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    • Updated (5/12/2024): Added Psyduck and Golduck Regional Variants along with a Regional Evolution to those forms exclusively named Wiseduck check it out here https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Wiseduck_(Pokémon)   EDIT: added a new Dragon-Type Pokémon you can see it here if you wish https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Crocdradile_(Pokémon)
    • Lotta close ones this time around. Tomorrow I'll put up round 3, but for now here's the 8 remaining games  
    • Unstoppable Force There was a reception desk just inside Battle Labs’ entrance. It had been abandoned, for reasons that were surely obvious, but even still the area’s still air was punctuated by the sound of the phone ringing. It had that classic office tone, a sharp trill that lasted for several seconds. Perhaps oddly, it took another several seconds to ring again. It oscillated between ringing and not ringing in equal measure. Past the reception desk was an open area, replete with all the things one might expect of an office space like this. There was faux plantlife, newspaper pages detailing many of Battle Labs’ achievements, some comfy chairs to wait in, and, perhaps most importantly, easy access to wherever else in Battle Labs one would like to go. There were hallways to the left and right that led to various laboratories or administrative offices, perhaps a meeting room or two, but it didn’t take access to the floor plans or some supernatural pathfinding ability to see the two elevators just ahead and/or the accompanying stairwell in the corner were the best way to find Caesar. Before Aeon (or anyone who decided that being behind the human-shaped wrecking ball was the best place to be in the conflict) could proceed any further than the entrance, however, all the lights in the area switched off. There was still light streaming in through the glass doors, but the further into Battle Labs one looked, the harder it was to see anything. Three knives flew out to Aeon’s left. They tumbled end-over-end and their aim was true unless someone did something about it. Strangely, though, the only indication that there might even be anyone over there was the new addition of three knife-shaped holes in the wall, but that would have to be investigated after the more obvious and pressing issue. Immovable Object Sibyl’s second blow to Project Rubicon’s forehead managed to break through the thing’s skin, tearing open a shadowy fist-sized gash right above the nose. As she probably expected, beneath Project Rubicon’s artificial skin was entirely unlike the flesh and blood of a human being. It appeared more like a white mesh or a hexagonal grid of tubes. That same hot steam Sibyl had encountered already blasted out of one of the tubes and into the open air. It also seemed to be knitting itself back together. For each steam blast, a few of the tubes would stretch out into the wound and reconnect, dragging the wound a bit more closed as it did so. Project Rubicon’s eyes swiveled in their sockets, searching for the puny, insolent creature that had dared to strike it twice. That was another inhuman thing about it -- its eyes moved independently of each other. It could only catch a glimpse of Sibyl where she was situated, so it had to do what it could without locking on to her position. It began to flail about. The sheer scale of Project Rubicon meant that it did not appear to be moving quickly at all, but anyone close to or attached to the thing could not help but understand the sheer distance covered with every movement. Even the action “Swaying this way and that” meant covering distances in the hundreds of meters, and Project Rubicon was doing more than just swaying. The fliers all had to scatter once again as Project Rubicon moved its head in any way it could. Twisting, turning, swinging… All of it was violent, and all of it was accompanied by a deafening roar. Whether Sibyl had managed to cling on through all this or if Project Rubicon had flung her off, it did not matter. What happened next would be the same either way. Project Rubicon ended up in a hunched-over position, looking down at the land-locked capes arranged in front of it. Its eyes glowed, and it took a deep breath. The beam just missed the main encampment, but Project Rubicon did not move to narrow down its aim. Instead, it whipped its whole body back, sending the energy outwards and away, again cutting through Scarlet City proper. The beam kept going after that. Project Rubicon continued leaning back, arching its back now as the beam collided with the far border of The Shimmer. The Shimmer rippled on impact. It dispersed the energy, yes, and remained unaffected overall even as the rest of the beam’s path erupted into flames. OOC  
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