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Everything posted by Nico

  1. @Mitcher Green I do see that there could be copyright issues, despite Viz using "Fly Me to the Moon" for the manga release. There could be issues with different mediums, but it is strange.
  2. Does anyone read any of the newer Jump manga?

    I kind of wanted to see if there could be even slight discussions on that (possibly TOC rankings if anyone is interested, but I wouldn't know where to find the actual source rather than the few places I see post the results), but the oldest still running I follow is Black Clover. Though there was a thread for that, I haven't seen half the posters in a while.
    I kind of wanted to see if there could be even slight discussions on that (possibly TOC rankings if anyone is interested, but I wouldn't know where to find the actual source rather than the few places I see post the results), but the oldest still running I follow is Black Clover. Though, judging by the fact that there even was a thread for that, if I'm dedicated enough, it might work again. Especially with recent happenings.
    I kind of wanted to see if there could be even slight discussions on that (possibly TOC rankings if anyone is interested, but I wouldn't know where to find the actual source rather than the few places I see post the results), but the oldest still running I follow is Black Clover. Though, judging by the fact that there even was a thread for that, if I'm dedicated enough, it might work again. Especially with recent happenings.I kind of wanted to see if there could be even slight discussions on that (possibly TOC rankings if anyone is interested, but I wouldn't know where to find the actual source rather than the few places I see post the results),

    There are no spoilers, I'm just not a concise person & don't want a huge status.

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      Only manga I keep up with are MHA, MHA Vigilantes, and Jojolion.

    2. Nico


      I used to at least keep up with Manga Plus's reissue of Battle Tendency, but that I got behind on. At least I started DIU anime.

  3. They would so be missing out if they don't include Haruka, Kanata's imouto, in at least a single shot type scene ala Demon Lord, Retry! (said scene was Tahara's imouto as well, for crying out loud!). They made her design years ago, and I was starting to feel cheated out of imouto powah until I realized she did appear in the ALL STARS app. I just like the character interactions in that way more than the previous game, so I hope that with the additional idols being developed, she would be a fairly high priority thought for that. I mean Episode 3 Oh, right, the Love Live. Of course the anime would include that, so that's they're way of not including the previous groups. Trading out the more celebratory School Idol Festival for a competition that (game spoilers)
  4. I recently remembered the YCM thread that was something like this, so I don't really have to think about it. Simply put, a lion in a black void when I was a real little one. It's one of the only dreams I remember, period and yeah, I heard a roar to force me a scream in the middle of the night. Fairly boring, but all I have, really.
  5. Get off your high horse, it's holy rabbit around these parts. ? Episode 2
  6. Episode 2 Well, we know someone's in denial~ Also, please tell me the compatriot is the other alien in a spacesuit named Yashiro from Denpa Onna, the author's other series.
  7. Episode 3 I too did not expect a shokugeki! So Hata-sensei still references stuff, that's awesome to see. Kouhai is lewder better than the wife. Next episode preview:
  8. Oh yeah, also, it's quite funny to me that Avan's hair is the way it is now, when it did look more fitting of a hero back then (either that, or the "flashback" was more of an "artists rendition"). He looks like a damn judge. Episode 3 lol this time the gargoyles are literally A & B instead of differently coloured clothes. Oh Popp, you'll get there. Though you really should take the special hard course...
  9. Episode 2 Yeah, rando isekai. I was wondering why she seemed so at home in the bear suit in the first ep if it takes place before rando isekai (I mean it did show that it was just the game), if she's now supposed to be all surprised the suit is on her. Then I realize that she was using a completely different avatar to her real body, so the first ep couldn't have been before the rando isekai, except it showed her in and out of the game... Gonna make the first ep pretty contradictory and not very telling of what the show is actually like. Or they just didn't tell us they were overlaying something from later right before what is actually the beginning of the series, which I can def fault them for. Still super coolute, though.
  10. Heh, already being dropouts essentially in the standard 4-koma dormitory is a new one. Feels like a good ol' blend of that kinda stuff and what do ya know, pretty similar to Love Live. Kinda funny with Love Live itself dialing it back this time around. Poor Pink Haired MC #26 just can't catch a break, Ino-chan. Also, I wonder if Hayu ever went to Canada.
  11. Wow. Suteki. This episode was gorgeous, I don't remember GochiUsa looking quite this good. It carried a whole Cocoa and Chino on its back! Actually, I don't recall paying as much attention to the backgrounds before, they were probably all really pretty. Guess it's just opening scenes can really jump out at you. Though, it's seriously already shaping up to be better than ever! I love the series, and I originally didn't think that much of the first season, besides it being pretty fun.
  12. I'm all alone trying to reinvigorate teh animanga section...



    1. LordCowCow


      Sorry I can't comment much on those since I'm not watching any of them >.>

  13. Episode 2 Prez is sure harsher in this, letting another club use the clubroom so damn, Kasumin couldn't really safeguard it. This definitely makes more sense, haha. Sure got busted though, Cutest♡GirlCutest♡GirlCutest♡GirlCutest♡GirlCutest♡GirlCutest♡GirlCutest♡GirlCutest♡Girl what an apt title for the episode, yesh.
  14. Episode 2 Do not even with this "Fire!" business. Makes her feel like a female Rekka Hoshimiya... spoilerz for Fire Force:
  15. Hehe, I prefer ping pong, myself. Also, if only Adachi saw Hino fondling the sugoi dekais so she knew there was nothing to worry about. I've been reading that this is very slow paced, even for the romantic interactions, so I dunno how enjoyable I'd personally find it compared to some things, but it's good so far. I enjoy them just hanging out. But in that regard, I'd prefer a Yuru Yuri or a... ahem... Slow Start.
  16. Episode 2 is here! But you're married. It's just a life saving excuse to get to know each other better. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Never before have a seen such a spontaneous marriage start off so purely.
  17. Maruyama Aya is a funny YouTuber.

    1. LordCowCow


      Wait hol' up, what?

    2. Nico
    3. LordCowCow


      That's adorable omg

      Aya is my second favorite tbh

  18. Another thing of note, the first episode sure did cut out that foot fetish scene. Episode 2 Killing Machine looking a bit more modern, nice. Definitely quicker pacing now like I thought, they don't want to be spending the same amount of time to get to where the old anime left off and then not be able to get further again. Ah Popp! The best part of this series, coming to Dai.
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