think of Summoner's Art. The effects makes it look quite abusive too: built-in way to Special Summon it that is easy to fulfill, and it grabs Neos Fusion, potentially a power card, or just Poly for less restrictive Fusion Summon or just discardable hand advantage. As if that wasn't enough, the last effect is good too, providing protection and self-recycling.
  17. Yeah, 1600 ATK is fine. In a way it actually can act as a balance factor by disabling it from being searchable by cards that grab monsters with 1500 or less ATK.
  18. So pretty much this card will at least break even if it is not destroyed on the turn it is Set? Then it's really good. I'm impressed to see a Monster Trap that can actually be relevant and is not named "The Prime Monarch" or "Shaddoll Roots" back when it was decent as a 1-of.
  19. Yeah, that should do. By the way, 1800 ATK is a bit to much for a Level 3 monster with an advantageous effect.
  20. So it's even better then. You replace the effect for an stat boost for your monster, and you get to keep this Trap.
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